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General Projects Screenshots/Vids Thread

Started by Zhs2, May 15, 2009, 10:44:44 PM

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Black Falcon

Be careful! If you keep doing that Samus might break through your computer screen!


Hi BF! Nice to see you more active.

And since I'm here... hmm, guess I'll find something to post...




Black Falcon

IMO the ticcing is a bit loud and sounds like the select item sound, also some of the vocals don't really sound good when pitched too high.
It overall just needs some mastering. Otherwise good job at the melody. :^_^:


I should point out that although on IRC he said he "did it by himself" he in fact used DSO's ManaPalace music .asm as a template and changed the notes, without altering any of the instruments loaded or ASDR setting on them (or anything else really).  So it's really no wonder why it sounds the way it does.

A good effort Drevan (even if you tried to bullshit us on IRC saying you did it all by yourself without any help from anyone) but it still needs a lot of work to sound good.  There are parts where it's horribly discordant and just sounds terribad.

And don't forget to thank the people helping you out, even if it's just a doc or an .asm file you're using as a template.


Quote from: Crashtour99 on February 18, 2013, 12:38:44 AM
I should point out that although on IRC he said he "did it by himself" he in fact used DSO's ManaPalace music .asm as a template and changed the notes, without altering any of the instruments loaded or ASDR setting on them (or anything else really).  So it's really no wonder why it sounds the way it does.

A good effort Drevan (even if you tried to bullshit us on IRC saying you did it all by yourself without any help from anyone) but it still needs a lot of work to sound good.  There are parts where it's horribly discordant and just sounds terribad.

And don't forget to thank the people helping you out, even if it's just a doc or an .asm file you're using as a template.

Quote[02:47] <Chizuari> DSO: Are people technically allowed to take your ManaPalaceMusic assembly and use it as a template? I would assume that you put it out there for just such a purpose, but just making sure

I didn't read the full logs, but I read enough. A few things I'd like to say:

First: srsly, tiny issue here.

Crash + Chiz-Whiz: I don't recall publically posting my manapalace music asm anywhere, it's in my dropbox but iirc I actually sent it to Crash and a few others without any public posting about it. I doubt he would've gotten ahold of it unless I'm just having a brain fart and it is public material somewhere. Anyway, that's a moot point. ManaPalace and Drevan's ZM Norfair are both ultimately derived from Kejardon's kraidassembly.txt, which I know is what he based his off of, considering that's exactly what I suggested he do.

Rest of Crash: I definitely walked him through what he needed to know and answered a bunch of questions. I'm still answering questions from time to time, even though it's stuff he could've learned himself if he would've looked over Kej's docs more thoroughly. Still, he wants to learn music and I was the one to encourage him to do so in the first place. I've seen the talk about the engine for his fangame, and I definitely knew he felt he wanted to "prove" himself capable of making music to metconst. It's not like I didn't see these kind of "I did it myself" comments from him on the music coming. I told him the "proving" himself to metconst wasn't productive and would be met with... well, exactly the reaction it did. I took him through what he needed to know anyway, because I value the desire to learn more than I value credit. (Bonus: I learned how difficult it is to teach someone music. Which is not very if they're motivated enough.)

I'm definitely NOT saying that I don't appreciate it when people credit me when I help them out with something. I do appreciate it. But here, I don't feel angry about his comments at all. To be succinct: I saw this as the probable outcome and decided to go ahead anyway. Make of that what you will. I generally care a lot more about when other people are slighted than when it happens to me. After all, because I was willing to teach him, I'm partly responsible for this discussion, even if I'm also, from your point of view, the 'victim'.


I agree with what Black Falcon said about the tune itself.

As for the creation / usage issue: If DSO isn't miffed about it, then I'd say let it go.  However, if Drevan did get help, he could at least add an acknowledgement, even if it is just to say "Thanks to DSO's help, I present..."


overall, i like the tune. the ticking i'm not sure of, but i wouldn't have minded it if i played a hack with that music.
sounds good to me. :)

credit issue: what quietus said.


My opinion of the music itself is that although the notes are fine for the most part, it's the instruments that are the issue, and I'd say are also the main issue what with the creation of it.
The instruments are really not correct most of the song, and I'd say the only real issue with creation is how he introduced it all. There's a large difference between changing notes, and creating the whole song. The way it's introduced on the forum/youtube only has an issue if DSO has a problem with not getting credit (though considering that it comes from kej kraid asm means he ought to include some credit to kej), but since he isn't, as quietus phrased it, 'miffed', then I see no issue seeing as how he simply stated it as 'something I've been working on'.
The real issue lies with how he presented it on #metconst. Regardless of any 'proving' or what have you, if he claimed it as entirely his own, which "even if you tried to bullshit us on IRC saying you did it all by yourself without any help from anyone" would imply, then there's an issue. If one uses a template, and simply changes the values (notes) then they didn't really create it at all.

So in general, I'd say the only issue is with how he presented it to the irc community, as some way of 'proving' himself. Other than that, the song itself needs different instruments, but it's interesting anyway.

" I doubt he would've gotten ahold of it unless I'm just having a brain fart and it is public material somewhere"
I'm like 50% sure I remember it being posted in irc at one point, could be wrong.


A WIP/incomplete title screen (and not definitive palette), you can notice at the bottom floor the 6 symbols on/off for Keypatchs




Double post :)

I will put that on the Darkholme thread, but before post it here

Armored Probes Official Introduction


Wow I love that video! That glitch part at the end was awesome.
Can't wait to replay Darkholme.


Im not sure but did someone remove my post? Anyway here is upgrade from my Icetileset wich is not done yet. I dont have time to make my dream hack because Im busy with my own project and school.. If someday I finish this tileset im going to give it for this awesome community.


It would be a real shame if your awesome art work didn't end up in a hack. Maybe you should consider a collaboration with someone else.


I know you're not crazy, and I'm not crazy. I know I saw you post your ice tileset comparison image before, but for the life of me I can't find a record in either the moderation log nor anywhere in your previous posts to know where the old one went. I apologize for the hiccup, and I must say while the snow is graphically correct, I can't say it doesn't look somewhat cartoony or Zero Mission-feeling...


Quote from: Digital_Mantra on March 03, 2013, 12:49:37 AM
Wow I love that video! That glitch part at the end was awesome.
Can't wait to replay Darkholme.

Thanks  :yay:

I plan a mini video like this for each Keypatchs

Btw good frozen stuff Damski. Maybe the new palette should have more contrast.


Quote from: Zhs2 on March 03, 2013, 04:36:15 PM
Btw good frozen stuff Damski. Maybe the new palette should have more contrast.

Better  :yay:?

Quote from: Zhs2 on March 03, 2013, 04:36:15 PM
I know you're not crazy, and I'm not crazy. I know I saw you post your ice tileset comparison image before, but for the life of me I can't find a record in either the moderation log nor anywhere in your previous posts to know where the old one went. I apologize for the hiccup, and I must say while the snow is graphically correct, I can't say it doesn't look somewhat cartoony or Zero Mission-feeling...

I totally agree with the zero mission look. Imo my tileset does not look like a super metroid.. Its looks more like a Zero mission X Contra. Super metroid has less detailed tileset.

Quote from: snarfblam on March 03, 2013, 08:46:58 AM
It would be a real shame if your awesome art work didn't end up in a hack. Maybe you should consider a collaboration with someone else.

Thank you! I was thinking same  :yay: but time will show us what happen in future.


can anyone else see Damski's pics? cause I sure can't :<



Quote from: Drevan Zero on March 04, 2013, 08:20:32 AMcan anyone else see Damski's pics? cause I sure can't :<
Yup.  They all appear fine for me.


It might be worth expanding on the idea to have it so that the beams are toggled.  It would enable you to combine beams, disable all but one for standard beams, or you could make any combination in between. :^_^:


With some more clever tilemapping you could make all 4 beams always show (the main beam is enlarged), and put little gray backgrounds behind them