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Re: SM: Blood (opened)

Started by X-tradyte, May 28, 2011, 03:07:37 PM

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Quote from: DarkSamus on June 13, 2011, 02:48:18 PM
EDIT3: Hey, can I change the door palettes, so the colors will match beam/suit?

Yes.  Whatever you have to do to make things fit.  After all, I've kind of promoted you to captain!

Others working-Workers
Others uninvolved-spectators[/spoiler]


Lol. XD okay than. I'll just do that. Anything else on your mind that you'd like me to change? I'll upload a video on youtube of the suits and beam.

EDIT: Oh, btw I changed the word Spazer into Blood Beam, Because I didn't want two red doors.


Quote from: DarkSamus on June 13, 2011, 06:17:25 PM
Lol. XD okay than. I'll just do that. Anything else on your mind that you'd like me to change? I'll upload a video on youtube of the suits and beam.
I will let you know.  I would like to let you know that I'm trying to take advantage of my physics change (no momentum lost from landing from a jump or fall).  So just keep that in mind.  And once you're done with everything, an ips would be dandy.  Cannot wait to watch the video.  post a link here to it.


Okay. And KT...I changed the Landing site up,(I fixed all the errors) If you want, I can do Paletting too.


Quote from: DarkSamus on June 13, 2011, 06:27:41 PM
Okay. And KT...I changed the Landing site up,(I fixed all the errors) If you want, I can do Paletting too.

Wow, you're on fire aren't you?  Well, I do want the palette I'm using for crateria to still have a blue bg instead of the red one it has.  I also need the black brinstar set to look better.  So I would not object to you fixing that up.

EDIT:  I just remembered, I want Ridley looking darker/browner like in Fusion.


If you want, I could do some work on some rooms if you want... just PM me the details of what you would want.


Up to KT on this one, I don'r know what ones are left for High prior, I guess you'll work on low prior instead...


Quote from: Webber1900 on June 13, 2011, 06:54:29 PM
If you want, I could do some work on some rooms if you want... just PM me the details of what you would want.

Can you work on rooms
B656 -->GreenBrinstar
and maybe B07A -->GreenBrinstar

That would be just dandy.  I'm going to update the REAMDE file when I have DarkSamus's updates.

Quote from: DarkSamus on June 13, 2011, 07:02:45 PM
KT, You'll have those when the video is uploaded. I'll get it up as soon as I get the custom graphics for the items. I have X-ray visor done. Yes, I said Visor, not Scope.

HELL YEAH, keep it up.


KT, You'll have those when the video is uploaded. I'll get it up as soon as I get the custom graphics for the items. I have X-ray visor done. Yes, I said Visor, not Scope.

I have the video done, and I will privately give KT the ips patch. Happy hacking everyone ;)

Super Metroid Blood - Different suits & beams

EDIT: Hey, KT, may I have the honors of doing the full Wrecked ship?


Like I said, just send a PM (personal Message) all the things I need to work on and I will post here my progress.


Quote from: DarkSamus on June 13, 2011, 02:26:24 PM
you, if you'd like. Also, do you want me to upload img's of the rooms?

EDIT: Fof, I'm giving you high prior rooms. Rooms D055, and A815. Go to it, man ;)

I'm sorry, but I'm having computer issues at the moment, and won't be able to fulfill my end of the bargain. Possibly just reassign the rooms to Webber, or whomever. Again, my apologies.


I am stepping up to 9FBA, AA0E, and ADAD


They are much better when you can see the enemies and PLMs.
Uploaded with[/spoiler]

I am stepping up to AE07, B2DA, and D104.

Took a lot of hard work, and there is a gate in the middle, as well as water in this room.

not much different from the original.  Turned a gate around and changed the direction of a door.

The door going down leads to Crocomire.[/spoiler]

I am trying to get room 95FF to stop crashing.  i believe it's a problem with the enemies pointer, but I have not been successful in anything I've tried.

Speaking of Crocomire, I need someone to please turn him and his room into icy and snowy pallettes.  DarkSamus might do this, but he's also busy with Death Ship (wrecked ship).


That is somewhat bland. Slopes are too gradual, room is a bit too square. Good frame, though. If you revise and re-edit this, it would be pretty ok.


Is it too late to join the effort?  I may or may not be interested in working on this.


It's never too late, You can work on three rooms. 9E11, 9D19 and 9F8C. Have fun, Phazar :)


Here is room B656:


Will post a video of it soon...


Dude. that room, is like..amazing..


Quote from: Webber1900 on June 15, 2011, 12:39:46 AM
Here is room B656:


Will post a video of it soon...
Buckets. I need more buckets for the massive eyegasm I'm having


Quote from: Webber1900 on June 15, 2011, 12:39:46 AM
Here is room B656:


Will post a video of it soon...

. . . A, a, amazing.



Quote from: DarkSamus on June 14, 2011, 08:10:23 PM
It's never too late, You can work on three rooms. 9E11, 9D19 and 9F8C. Have fun, Phazar :)

I just checked, and 9f8c does not exist.  I have no idea how that number got there.  Instead, D0B9 needs editing.  Have as much fun with d0b9 (needs changing to norfair tiles).  I kind of want this room to be made up of narrow shafts and halls.

DarkSamus is right.  9F8C should be 948C.


lol, Maybe you got it mixed up with 948C? either way, it's not your fault. Dun worry brah. ;)


Draconis Kenjishiya

Well, I very much like what's been done so far...and I'd be up for making a room or two if they're still available. I just would need to know tilesets and PLMs and what I have to make in particular, bladdy blah, but I think you said something about PMings so I'll just leave it to that.


Actually Draconis, PM's aren't really needed, as we can tell you what rooms to do on the forum.  what you need to be changed is in the README, and if it says "green brinstar, upper norfair, lower norfair, etc.." then thats the area it's in, and you shall change the map if needed.

Thats just about it...


DarkSamus, do you really need to make every other post yours?  IMO this conversation would be better suited to IRC instead of two people/one recurring person talking back and forth throughout the whole thread.