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(Problem Solved!)SM: Phazon/Eris won't start?

Started by SigSauer, January 26, 2012, 07:07:59 PM

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I'm using ZSnes right now, and I've tried both 'hard' and 'soft' patching my Super Metroid ROM with the Phazon hack. Every time I open it through ZSnes, the emulator gets past the Nintendo logo, and just crashes. I was wondering if anybody had any fixes or ideas about what's going on? Could I be using a headered/nonheadered ROM? And if so, what does that mean, and how do I go about correcting it (I hear talk that I could do this through SMILE, but I have no idea how)? Any help would be really appreciated, as I'm really itching to play Phazon.

On another note, Eris won't seem to start, either. I run it on ZSNes, and I see a really 'blocky' still frame of the first frame to play in Super Metroid's opening sequence before the title appears. I can hear the music playing like normal, and the emulator doesn't crash no matter how long I leave it open for, with the music playing all the while. I figure it has something to do with my ROM.


Phazon is for unheadered, Eris is for headered. Load up your ROM in SMILE, and go to Tools -> Header. Also keep in mind that the header is 512 bytes in length; an unheadered rom is 3,145,728 bytes in length (headered, of course, is 3,146,240 bytes.) You may want to check how clean your ROM is as well.


Thanks, I'll try and see what I can do, no doubt it works, but I'm sure I'll manage to muck something up doing this. So, if my ROM is unheadered, I want to add a header to it? What exactly is a header, and what information does it contain? Do all headers have some kind of universal information put in them? Or are they all unique and something I'll have to figure out how to do?

EDIT: Haha, thanks, that worked perfectly! I figured a header was some kind of string of information or code or something other that I'd have to go in and change a bunch of values for...