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General Projects Screenshots/Vids Thread

Started by Zhs2, May 15, 2009, 10:44:44 PM

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all the files you need. GFX, Palette, and tile-tables.

if someone can make a superbly awesome room with this tile set, that would be awesome.


Colors are a little to solid for my liking, but looks good otherwise.

Not exactly sure if I should make a thread for this or not, but this thread seems reasonable enough...

On another note, some of you may (or may not) remember me saying that I was looking rewrite my "Ins and Outs of SMILE" guide (named by Zeke):
Quote from: person701 on July 30, 2011, 12:54:17 PM
On a side note, I've recently been thinking about re-typing my guide. Thinking about putting it in HTML with videos and what not. Obviously, it'd be it's own website and I wouldn't be looking to host it here. Thoughts?
Well, I finished a working model in Chrome earlier and wanted to know what's thought of it.

WARNING: 1600 x 900 Image Size
Link to rough mockup.

Runs off of the 960 Grid System where the left column is 220 pixels wide and the right is 700 pixels wide. Both margins on the left and right adjust to the window. Thoughts, comments, suggestions?


did all my text that way. havin some problems with the I and the T

i like the top set, but the bottom one works better

edit: nevermind i'll have to change the whole thing it looks like hell


Looks excellent Monkey, I managed to find some digital text to help you, if you wish. the T and I shouldn't be a problem. Have fun with the text and such.


i tried sticking that pic in photoshop then micro-sizing it for 16-bit goodness, but it didn't look good. thanks DS

i may have to scrap the whole idea unless i go back to black boxes, and thats not going to happen

here anybody wants this i'm not going to use it:

Zero One

Hex Opcode to ASM Mnemonic Converter!

Exactly what is says on the tin. Converts hex opcodes to ASM mnemonics and back again.

Grab it here!


How does it deal with 16/8bit specific register sizes?


Quote from: Qactis on August 13, 2011, 03:20:12 PM
How does it deal with 16/8bit specific register sizes?
Not to mention other addressing modes. When entering a mnemonic, is there a way to specify the addressing mode to get the correct opcode?


squishy's asm list+pjboy's asm list + ctrl+f hasn't failed me yet

Zero One

Unfortunately, it is incredibly basic because it's pretty much my first semi-decent program. You could alter the text file it reads to allow you to specify certain things.


Ah I was just being overly critical/double checking all the bases, I did not know you wrote it Zero :D. I know you started learning asm not too long ago, you do know what me and snarf were referring to I assume then.

Zero One

Uhh... well, no. But that's my fault, I haven't gotten very far into ASM.


09 ORA #$xx/xx
29 AND #$xx/xx
49 EOR #$xx/xx
69 ADC #$xx/xx
89 BIT #$xx/xx
A9 LDA #$xx/xx
C9 CMP #$xx/xx
E9 SBC #$xx/xx

A0 LDY #$xx/xx
C0 CPY #$xx/xx

A2 LDX #$xx/xx
E0 CPX #$xx/xx

All of said operations could be 2 or 3 byte commands depending on whether the register in question is in 8-16bit mode. The only way to know this is by finding the last SEP/REP (Set Processor to 8bit / Reset Processor Bits (to 16bit) ) command used. This is why programs like Geiger's SNES9x debugger cannot always accurately disassemble.

Also what Snarf said (which I know little about :s)


Here's an example of what I'm talking about (from my 6502 experience; though 65816 has even more addressing modes):

LDA #$FF     ; Immediate
LDA $00      ; Direct-page
LDA $00,X    ; Direct-page indexed
LDA $8400    ; Absolute
LDA $8400,X  ; Absolute, x-indexed
LDA $8400,Y  ; Absolute, y-indexed
LDA ($20,X)  ; Indirect, x-pre-indexed
LDA ($20),Y  ; Indirect, y-post-indexed

Each of these instructions uses the same mnemonic, but has a different opcode.

I'd recommend adding a fourth column to the text file that specifies addressing in a format easy for your program to parse. Something like this:

51 EOR (00),Y   Set Exclusive Bits Direct Page Indirect Indexed,Y
52 EOR (00)     Set Exclusive Bits Direct Page Indirect
53 EOR (00,S),Y Set Exclusive Bits Stack Relative Indirect Indexed,Y
54 MVN ??       Block Move
55 EOR 00,X     Set Exclusive Bits Direct Page Indexed,X
56 LSR 00,X     Logical Shift Right Direct Page Indexed,X
57 EOR [00],Y   Set Exclusive Bits Direct Page Indirect Long Indexed,Y

In the program you can probably just use a combo box listing the addressing mode. When the user enters a mnemonic, the opcode shown would depend on the value of the combo box. When an opcode is entered, the addressing mode can be shown in the combo box (even though you already show the addressing mode in a label, it's still a good idea to update the combo box).

Also, who thought it was a good idea to name an addressing mode "direct indirect"?


was 24 hour Phazon preview


I think I peed a little. I hope to make Synergy look this sexy one day.


Can't wait red monkey, just, can't wait to replay this awesome hack with these updated graphics!  :^_^:


Been working on this since yesterday:

What do you all think?


Looks good, Jamie.  I especially like the part in the middle at the bottom, which for some reason gave me the impression of Squall Leonhart (on the right) talking down to somebody, and them hanging their head in shame.

I'll just take my active imagination, and leave. :^_^:


Quote from: Quietus on August 23, 2011, 04:37:17 PM
Looks good, Jamie.  I especially like the part in the middle at the bottom, which for some reason gave me the impression of Squall Leonhart (on the right) talking down to somebody, and them hanging their head in shame.

I was thinking the formation to the right of that looked like a sneaker >.>

Looks good, though. I hate how that set has no features in Vanilla


We all have active imaginations don't we? :nod: When I'm finished with it. I'm going to release a zip with custom palettes with them as well. I'm working my butt off to make the 3/4 tilesets really more awesome then it was before. This is going to be a real treat from me to all metroid constructors. :wink: