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[SM] Super Metroid : Depths of Oblivion (BigDomio hack)

Started by BigDomino, December 22, 2011, 09:55:52 PM

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I am BigDomino and some of you already know me from the "Great Met. Const. Collaboration Hunt" thread.
(by advance, forgive my bad English and feel free to correct me)

I decided to submit my hack in progress to the community.
This thread is the place for me to share my work & ideas with the hope that experienced hackers opinion could be of benefit to my own progression.
In the other hand, I hope my info and stuff could be useful for other peoples.

I started working on a hack about 2 years ago.
Since the very beginning, I planned to do a full size game... and started to make rooms with the basic knowledge I can grab in general faq, in forums, etc.

With time and experience, I come to the fact that my map was to linear, difficulties and action sequences were not always good balanced, level design of my first rooms seem outdated...
So, 3 month ago, I decided to restart a "new" hack based on a different map, saving about 40 % of the rooms already made.
It was the opportunity to implement new changes, new gfx, etc... upstream of the level design.

Until now, I eluded the question of the storyline and title.
The global refection involving general map design, background of the story, and how much time I plan to spend in various gfx editing where determinant.

This hack will be a parallel story, independent of the saga.
It is called "Super Metroid - Depths of Oblivion"

Synopsis :
The galactic community appoint Samus Aran, bounty hunter, for a reconnaissance mission on planet GL 581 g where was established the PSCEMR (Planetary Study Center for Energetic and Mining Resources), a gigantic laboratory built 900 meter under the ground with which the galactic confederation has suddenly and mysteriously lost contact ...
Samus start her inquiry on this hostile planet, without knowing the path she is following lead to places  where terror and death reign over, far under the ground, in the unfathomable depths of Oblivion.

As the saying goes: "a picture is worth a thousand words"
(Deeper explanations will be added soon and this topic will be updated and enhanced in the next day.

1) Sketches :

1.A) Sketches of rooms and map :

1.B) Sketches for new gfx :

2) Samus ship redesigned :

2.A) Step by step :

2.B) Final version :

2.C) Ship landing and new doors video :
[spoiler] [/spoiler]

2.D) How to edit the ship tilemap to make it work :

The new ship don't fit to the current template :
-> Tilemap have to be changed.

Into the ROM:

Ingame (basic):

Ingame (modified):

RAM byte found with RAM-Watch at 7E0F92 - 7E0F93

Ennemi 00 : D07F (non responsive - all variables set to 0000) : Samus ship upper part

-> RAM byte at 7E0F92: 16 (low)
-> RAM byte at 7E0F93: A6 (high)
-> Bank: A2 (according to smile species editor)
-> Pointer to tilemap general pointer: $A2:A616 (loRom) -> $11:2616 (PC)
-> Tilemap general pointer located at $11:2616 (PC) is : 01 00 ; 81 AD
-> i.e. display during 00 01 frame the animation located at $A2:AD 81 (loRom) -> $11:2D81 (PC)

     12 00                 ;  $# 0012 groups of 2x2 tiles of 8x8 pixels to load
     01 C2 FE 20 7F   ;
     11 C2 FE 0E 7F   ;
     21 C2 FE 0C 7F   ;
     31 C2 FE 0A 7F   ;
     41 C2 FE 08 7F   ;

     01 C2 EE 06 7F   ;
     11 C2 EE 04 7F   ;
     21 C2 EE 02 7F   ;
     31 C2 EE 00 7F   ;

Then come the symmetrical replica (right half of the ship)

     F1 C3 FE 20 3F   ;
     E1 C3 FE 0E 3F   ;
     D1 C3 FE 0C 3F   ;
     C1 C3 FE 0A 3F   ;
     B1 C3 FE 08 3F   ;

     F1 C3 EE 06 3F   ;
     E1 C3 EE 04 3F   ;
     D1 C3 EE 02 3F   ;
     C1 C3 EE 00 3F   ;

Tiles are located at : $AD:B600 (loRom) -> $16:B600 (PC)

Ennemi 01 : D0BF (non responsive - all variable set to 0000) : Samus ship lower part

-> RAM byte at 7E0F92: 1C (low)
-> RAM byte at 7E0F93: A6 (high)
-> Bank: A2 (according to smile species editor)
-> Pointer to tilemap general pointer: $A2:A61C (loRom) -> $11:261C (PC)
-> Tilemap general pointer located at $11:261C (PC) is : 01 00 ; DD AD
-> i.e. display during 00 01 frame the animation located at $A2:AD DD (loRom) -> $11:2DDD (PC)

     22 00                ;  $# 0022 groups of 2x2 tiles of 8x8 pixels to load
     01 C2 06 62 7F   ;
     11 C2 06 60 7F   ;
     21 C2 06 4E 7F   ;
     31 C2 06 4C 7F   ;
     41 C2 06 4A 7F   ;
     01 C2 F6 48 7F   ;
     11 C2 F6 46 7F   ;
     21 C2 F6 44 7F   ;
     31 C2 F6 42 7F   ;
     41 C2 F6 40 7F   ;
     51 C2 F6 2E 7F   ;
     01 C2 E6 2C 7F   ;
     11 C2 E6 2A 7F   ;
     21 C2 E6 28 7F   ;
     31 C2 E6 26 7F   ;
     41 C2 E6 24 7F   ;
     51 C2 E6 22 7F   ;

Then come the symmetrical replica (right half of the ship)

     F1 C3 06 62 3F   ;
     E1 C3 06 60 3F   ;
     D1 C3 06 4E 3F   ;
     C1 C3 06 4C 3F   ;
     B1 C3 06 4A 3F   ;
     F1 C3 F6 48 3F   ;
     E1 C3 F6 46 3F   ;
     D1 C3 F6 44 3F   ;
     C1 C3 F6 42 3F   ;
     B1 C3 F6 40 3F   ;
     A1 C3 F6 2E 3F   ;
     F1 C3 E6 2C 3F   ;
     E1 C3 E6 2A 3F   ;
     D1 C3 E6 28 3F   ;
     C1 C3 E6 26 3F   ;
     B1 C3 E6 24 3F   ;

Tiles are located at : $AD:B600 (loRom) -> $16:B600 (PC)

Ennemi 02 : D0BF (non responsive - Speed 2=0001) : Gate animation

-> RAM byte at 7E0F92: 0E (low)
-> RAM byte at 7E0F93: A6 (high)
-> Bank: A2 (according to smile species editor)
-> Pointer to tilemap general pointer: $A2:A60E (loRom) -> $11:260E (PC)
-> Tilemap general pointer located at $11:260E (PC) is : 08 00 ; DD AF
-> i.e. display during 00 08 frame the animation located at $A2:AF DD (loRom) -> $11:2FDD (PC)

    04 00                 ;  $# 0004 groups of 1x1 tiles of 8x8 pixels to load
    00 00 F8 65 7F
    08 00 F8 64 7F

Then come the symmetrical replica (right half of the gate)

    F8 01 F8 65 3F
    F0 01 F8 64 3F

Tiles are located at : $AD:B600 (loRom) -> $16:B600 (PC)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Modification to do:

Enemy D0BF :
                                   X               Y     tile                                   X               Y     tile        .
-  Group of tile n°2E  =>   51  C2  F6  2E  7F   modified : 51  C2  D6  2E  7F  (byte 112E13)
-  Group of tile n°4C  =>   31  C2  06  4C  7F  modified : 41  C2  C6  4C  7F (bytes 112DEE & 112DF0)
-  Group of tile n°2E  =>   A1  C3  F6   2E  3F  modified : A1  C3  D6  2E  3F (byte 112E68)
-  Group of tile n°4C  =>   C1  C3  06  4C  3F  modified : B1  C3  C6  4C  3F (bytes 112E43 & 112E45)

3) New CRE gfx :

3.A) New CRE gfx in Tile Layer Pro :

3.B) New CRE - Example of construction ingame :

3.C) The CRE Tile Table (look at the door gfx !)


3.D) How to save 24 place in the CRE TTB tanks to door gfx and tilemap modification :
[spoiler]  PLM C85A  :  Yellow door facing left   [ 247B1  |  24014 ]

- Header located at  $84:C8 5A (lorom) →  $02:48 5A (PC)
- Code: [B1 C7]  [14 C0]  [FD BF]
- Animation codes start at $84:BF FD (lorom) →  $02:3F FD (PC)

02 00 77 A6 02 00 8B A7 19 8C 08 02 00 7F A7 02 00 73 A7 01 00 67 A7 72 8A B1 C4 24 8A 2A C0 C1 86 26 BD 01 00 67 A7 B4 86 24 87 24 C0 91 8A 01 4B C0 03 00 B3 A9 04 00 67 A7 03 00 B3 A9 04 00 67 A7 03 00 B3 A9 04 00 67 A7 24 87 24 C0 19 8C 07 04 00 73 A7 04 00 7F A7 04 00 8B A7 5C 00 77 A6 BC 86  [next PLM data...]

Closing door animation:
02 00 77 A6 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A6 77 (lorom) → $02:26 77 (PC)
   04 80 82 00 A2 00 A2 08 82 08 00 00    →    no change (door wide open)

02 00 8B A7 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A7 8B (lorom) → $02:27 8B (PC)
   04 80 03 80 23 00 23 08 03 88 00 00    →    replace with: 04 80 0F 80 23 00 23 08 0F 88 00 00 ok

02 00 7F A7 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A7 7F (lorom) → $02:27 7F (PC)
   04 80 02 80 22 80 22 88 02 88 00 00    →    replace with: 04 80 0E 80 22 80 22 88 0E 88 00 00 ok

02 00 73 A7 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A7 73 (lorom) → $02:27 73 (PC)
   04 80 01 80 21 80 21 88 01 88 00 00    →    replace with: 04 80 0D 80 21 80 21 88 0D 88 00 00 ok

01 00 67 A7 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A7 67 (lorom) → $02:27 67 (PC)
   04 80 00 C0 20 D0 20 D8 00 D8 00 00    →    replace with: 04 80 0C C0 20 D0 20 D8 0C D8 00 00 ok

Closed door:
01 00 67 A7 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A7 67 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

Knocked door animation:
03 00 B3 A9 → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:A9 B3 (lorom) → $02:29 B3 (PC)
   04 80 0C C0 2C D0 2C D8 0C D8 00 00    →    no change (closed blue door original model)

04 00 67 A7 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A7 67 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

03 00 B3 A9 → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:A9 B3 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

04 00 67 A7 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A7 67 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

03 00 B3 A9 → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:A9 B3 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

04 00 67 A7 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A7 67 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

Opening door animation:
04 00 73 A7 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A7 73 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

04 00 7F A7 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A7 7F (lorom)
   = Already processed...

04 00 8B A7 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A7 8B (lorom)
   = Already processed...

5C 00 77 A6 → display during 005C frame gfx located at $84:A6 77 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

   PLM C860  :  Yellow door facing right   [ 247B1  |  24077 ]

- Header located at  $84:C8 60 (lorom) →  $02:48 60 (PC)
- Code: [B1 C7]  [77 C0]  [60 C0]
- Animation codes start at $84:C0 60 (lorom) →  $02:40 60 (PC)

02 00 83 A6 02 00 BB A7 19 8C 08 02 00 AF A7 02 00 A3 A7 01 00 97 A7 72 8A E2 C4 24 8A 8D C0 C1 86 26 BD 01 00 97 A7 B4 86 24 87 87 C0 91 8A 01 AE C0 03 00 EF A9 04 00 97 A7 03 00 EF A9 04 00 97 A7 03 00 EF A9 04 00 97 A7 24 87 87 C0 19 8C 07 06 00 A3 A7 06 00 AF A7 06 00 BB A7 01 00 83 A6 BC 86  [next PLM data...]

Closing door animation:
02 00 83 A6 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A6 83 (lorom) → $02:26 83 (PC)
   04 80 82 04 A2 04 A2 0C 82 0C 00 00    →    no change (door wide open)

02 00 BB A7 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A7 BB (lorom) → $02:27 BB (PC)
   04 80 03 84 23 84 23 8C 03 8C 00 00    →    replace with: 04 80 0F 84 23 84 23 8C 0F 8C 00 00 ok

02 00 AF A7 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A7 AF (lorom) → $02:27 AF (PC)
   04 80 02 84 22 84 22 8C 02 8C 00 00    →    replace with: 04 80 0E 84 22 84 22 8C 0E 8C 00 00 ok

02 00 A3 A7 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A7 A3 (lorom) → $02:27 A3 (PC)
   04 80 01 84 21 84 21 8C 01 8C 00 00    →    replace with: 04 80 0D 84 21 84 21 8C 0D 8C 00 00 ok

01 00 97 A7 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A7 97 (lorom) → $02:27 97 (PC)
   04 80 00 C4 20 D4 20 DC 00 DC 00 00    →    replace with: 04 80 0C C4 20 D4 20 DC 0C DC 00 00 ok

Closed door:
01 00 97 A7 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A7 97 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

Knocked door animation:
03 00 EF A9 → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:A9 EF (lorom) → $02:29 EF (PC)
   04 80 0C C4 2C D4 2C DC 0C DC 00 00    →    no change (closed blue door original model)

04 00 97 A7 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A7 97 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

03 00 EF A9 → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:A9 EF (lorom)
   = Already processed...

04 00 97 A7 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A7 97 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

03 00 EF A9 → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:A9 EF (lorom)
   = Already processed...

04 00 97 A7 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A7 97 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

Opening door animation:
06 00 A3 A7 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A7 A3 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

06 00 AF A7 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A7 AF (lorom)
   = Already processed...

06 00 BB A7 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A7 BB (lorom)
   = Already processed...

01 00 83 A6 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A6 83 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

  PLM C866  :  Yellow door facing up   [ 247B1  |  240DA ]

- Header located at  $84:C8 66 (lorom) →  $02:48 66 (PC)
- Code: [B1 C7]  [DA C0]  [C3 C0]
- Animation codes start at $84:C0 C3 (lorom) →  $02:40 C3 (PC)

02 00 8F A6 02 00 EB A7 19 8C 08 02 00 DF A7 02 00 D3 A7 01 00 C7 A7 72 8A 13 C5 24 8A EC C0 C1 86 26 BD 01 00 C7 A7 B4 86 91 8A 01 0D C1 03 00 2B AA 04 00 C7 A7 03 00 2B AA 04 00 C7 A7 03 00 2B AA 04 00 C7 A7 24 87 EA C0 19 8C 07 06 00 D3 A7 06 00 DF A7 06 00 EB A7 01 00 8F A6 BC 86  [next PLM data...]

Closing door animation:
02 00 8F A6 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A6 8F (lorom) → $02:26 8F (PC)
   04 00 84 04 83 04 83 00 84 00 00 00    →    no change (door wide open)

02 00 EB A7 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A7 EB (lorom) → $02:27 EB (PC)
   04 00 33 84 32 84 32 80 33 80 00 00    →    replace with: 04 00 3F 84 32 84 32 80 3F 80 00 00 ok

02 00 DF A7 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A7 DF (lorom) → $02:27 DF (PC)
   04 00 13 84 12 84 12 80 13 80 00 00    →    replace with: 04 00 1F 84 12 84 12 80 1F 80 00 00 ok

02 00 D3 A7 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A7 D3 (lorom) → $02:27 D3 (PC)
   04 00 31 84 30 84 30 80 31 80 00 00    →    replace with: 04 00 3D 84 30 84 30 80 3D 80 00 00 ok

01 00 C7 A7 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A7 C7 (lorom) → $02:27 C7 (PC)
   04 00 11 C4 10 54 10 50 11 50 00 00    →    replace with: 04 00 1D C4 10 54 10 50 1D 50 00 00 ok

Closed door:
01 00 C7 A7 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A7 C7 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

Knocked door animation:
03 00 2B AA → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:AA 2B (lorom) → $02:2A 2B (PC)
   04 00 1D C4 1C 54 1C 50 1D 50 00 00    →    no change (closed blue door original model)

04 00 C7 A7 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A7 C7 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

03 00 2B AA → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:AA 2B (lorom)
   = Already processed...

04 00 C7 A7 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A7 C7 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

03 00 2B AA → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:AA 2B (lorom)
   = Already processed...

04 00 C7 A7 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A7 C7 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

Opening door animation:
06 00 D3 A7 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A7 D3 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

06 00 DF A7 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A7 DF (lorom)
   = Already processed...

06 00 EB A7 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A7 EB (lorom)
   = Already processed...

01 00 8F A6 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A6 8F (lorom)
   = Already processed...

  PLM C86C  :  Yellow door facing down   [ 247B1  |  24139 ]

- Header located at  $84:C8 6C (lorom) →  $02:48 6C (PC)
- Code: [B1 C7]  [39 C1]  [22 C1]
- Animation codes start at $84:C1 22 (lorom) →  $02:41 22 (PC)

02 00 9B A6 02 00 1B A8 19 8C 08 02 00 0F A8 02 00 03 A8 01 00 F7 A7 72 8A 44 C5 24 8A 4F C1 C1 86 26 BD 02 00 F7 A7 01 00 F7 A7 B4 86 91 8A 01 70 C1 03 00 67 AA 04 00 F7 A7 03 00 67 AA 04 00 F7 A7 03 00 67 AA 04 00 F7 A7 24 87 4D C1 19 8C 07 06 00 03 A8 06 00 0F A8 06 00 1B A8 01 00 9B A6 BC 86  [next PLM data...]

Closing door animation:
02 00 9B A6 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A6 9B (lorom) → $02:26 9B (PC)
   04 00 84 0C 83 0C 83 08 84 08 00 00    →    no change (door wide open)

02 00 1B A8 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A8 1B (lorom) → $02:28 1B (PC)
   04 00 33 8C 32 0C 32 08 33 88 00 00    →    replace with: 04 00 3F 8C 32 0C 32 08 3F 88 00 00 ok

02 00 0F A8 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A8 0F (lorom) → $02:28 0F (PC)
   04 00 13 8C 12 8C 12 88 13 88 00 00    →    replace with: 04 00 1F 8C 12 8C 12 88 1F 88 00 00 ok

02 00 03 A8 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A8 03 (lorom) → $02:28 03 (PC)
   04 00 31 8C 30 8C 30 88 31 88 00 00    →    replace with: 04 00 3D 8C 30 8C 30 88 3D 88 00 00 ok

01 00 F7 A7 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A7 F7 (lorom) → $02:27 F7 (PC)
   04 00 11 CC 10 5C 10 58 11 58 00 00    →    replace with: 04 00 1D CC 10 5C 10 58 1D 58 00 00 ok

Closed door:
02 00 F7 A7 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A7 F7 (lorom)
   = Already processed...
01 00 F7 A7 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A7 F7 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

Knocked door animation:
03 00 67 AA → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:AA 67 (lorom) → $02:2A 67 (PC)
   04 00 1D CC 1C 5C 1C 58 1D 58 00 00    →    no change (closed blue door original model)

04 00 F7 A7 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A7 F7 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

03 00 67 AA → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:AA 67 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

04 00 F7 A7 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A7 F7 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

03 00 67 AA → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:AA 67 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

04 00 F7 A7 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A7 F7 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

Opening door animation:
06 00 03 A8 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A8 03 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

06 00 0F A8 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A8 0F (lorom)
   = Already processed...

06 00 1B A8 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A8 1B (lorom)
   = Already processed...

01 00 9B A6 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A6 9B (lorom)
   = Already processed...

  PLM C872  :  Green door facing left   [ 247B1  |  2419C ]

- Header located at  $84:C8 72 (lorom) →  $02:48 72 (PC)
- Code: [B1 C7]  [9C C1]  [85 C1]
- Animation codes start at $84:C1 85 (lorom) →  $02:41 85 (PC)

02 00 77 A6 02 00 4B A8 19 8C 08 02 00 3F A8 02 00 33 A8 01 00 27 A8 72 8A B1 C4 24 8A AE C1 C1 86 88 BD 01 00 27 A8 B4 86 91 8A 01 CF C1 03 00 B3 A9 04 00 27 A8 03 00 B3 A9 04 00 27 A8 03 00 B3 A9 04 00 27 A8 24 87 AC C1 19 8C 07 06 00 33 A8 06 00 3F A8 06 00 4B A8 01 00 77 A6 BC 86  [next PLM data...]

Closing door animation:
02 00 77 A6 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A6 77 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

02 00 4B A8 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A8 4B (lorom) → $02:28 4B (PC)
   04 80 07 80 27 00 27 08 07 88 00 00    →    replace with: 04 80 0F 80 27 00 27 08 0F 88 00 00 ok

02 00 3F A8 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A8 3F (lorom) → $02:28 3F (PC)
   04 80 06 80 26 80 26 88 06 88 00 00    →    replace with: 04 80 0E 80 26 80 26 88 0E 88 00 00 ok

02 00 33 A8 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A8 33 (lorom) → $02:28 33 (PC)
   04 80 05 80 25 80 25 88 05 88 00 00    →    replace with: 04 80 0D 80 25 80 25 88 0D 88 00 00 ok

01 00 27 A8 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A8 27 (lorom) → $02:28 27 (PC)
   04 80 04 C0 24 D0 24 D8 04 D8 00 00    →    replace with: 04 80 0C C0 24 D0 24 D8 0C D8 00 00 ok

Closed door:
01 00 27 A8 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A8 27 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

Knocked door animation:
03 00 B3 A9 → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:A9 B3 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

04 00 27 A8 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A8 27 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

03 00 B3 A9 → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:A9 B3 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

04 00 27 A8 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A8 27 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

03 00 B3 A9 → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:A9 B3 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

04 00 27 A8 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A8 27 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

Opening door animation:
06 00 33 A8 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A8 33 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

06 00 3F A8 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A8 3F (lorom)
   = Already processed...

06 00 4B A8 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A8 4B (lorom)
   = Already processed...

01 00 77 A6 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A6 77 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

  PLM C878  :  Green door facing right   [ 247B1  |  241FB ]

- Header located at  $84:C8 78 (lorom) →  $02:48 78 (PC)
- Code: [B1 C7]  [FB C1]  [E4 C1]
- Animation codes start at $84:C1 E4 (lorom) →  $02:41 E4 (PC)

02 00 83 A6 02 00 7B A8 19 8C 08 02 00 6F A8 02 00 63 A8 01 00 57 A8 72 8A E2 C4 24 8A 0D C2 C1 86 88 BD 01 00 57 A8 B4 86 91 8A 01 2E C2 03 00 EF A9 04 00 57 A8 03 00 EF A9 04 00 57 A8 03 00 EF A9 04 00 57 A8 24 87 0B C2 19 8C 07 06 00 63 A8 06 00 6F A8 06 00 7B A8 01 00 83 A6 BC 86  [next PLM data...]

Closing door animation:
02 00 83 A6 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A6 83 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

02 00 7B A8 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A8 7B (lorom) → $02:28 7B (PC)
   04 80 07 84 27 04 27 0C 07 8C 00 00    →    replace with: 04 80 0F 84 27 04 27 0C 0F 8C 00 00 ok

02 00 6F A8 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A8 6F (lorom) → $02:28 6F (PC)
   04 80 06 84 26 84 26 8C 06 8C 00 00    →    replace with: 04 80 0E 84 26 84 26 8C 0E 8C 00 00 ok

02 00 63 A8 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A8 63 (lorom) → $02:28 63 (PC)
   04 80 05 84 25 84 25 8C 05 8C 00 00    →    replace with: 04 80 0D 84 25 84 25 8C 0D 8C 00 00 ok

01 00 57 A8 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A8 57 (lorom) → $02:28 57 (PC)
   04 80 04 C4 24 D4 24 DC 04 DC 00 00    →    replace with: 04 80 0C C4 24 D4 24 DC 0C DC 00 00 ok

Closed door:
01 00 57 A8 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A8 57 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

Knocked door animation:
03 00 EF A9 → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:A9 EF (lorom)
   = Already processed...

04 00 57 A8 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A8 57 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

03 00 EF A9 → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:A9 EF (lorom)
   = Already processed...

04 00 57 A8 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A8 57 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

03 00 EF A9 → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:A9 EF (lorom)
   = Already processed...

04 00 57 A8 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A8 57 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

Opening door animation:
06 00 63 A8 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A8 63 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

06 00 6F A8 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A8 6F (lorom)
   = Already processed...

06 00 7B A8 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A8 7B (lorom)
   = Already processed...

01 00 83 A6 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A6 83 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

  PLM C87E  :  Green door facing up   [ 247B1  |  2425A ]

- Header located at  $84:C8 7E (lorom) →  $02:48 7E (PC)
- Code: [B1 C7]  [5A C2]  [43 C2]
- Animation codes start at $84:C2 43 (lorom) →  $02:42 43 (PC)

02 00 8F A6 02 00 AB A8 19 8C 08 02 00 9F A8 02 00 93 A8 01 00 87 A8 72 8A 13 C5 24 8A 6C C2 C1 86 88 BD 01 00 87 A8 B4 86 91 8A 01 8D C2 03 00 2B AA 04 00 87 A8 03 00 2B AA 04 00 87 A8 03 00 2B AA 04 00 87 A8 24 87 6A C2 19 8C 07 06 00 93 A8 06 00 9F A8 06 00 AB A8 01 00 8F A6 BC 86  [next PLM data...]

Closing door animation:
02 00 8F A6 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A6 8F (lorom)
   = Already processed...

02 00 AB A8 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A8 AB (lorom) → $02:28 AB (PC)
   04 00 37 84 36 84 36 80 37 80 00 00    →    replace with: 04 00 3F 84 36 84 36 80 3F 80 00 00 ok

02 00 9F A8 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A8 9F (lorom) → $02:28 9F (PC)
   04 00 17 84 16 84 16 80 17 80 00 00    →    replace with: 04 00 1F 84 16 84 16 80 1F 80 00 00 ok

02 00 93 A8 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A8 93 (lorom) → $02:28 93 (PC)
   04 00 35 84 34 84 34 80 35 80 00 00    →    replace with: 04 00 3D 84 34 84 34 80 3D 80 00 00 ok

01 00 87 A8 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A8 87 (lorom) → $02:28 87 (PC)
   04 00 15 C4 14 54 14 50 15 50 00 00    →    replace with: 04 00 1D C4 14 54 14 50 1D 50 00 00 ok

Closed door:
01 00 87 A8 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A8 87 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

Knocked door animation:
03 00 2B AA → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:AA 2B (lorom)
   = Already processed...

04 00 87 A8 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A8 87 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

03 00 2B AA → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:AA 2B (lorom)
   = Already processed...

04 00 87 A8 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A8 87 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

03 00 2B AA → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:AA 2B (lorom)
   = Already processed...

04 00 87 A8 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A8 87 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

Opening door animation:
06 00 93 A8 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A8 93 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

06 00 9F A8 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A8 9F (lorom)
   = Already processed...

06 00 AB A8 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A8 AB (lorom)
   = Already processed...

01 00 8F A6 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A6 8F (lorom)
   = Already processed...

  PLM C884  :  Green door facing down   [ 247B1  |  242B9 ]

- Header located at  $84:C8 84 (lorom) →  $02:48 84 (PC)
- Code: [B1 C7]  [B9 C2]  [A2 C2]
- Animation codes start at $84:C2 A2 (lorom) →  $02:42 A2 (PC)

02 00 9B A6 02 00 DB A8 19 8C 08 02 00 CF A8 02 00 C3 A8 01 00 B7 A8 72 8A 44 C5 24 8A CB C2 C1 86 88 BD 01 00 B7 A8 B4 86 91 8A 01 EC C2 03 00 67 AA 04 00 B7 A8 03 00 67 AA 04 00 B7 A8 03 00 67 AA 04 00 B7 A8 24 87 C9 C2 19 8C 07 06 00 C3 A8 06 00 CF A8 06 00 DB A8 01 00 9B A6 BC 86  [next PLM data...]

Closing door animation:
02 00 9B A6 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A6 9B (lorom)
   = Already processed...

02 00 DB A8 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A8 DB (lorom) → $02:28 DB (PC)
   04 00 37 8C 36 8C 36 88 37 88 00 00    →    replace with: 04 00 3F 8C 36 8C 36 88 3F 88 00 00 ok

02 00 CF A8 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A8 CF (lorom) → $02:28 CF (PC)
   04 00 17 8C 16 8C 16 88 17 88 00 00    →    replace with: 04 00 1F 8C 16 8C 16 88 1F 88 00 00 ok

02 00 C3 A8 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A8 C3 (lorom) → $02:28 C3 (PC)
   04 00 35 8C 34 8C 34 88 35 88 00 00    →    replace with: 04 00 3D 8C 34 8C 34 88 3D 88 00 00 ok

01 00 B7 A8 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A8 B7 (lorom) → $02:28 B7 (PC)
   04 00 15 CC 14 5C 14 58 15 58 00 00    →    replace with: 04 00 1D CC 14 5C 14 58 1D 58 00 00 ok

Closed door:
01 00 B7 A8 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A8 B7 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

Knocked door animation:
03 00 67 AA → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:AA 67 (lorom)
   = Already processed...
04 00 B7 A8 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A8 B7 (lorom)
   = Already processed...
03 00 67 AA → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:AA 67 (lorom)
   = Already processed...
04 00 B7 A8 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A8 B7 (lorom)
   = Already processed...
03 00 67 AA → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:AA 67 (lorom)
   = Already processed...
04 00 B7 A8 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A8 B7 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

Opening door animation:
06 00 C3 A8 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A8 C3 (lorom)
   = Already processed...
06 00 CF A8 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A8 CF (lorom)
   = Already processed...
06 00 DB A8 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A8 DB (lorom)
   = Already processed...
01 00 9B A6 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A6 9B (lorom)
   = Already processed...

  PLM C88A  :  Pink door facing left   [ 247B1  |  24318 ]

- Header located at  $84:C8 8A (lorom) →  $02:48 8A (PC)
- Code: [B1 C7]  [18 C3]  [01 C3]
- Animation codes start at $84:C3 01 (lorom) →  $02:43 01 (PC)

02 00 77 A6 02 00 0B A9 19 8C 08 02 00 FF A8 02 00 F3 A8 01 00 E7 A8 72 8A B1 C4 24 8A 2A C3 C1 86 50 BD 01 00 E7 A8 B4 86 91 8A 05 4E C3 19 8C 09 03 00 B3 A9 04 00 E7 A8 03 00 B3 A9 04 00 E7 A8 03 00 B3 A9 04 00 E7 A8 24 87 28 C3 19 8C 07 06 00 F3 A8 06 00 FF A8 06 00 0B A9 01 00 77 A6 BC 86  [next PLM data...]

Closing door animation:
02 00 77 A6 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A6 77 (lorom)
   = Already processed...
02 00 0B A9 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A9 0B (lorom) → $02:29 0B (PC)
   04 80 0B 80 2B 00 2B 08 0B 88 00 00    →    replace with: 04 80 0F 80 2B 00 2B 08 0F 88 00 00

02 00 FF A8 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A8 FF (lorom) → $02:28 FF (PC)
   04 80 0A 80 2A 80 2A 88 0A 88 00 00    →    replace with: 04 80 0E 80 2A 80 2A 88 0E 88 00 00

02 00 F3 A8 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A8 F3 (lorom) → $02:28 F3 (PC)
   04 80 09 80 29 80 29 88 09 88 00 00    →    replace with: 04 80 0D 80 29 80 29 88 0D 88 00 00

01 00 E7 A8 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A8 E7 (lorom) → $02:28 E7 (PC)
   04 80 08 C0 28 D0 28 D8 08 D8 00 00    →    replace with: 04 80 0C C0 28 D0 28 D8 0C D8 00 00

Closed door:
01 00 E7 A8 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A8 E7 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

Knocked door animation:
03 00 B3 A9 → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:A9 B3 (lorom)
   = Already processed...
04 00 E7 A8 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A8 E7 (lorom)
   = Already processed...
03 00 B3 A9 → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:A9 B3 (lorom)
   = Already processed...
04 00 E7 A8 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A8 E7 (lorom)
   = Already processed...
03 00 B3 A9 → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:A9 B3 (lorom)
   = Already processed...
04 00 E7 A8 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A8 E7 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

Opening door animation:
06 00 F3 A8 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A8 F3 (lorom)
   = Already processed...
06 00 FF A8 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A8 FF (lorom)
   = Already processed...
06 00 0B A9 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A9 0B (lorom)
   = Already processed...
01 00 77 A6 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A6 77 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

  PLM C890  :  Pink door facing right   [ 247B1  |  2437A ]

- Header located at  $84:C8 90 (lorom) →  $02:48 90 (PC)
- Code: [B1 C7]  [7A C3]  [63 C3]
- Animation codes start at $84:C3 63 (lorom) →  $02:43 63 (PC)

02 00 83 A6 02 00 3B A9 19 8C 08 02 00 2F A9 02 00 23 A9 01 00 17 A9 72 8A E2 C4 24 8A 8C C3 C1 86 50 BD 01 00 17 A9 B4 86 91 8A 05 B0 C3 19 8C 09 03 00 EF A9 04 00 17 A9 03 00 EF A9 04 00 17 A9 03 00 EF A9 04 00 17 A9 24 87 8A C3 19 8C 07 06 00 23 A9 06 00 2F A9 06 00 3B A9 01 00 83 A6 BC 86  [next PLM data...]

Closing door animation:
02 00 83 A6 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A6 83 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

02 00 3B A9 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A9 3B (lorom) → $02:29 3B (PC)
   04 80 0B 84 2B 04 2B 0C 0B 8C 00 00    →    replace with: 04 80 0F 84 2B 04 2B 0C 0F 8C 00 00 ok

02 00 2F A9 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A9 2F (lorom) → $02:29 2F (PC)
   04 80 0A 84 2A 84 2A 8C 0A 8C 00 00    →    replace with: 04 80 0E 84 2A 84 2A 8C 0E 8C 00 00 ok

02 00 23 A9 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A9 23 (lorom) → $02:29 23 (PC)
   04 80 09 84 29 84 29 8C 09 8C 00 00    →    replace with: 04 80 0D 84 29 84 29 8C 0D 8C 00 00 ok

01 00 17 A9 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A9 17 (lorom) → $02:29 17 (PC)
   04 80 08 C4 28 D4 28 DC 08 DC 00 00    →    replace with: 04 80 0C C4 28 D4 28 DC 0C DC 00 00 ok

Closed door:
01 00 17 A9 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A9 17 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

Knocked door animation:
03 00 EF A9 → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:A9 EF (lorom)
   = Already processed...

04 00 17 A9 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A9 17 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

03 00 EF A9 → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:A9 EF (lorom)
   = Already processed...

04 00 17 A9 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A9 17 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

03 00 EF A9 → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:A9 EF (lorom)
   = Already processed...

04 00 17 A9 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A9 17 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

Opening door animation:
06 00 23 A9 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A9 23 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

06 00 2F A9 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A9 2F (lorom)
   = Already processed...

06 00 3B A9 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A9 3B (lorom)
   = Already processed...

01 00 83 A6 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A6 83 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

  PLM C896  :  Pink door facing up   [ 247B1  |  243DC ]

- Header located at  $84:C8 96 (lorom) →  $02:48 96 (PC)
- Code: [B1 C7]  [DC C3]  [C5 C3]
- Animation codes start at $84:C3C5 (lorom) →  $02:43 C5 (PC)

02 00 8F A6 02 00 6B A9 19 8C 08 02 00 5F A9 02 00 53 A9 01 00 47 A9 72 8A 13 C5 24 8A EE C3 C1 86 50 BD 01 00 47 A9 B4 86 91 8A 05 12 C4 19 8C 09 03 00 2B AA 04 00 47 A9 03 00 2B AA 04 00 47 A9 03 00 2B AA 04 00 47 A9 24 87 EC C3 19 8C 07 06 00 53 A9 06 00 5F A9 06 00 6B A9 01 00 8F A6 BC 86  [next PLM data...]

Closing door animation:
02 00 8F A6 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A6 8F (lorom)
   = Already processed...

02 00 6B A9 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A9 6B (lorom) → $02:29 6B (PC)
   04 00 3B 84 3A 84 3A 80 3B 80 00 00    →    replace with: 04 00 3F 84 3A 84 3A 80 3F 80 00 00 ok

02 00 5F A9 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A9 5F (lorom) → $02:29 5F (PC)
   04 00 1B 84 1A 84 1A 80 1B 80 00 00    →    replace with: 04 00 1F 84 1A 84 1A 80 1F 80 00 00 ok

02 00 53 A9 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A9 53 (lorom) → $02:29 53 (PC)
   04 00 39 84 38 84 38 80 39 80 00 00    →    replace with: 04 00 3D 84 38 84 38 80 3D 80 00 00 ok

01 00 47 A9 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A9 47 (lorom) → $02:29 47 (PC)
   04 00 19 C4 18 54 18 50 19 50 00 00    →    replace with: 04 00 1D C4 18 54 18 50 1D 50 00 00 ok

Closed door:
01 00 47 A9 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A9 47 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

Knocked door animation:
03 00 2B AA → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:AA 2B (lorom)
   = Already processed...

04 00 47 A9 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A9 47 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

03 00 2B AA → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:AA 2B (lorom)
   = Already processed...

04 00 47 A9 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A9 47 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

03 00 2B AA → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:AA 2B (lorom)
   = Already processed...

04 00 47 A9 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A9 47 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

Opening door animation:
06 00 53 A9 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A9 53 (lorom)
   = Already processed...
06 00 5F A9 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A9 5F (lorom)
   = Already processed...
06 00 6B A9 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A9 6B (lorom)
   = Already processed...
01 00 8F A6 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A6 8F (lorom)
   = Already processed...

  PLM C89C  :  Pink door facing down   [ 247B1  |  2443E ]

- Header located at  $84:C8 9C (lorom) →  $02:48 9C (PC)
- Code: [B1 C7]  [3E C4]  [27 C4]
- Animation codes start at $84:C4 27 (lorom) →  $02:44 27 (PC)

02 00 9B A6 02 00 9B A9 19 8C 08 02 00 8F A9 02 00 83 A9 01 00 77 A9 72 8A 44 C5 24 8A 50 C4 C1 86 50 BD 01 00 77 A9 B4 86 91 8A 05 74 C4 19 8C 09 03 00 67 AA 04 00 77 A9 03 00 67 AA 04 00 77 A9 03 00 67 AA 04 00 77 A9 24 87 4E C4 19 8C 07 06 00 83 A9 06 00 8F A9 06 00 9B A9 01 00 9B A6 BC 86  [next PLM data...]

Closing door animation:
02 00 9B A6 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A6 9B (lorom)
   = Already processed...

02 00 9B A9 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A9 9B (lorom) → $02:29 9B (PC)
   04 00 3B 8C 3A 8C 3A 88 3B 88 00 00    →    replace with: 04 00 3F 8C 3A 8C 3A 88 3F 88 00 00 ok

02 00 8F A9 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A9 8F (lorom) → $02:29 8F (PC)
   04 00 1B 8C 1A 8C 1A 88 1B 88 00 00    →    replace with: 04 00 1F 8C 1A 8C 1A 88 1F 88 00 00 ok

02 00 83 A9 → display during 0002 frame gfx located at $84:A9 83 (lorom) → $02:29 83 (PC)
   04 00 39 8C 38 8C 38 88 39 88 00 00    →    replace with: 04 00 3D 8C 38 8C 38 88 3D 88 00 00 ok

01 00 77 A9 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A9 77 (lorom) → $02:29 77 (PC)
   04 00 19 CC 18 5C 18 58 19 58 00 00    →    replace with: 04 00 1D CC 18 5C 18 58 1D 58 00 00 ok

Closed door:
01 00 77 A9 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A9 77 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

Knocked door animation:
03 00 67 AA → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:AA 67 (lorom)
   = Already processed...
04 00 77 A9 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A9 77 (lorom)
   = Already processed...
03 00 67 AA → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:AA 67 (lorom)
   = Already processed...
04 00 77 A9 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A9 77 (lorom)
   = Already processed...
03 00 67 AA → display during 0003 frame gfx located at $84:AA 67 (lorom)
   = Already processed...
04 00 77 A9 → display during 0004 frame gfx located at $84:A9 77 (lorom)
   = Already processed...

Opening door animation:
06 00 83 A9 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A9 83 (lorom)
   = Already processed...
06 00 8F A9 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A9 8F (lorom)
   = Already processed...
06 00 9B A9 → display during 0006 frame gfx located at $84:A9 9B (lorom)
   = Already processed...
01 00 9B A6 → display during 0001 frame gfx located at $84:A6 9B (lorom)
   = Already processed...

Complete line  to paste write at $ 02:2767 (pc)    [first byte $02:2767 – last byte $02:29A6]  i.e. #$ 240 bytes
04 80 0C C0 20 D0 20 D8 0C D8 00 00 04 80 0D 80 21 80 21 88 0D 88 00 00 04 80 0E 80 22 80 22 88 0E 88 00 00 04 80 0F 80 23 00 23 08 0F 88 00 00 04 80 0C C4 20 D4 20 DC 0C DC 00 00 04 80 0D 84 21 84 21 8C 0D 8C 00 00 04 80 0E 84 22 84 22 8C 0E 8C 00 00 04 80 0F 84 23 84 23 8C 0F 8C 00 00 04 00 1D C4 10 54 10 50 1D 50 00 00 04 00 3D 84 30 84 30 80 3D 80 00 00 04 00 1F 84 12 84 12 80 1F 80 00 00 04 00 3F 84 32 84 32 80 3F 80 00 00 04 00 1D CC 10 5C 10 58 1D 58 00 00 04 00 3D 8C 30 8C 30 88 3D 88 00 00 04 00 1F 8C 12 8C 12 88 1F 88 00 00 04 00 3F 8C 32 0C 32 08 3F 88 00 00 04 80 0C C0 24 D0 24 D8 0C D8 00 00 04 80 0D 80 25 80 25 88 0D 88 00 00 04 80 0E 80 26 80 26 88 0E 88 00 00 04 80 0F 80 27 00 27 08 0F 88 00 00 04 80 0C C4 24 D4 24 DC 0C DC 00 00 04 80 0D 84 25 84 25 8C 0D 8C 00 00 04 80 0E 84 26 84 26 8C 0E 8C 00 00 04 80 0F 84 27 04 27 0C 0F 8C 00 00 04 00 1D C4 14 54 14 50 1D 50 00 00 04 00 3D 84 34 84 34 80 3D 80 00 00 04 00 1F 84 16 84 16 80 1F 80 00 00 04 00 3F 84 36 84 36 80 3F 80 00 00 04 00 1D CC 14 5C 14 58 1D 58 00 00 04 00 3D 8C 34 8C 34 88 3D 88 00 00 04 00 1F 8C 16 8C 16 88 1F 88 00 00 04 00 3F 8C 36 8C 36 88 3F 88 00 00 04 80 0C C0 28 D0 28 D8 0C D8 00 00 04 80 0D 80 29 80 29 88 0D 88 00 00 04 80 0E 80 2A 80 2A 88 0E 88 00 00 04 80 0F 80 2B 00 2B 08 0F 88 00 00 04 80 0C C4 28 D4 28 DC 0C DC 00 00 04 80 0D 84 29 84 29 8C 0D 8C 00 00 04 80 0E 84 2A 84 2A 8C 0E 8C 00 00 04 80 0F 84 2B 04 2B 0C 0F 8C 00 00 04 00 1D C4 18 54 18 50 1D 50 00 00 04 00 3D 84 38 84 38 80 3D 80 00 00 04 00 1F 84 1A 84 1A 80 1F 80 00 00 04 00 3F 84 3A 84 3A 80 3F 80 00 00 04 00 1D CC 18 5C 18 58 1D 58 00 00 04 00 3D 8C 38 8C 38 88 3D 88 00 00 04 00 1F 8C 1A 8C 1A 88 1F 88 00 00 04 00 3F 8C 3A 8C 3A 88 3F 88 00 00

4) Rooms :

4.A) Room pictures :

[spoiler] [/spoiler]
[spoiler] [/spoiler]

4.2) Room videos : (more explanation later...)
[spoiler]Super Metroid - BigDomino's hack - room 79E52.wmv[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Super Metroid - BigDomino's hack - room 7990D et 79B5B.wmv[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Super Metroid - BigDomino's hack - room 792FD et 7A408 et 7A2F7 et 7A0A4.wmv[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Super Metroid - BigDomino's hack - room 79CB3.wmv[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Super Metroid - BigDomino's hack - room 79F11.wmv[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Super Metroid - BigDomino's hack - room 79C07.wmv[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Super Metroid - BigDomino's hack - room 7A322.wmv[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Super Metroid - BigDomino's hack - room 796BA.wmv[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Super Metroid - BigDomino's hack - room 7975C.wmv[/spoiler]


MERRY CHRISTMAS by advance :)



One word can can only describe how awesome this is. That it. Brilliant. Loving the CRE. I think the ship looks kinda funny but original. I hope that you will complete this and not let it die. Keep up the awesome work and can't wait to see more from you.


this looks incredible. absolutely incredible. the care you're putting into this is inspiring. awesome note and sketches too.

thinking out loud here...i think tweaking and editing some more of the room tilesets to make them look different from the standard super metroid rooms would be beneficial. the custom tiles you've already created, along with the ship, are awesome; i have absolutely no problems with them. perhaps you could create new, or new-looking, rooms it would match the creativity and the uniqueness of the ship and other items? this may not be the direction of where you want your hack to go, stylistically, but at the very least these could be some things to consider. because my favorite hacks are the ones whose worlds are altered from the original tilesets. ....and yes, perhaps this is your plan all along and im just wasting my time. either way, you seem to have things under control.

the structure, organization, and layout of the rooms, however, are steller. i love the wide paths, small tunnels, open areas, platforms, that you've got going on. great work.

im impressed dude. really really looking forward to this one, right out of the blue with this. nice.


I believe in 'a compliment where a compliment is due'.  You have some excellent art skills. :^_^:

I love what you've done with the door shell.  The bubble looks OK too - it's just a shame that the default animation has them disappear so quickly.

Also, this thread kills my work computer. :lol:


Looks like Crys will get some unusually delicious .jpg's for breakfast. :lol:


Definitely looking forward to this. It looks like you have a really good idea how to use SMILE and how things work in Super Metroid. Plus your design is quite impressive, though there are a few things that look a little odd. All things considered though, this is one of the more impressive I've seen. (Been watching all the videos on YouTube before you posted here.)

This is also a good example for other "new" hackers of how to make a hack topic. You've got content, and you certainly appear to be serious about getting this done. This is refreshing to see.


Quote from: MetroidMst on December 23, 2011, 07:52:51 AM
Definitely looking forward to this. It looks like you have a really good idea how to use SMILE and how things work in Super Metroid. Plus your design is quite impressive, though there are a few things that look a little odd. All things considered though, this is one of the more impressive I've seen. (Been watching all the videos on YouTube before you posted here.)

This is also a good example for other "new" hackers of how to make a hack topic. You've got content, and you certainly appear to be serious about getting this done. This is refreshing to see.

Agreed with MetroidMst, Its nice to have a new hack thread be properly made and introduced to the public. Remember first impressions can last forever.

But I really impressed with your sketches because I had the same idea to draw GFX on graph paper. Really a brilliant way to make new original graphics. Just brilliant!  :^_^:


Quote from: BigDomino on December 22, 2011, 10:19:11 PM
4.A) Room pictures :

This room is super symmetrical. This is probably what you were going for, but you wouldn't ever see this in some planet samus was exploring.

Grass looks horrible in Crateria if there are not plants growing off of it. Just do rocks, and then grass with the plants growing on it.

This room is sick :D

Need some animated fire tiles and blaow

Another sick room dood

4.2) Room videos : (more explanation later...)

PUZZLES!  :razz: :heheh:

MERRY CHRISTMAS by advance :)

Amazing doors and ship. Best suit palette I've seen in a while. Some of the tiling is questionable in your rooms, but from the looks of it you'll be too busy trying to figure the rooms out it won't be a big deal. You're the opposite of a n00b. Great work man, keep it up!


Hi guys,

Thank you for your comments and encouragements :)

I'm sorry for using the bad picture file type. I'll use .png in the future (but what is the problem with .jpg?)

Quote from: Qactis on December 23, 2011, 04:41:02 PM
This room is super symmetrical. This is probably what you were going for, but you wouldn't ever see this in some planet samus was exploring.
-> I agree. Perfect symmetry doesn't fit with organic / natural tileset for a room of this dimension.

Quote from: Qactis on December 23, 2011, 04:41:02 PM
Grass looks horrible in Crateria if there are not plants growing off of it. Just do rocks, and then grass with the plants growing on it.
-> Indeed...

Quote from: advancedpillow on December 22, 2011, 11:23:08 PM
thinking out loud here...i think tweaking and editing some more of the room tilesets to make them look different from the standard super metroid rooms would be beneficial.
-> Actually, I ask myself where is the limit? New CRE ? New tileset? New bestiary ? At this time I planned to make new CRE and bring punctual modification to tileset (like 100% and 50% missing slopes, connector or other things like that) - As a music composer, I want to implement new songs in my game and started learning about that, from Kejardon doc., Scyzer notes and MathOnNapkins irc lessons... in this view, I'm also trying to learn ASM with the Western design center book "Programming the 65816"... there is too many things to learn and so little time :(
The languages barrier make all the process more difficult for me since I need to check 1/5 technical word in the dictionary...
I'm trying to make a musical sampler on excel which automatically write a code line when notes are selected on a stave with the possibility of specifying the duration and volume control but It's the very beginning and I'm not really sure about the viability of this project.
(maybe could it be nice to create a topic where all musical resource and information available would be grouped together?)

Note about the pictures:
All the published pictures are taken from my "old" hack. Many change are planned, (c.f. new cre tiles, etc)
I'm actually working on the new map and refrain myself to make new room until it was finished.

Tanks again to all for your review.


Quite impressive work indeed.
My only complaint is that there are too many tricks involved in those rooms, that's just... well, annoying.
I'm pretty sure not everyone can perform mockballing, that's really a shame this move is required to progress IMO.


Quote from: BigDomino on December 27, 2011, 09:01:21 AM
but what is the problem with .jpg?
JPG's lossy compression just makes things fugly.  In some pictures it's less noticeable, but in others, like this one...

Quote from: BigDomino on December 22, 2011, 10:19:11 PM
...the fuzziness gets pretty bad, particularly on the green tiles in that pic.  PNG is lossless and doesn't suffer from this issue.  You've obviously put quite a lot of effort into this, and stuff of this quality deserves better file formats.

Anyways, this is all looking pretty awesome.  I like what you've done with the doors!  I haven't checked out the videos yet, but I'm already looking forward to the next installment.

Mr K

wow you put an incredible amount of effort into this nice work, btw after i had read all the way through this post and opened every single picture firefox was using about 600MB of RAM LOL  :cool:


Hoooo-leeeee craaaap. :whoa: Nice!!!

Imagining phazon hack with some of your artistic creations added in... :cool:


It is rather a shame that this guy hasn't posted in a while, isn't it? :sad:


Yeah, it kinda is a shame. But on the other hand, he/she made all of this before showing any of it. I think I can expect more to be done before it is shown again. :p

The quality standard on design methods here are really high, concept art? Fucking hell man, I never did anything like that. The CRE is looking pretty cool too I must add.

Quote from: Valiant Breeze on December 22, 2011, 10:27:19 PM
^ I would put this in my sig if I was allowed to put more stuff in it.

Quote from: SMILEuser96 on December 23, 2011, 07:45:46 AM
Looks like Crys will get some unusually delicious .jpg's for breakfast. :lol:
Even though I am late to the party, I must say they taste really freaking good! <3



I think I'm in love with you, BigDomino. You come here, you post content. A metric shit ton of it. You give me hope for new users. Will so be looking forward to this.


Hi guys,

After 4 months of hard work, I finally completed the map of "SM Depths of Oblivion".
This extensive document feature the following things :

- Size, shape and position of the 385 rooms of the game.
- Elevators, gates and doors with color and opening criteria.
- Bosses, Mini-bosses and Torizos.
- Special event indication.
- Compulsory & optional upgrades (100%).
- Graphic representation of the requirements that should be satisfied
  to reach such and such a place of the map (including special move, tricks, etc).
- Indication of water/lava/acid level (incomplete).
- Basic walkthrough (bosses and major upgrades).

Spoiler warning : The following picture show the whole map, including secret areas !

Although the size and shape of the rooms are not definitive, all room interconnection are now locked as
a coherent whole and shouldn't be changed.

This map was drawn on Excel 2010. If you are interested to get the source file with the basic elements to draw your own map, just leave a message in this thread and I will post it in the "collaboration topic".

Finally, I would like to let you know that your comments and encouragements were a valuable help all the way through this really painful step.

Thanks for reading.

Sorry for the size of the picture  :whoa: ; it was the best compromise I can do to keep readability.
For an overall view, " Ctrl + mouse wheel " could help...


Looks great so far, but why release a map for a hack that is not complete?  isn't that kind of ruining the surprise of the hack for us?


Hi Drewseph,

This publication is indeed a potential spoiler for future players.
Your remark remind me that people on this forum are not just hackers but gamers too...
I will edit my last post and add the appropriate spoiler warning.

All published material here is for technical purpose, although I must admit that I was
a little impatient to share my work and to let peoples know that the project wasn't dead...
I certainly will take the spoiler aspect in consideration for the future release.

Thanks for the comment and congrat for your amazing hack.


Pretty darn neat. IMO, some of the way's you put the Brinstar tile's together looks awkward, awkward, but not bad, fact. That ship model is something for a hacker to envy, damn this is looking pretty good....
But, I digress    :^_^:


I have looked over your screenshot and am really impressed with the detail and love going into this hack!

I have a few suggestions on the level design based on what I have learned through redesign.

1:  Spikes are terrible!  Spikes on a ceiling are good to limit mobility, but placing them on walls and floors in the many rooms you have seem really overboard.  Please consider lowering the instances spikes are used, or going through and lowering the damage given by spikes greatly.  I know I used them in many places in redesign, but in making axeil I have optimized better placement of platforms to prevent said death.  a good idea is to never put a spike pit below a ledge if you cannot see it.  why punish the player for dropping down cautiously.

2:  Bottlenecks:  No body likes being forced to slow down.  I noticed you have lots of rooms like and especially this one  <  These rooms if passed through once, are okay, but if they are a path which the player may travel more than one time I'd suggest cutting out the morphing sections so that the room can be traversed faster.

I have also seen other rooms in your screens where you have the player morphing through narrow passages moving left/right in a room.  I think its best to try to limit blocking the players or slowing them only when going off the main path to a hidden item or boss or key one time rooms.  I know I get frustrated because I need to bomb my way though an area 5 or 6 times just because its on the path.  Sometimes morphing ball passages are good, in those cases I'd suggest putting the opening of the tunnel level to the ground so the player doesn't have to jump/bomb into the hole, this makes it faster to roll through.  it also helps to limit the number of bombing blocks along the path,  remember the goal should be to get the player to flow through a room with relative easy.  slowing them down for no reason isn't very fun when you have to repeat this many times over.  If you want to use this kind of maze layout it might be better off for leading to a hidden item rather than be the only way to travel through the room to a door while taking as long as possible.

Redesign definitely has its moment with those issues and I've attempted to take care of them in as many places as I could identify.

I hope I don't sound like a hypocrite,  just passing on what I have learned