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Super Metroid Advance

Started by FlamingCobra, February 15, 2012, 05:30:51 PM

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What do you mean by 0x2000?

ok, let's do this the easy way. There's a web page that lets me convert hex to dec and vice versa.

so if i convert the width and height from hex to dec, then
w x h < ?
width x height must be less than what whole number?

it'd be nice if you could explain what all that 0x#### stuff is.

that multiplication thing doesnt help me with standard room sizes, although i think one block on the map = 13 (dec) tiles. so i can size in increments of 13 (dec) and then use the converter to get hex.


it would be really nice if you could add a dotted line every thirteen blocks. This would make a grid on the editor that tells me when the map will shift.
Thatg would be really useful because sometimes i end up with a vertical shaft halfway between two blocks on the map, which is wrong.

make it so that blocks on the minimap are represented by dotted lines in the editor.


Quote from: FlamingCobra on February 29, 2012, 10:00:14 AM
What do you mean by 0x2000?
0x1234 is a hexadecimal notation, generally used in C-style languages. It is the same as $1234, 1234h, or &h1234.

0x2000 = 8192.

At 2 bytes per tile, a square room should go up to $40 x $40 tiles ($40 * $40 * 2 = $2000 or 64 * 64 * 2 = 8192), unless there's something I'm missing here, which is entirely possible since I don't know anything about hacking MZM.


I still don't understand how 0x2000 = 8192

And I don't understand how 0x#### is a hexadecimal notation. It looks nothing like the base 16 I'm used to.


Open up windows calculator

Go to scientific mode if you're on winxp

Programmer is on win7/vista

put in hex 2000
then switch to decimal and you get 8192!


yeah i just found out that today. Thanks anyway, inter. ツ
But the point was........... I don't understand the significance of the 0x part.

I've just released the first demo/IPS patch. You can download it from the first post of this topic. I'm eager to get feedback from you all, esp. interdpth b/c he made DH and he knows just how powerful it is but he also realizes it has shortcomings.


played this and have some bad news... look at the am2r topic for all the pics and such.
(gimme a sec to post it tho)

i noticed that you can enter norfair, but VBA got real laggy when i did.

also noticed that you can enter brinstar, but it isn't tiled.

was playing around with some action replay and codebreaker codes and noticed that somehow the game went back to regular MZM.
like, fresh copy of MZM, no hacks, nothing. weirdest fucking moment ever.

do not ask me how it did that though.  :pwuh:

anyway, pics are in the other topic (once i get them up.)

looks good so far, but needs some major tweaking.


yea i decided not to tile brinstar because i dont have a proper tileset for it and if i tried to use the existing tileset and then switch it everything would look weird and id have to place most tiles by hand again. but those blue tiles always stay in the same place on most tilesets, so they should stay the same.

VBA never gets laggy for me in norfair.

I've included a text file with all the codebreaker codes you could possibly need for this game. Unless you try to play through all of zero mission as only zero suit samus. then you'll need about 100 more codebreaker codes. and then you still might not can do it.

so.......... try again?


Quote from: FlamingCobra on March 01, 2012, 09:49:39 PM
yea i decided not to tile brinstar because i dont have a proper tileset for it and if i tried to use the existing tileset and then switch it everything would look weird and id have to place most tiles by hand again. but those blue tiles always stay in the same place on most tilesets, so they should stay the same.

VBA never gets laggy for me in norfair.

I've included a text file with all the codebreaker codes you could possibly need for this game. Unless you try to play through all of zero mission as only zero suit samus. then you'll need about 100 more codebreaker codes. and then you still might not can do it.

so.......... try again?
i could care less about zero suit samus.  :lol: thanks for the codes though.
i'll be sure to do my first playthrough without them. to preserve.... honor? xD


inter, I found a patch that adds new clipdata to ZM, but I need a new clipdata that it doesn't have.

"Power Bomb Block"

All I can find is "Power Bomb Block X"


Quote from: FlamingCobra on March 01, 2012, 08:39:32 PM
But the point was........... I don't understand the significance of the 0x part.
It's just notation, like how html color codes are always prefixed with #, i.e. #123ABC



First of all, I managed to import a background today.

Lies; Theory; Conjecture; Conspiracy; Propaganda.

You DO have to use (win)grit, because DH asks for a .img.bin file, a .pal.bin file, and a .map.bin file, so that "usenti" thing you directed me to? Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.................. that don't help.

So, continuing with my story, I managed to import a background, but the quality was all messed up, but I've already given up on having the image exactly like I want it (even though my image only has 16 colors). It still didn't work because apparently it 'has too many unique tiles'. So i messed around with some settings on wingrit some more, and the quality got reduced even further and the image looks like total crap, but DH accepted it.

So I went to test it out in game and this happened:
(old pic from previous post)
Except it was a hundred times worse. The whole screen was covered in random tiles and you couldn't see ANYTHING!

All of my self confidence has been destroyed, and I'm about ready to give up.

Second, I would like a tileset importer and it would be nice if you provided step-by-step, click-by-click instructions for how to use it. Or an internet shortcut linking to a youtube video demonstrating how to use it.

Third, poke is asking you to fix GeneSplicer.

I can use a hex editor and copy Tourian9's BG3 and paste it on top of Crateria2's BG3.

Would that work?



i simply don't have the time to dedicate time to it.


BEHOLD! The background you see would not have been possible if it were not for interdpth's divine intervention!

EDIT: Ok, turns out Old DH crashes whenever you try to go to a room where you have changed the BG3 layer.



I had to expand the ROM. you could have warned me about that.


that bg is sick, is that from ZM??


I would imagine it's not from ZM, as he's imported it into ZM.



Quote from: interdpth on March 12, 2012, 05:56:33 PM
I believe it's from Fusion
Yer.  Pretty sure it's the scrap heap background when you fight Nightmare.


Lies. Slander. Propaganda. Conspiracy!

You're all wrong!
This background came from Zero Mission, although I had to edit it slightly. That is the background used in Mother Brain's room in the Tourian after it blows up.

In fact, the room in the pic is where I almost exactly copied that room tile by tile.

The reason I had to import that background is because interdpth wouldn't tell me how to copy the background from one room and paste it into another. I'd be willing to do that, even if it required using a hex editor.

interdpth, since DoubleHelix only allows me to make a certain number of edits to the ROM because you wrote it the way you did, and I know you're not willing to rewrite the code, I have a request/question or two.

If I get to the point where I can't make any more edits, even after having expanded the ROM, and I had to start over...
if you finished the room exporter/importer, would importing a room count as one (1) edit? (my diction really isn't the best. I hope you could understand what I said.)

If you can't finish the room exporter/importer, can you at least make it so I can save a clipboard to a file so I can open it up in another DH and quickly paste in the level data?

Even though you are not willing to make a tileset importer, can I still change the tilesets with Tile Layer Pro?


Quote from: FlamingCobra on March 13, 2012, 10:35:56 AM
Lies. Slander. Propaganda. Conspiracy!

You're all wrong!
This background came from Zero Mission, although I had to edit it slightly. That is the background used in Mother Brain's room in the Tourian after it blows up.

In fact, the room in the pic is where I almost exactly copied that room tile by tile.

The reason I had to import that background is because interdpth wouldn't tell me how to copy the background from one room and paste it into another. I'd be willing to do that, even if it required using a hex editor.

interdpth, since DoubleHelix only allows me to make a certain number of edits to the ROM because you wrote it the way you did, and I know you're not willing to rewrite the code, I have a request/question or two.

If I get to the point where I can't make any more edits, even after having expanded the ROM, and I had to start over...
if you finished the room exporter/importer, would importing a room count as one (1) edit? (my diction really isn't the best. I hope you could understand what I said.)

If you can't finish the room exporter/importer, can you at least make it so I can save a clipboard to a file so I can open it up in another DH and quickly paste in the level data?

Even though you are not willing to make a tileset importer, can I still change the tilesets with Tile Layer Pro?
1. Repoint the addresses. I'll explain this this weekend if I'm on
2. I'm willing to fix bugs, but not rewrite it, and what number of certain edits?
3. I'm actually working on the importer exporter and now I'm high
4. I may be able to teach you about that!


Can't we just communicate via text messages?

I'm bored enough in school as it is.


Hacking? On a phone? Do people not use phones for actual phoning anymore?


Of course people use phones for actual phoning, didn't you see him talking about text messaging?



metconst never fails to make me laugh.

on a side note- i just got the dethphone ringtone on my ipod and i'm hearing it for every reply here. xD