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[SM] Super Metroid: Memento Mori

Started by ProjectXVIII, November 09, 2011, 04:07:54 PM

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Welp, finally making a topic for my hack. Not much to say other than it's a full hack (one that I hopefully won't abandon/restart, as it would be about the 6th time I've done so). No release date planned, though I'll probably make a teaser video soon. Until then, I'll just drop a bunch of pics. Most of the people that frequent #metconst have probably already seen them all, but for those that don't:


Power Missile



Edit: I overreacted a bit, but I stand by my opinion that you've got some kick-ass rooms dude.


Those are really impressive, project. It's a great mix of being modest, yet decadent. The 7th (open Criteria) room has to be my favorite. I look forward to playing your hack.

Prime Hunter

Personally, I love when people can take the original tilesets, play around with them a little, and make something awesome out of them by either using them in new ways or by simply using them to their full extent. I'd say these images fit that description quite nicely.

The only thing that stands out for me is the two rooms with the green Brinstar plant tiles. (5 and 8) The terrain feels a little flat in most areas, although that's probably due to the nature of how the tileset is designed more than anything.


Oh my. Those rooms. @_@ Simply amazing...


These rooms look great!
I particually like the 4th room, and the last room you showed. The 4th room looks simple, yet complex and awesome all at the same time.
However, I'm not really a fan of the 2nd room. I don't really like the color scheme there, but that may just be personal opinion though.


What a wonderful room there are. Keep on going! Good luck with your project.

P.S. Do you know, that if you somehow port your hack to Wii it will be named MementoMori.wad? =)