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General Projects Screenshots/Vids Thread

Started by Zhs2, May 15, 2009, 10:44:44 PM

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I like it, though I think it would lose nothing if you were to reduce the depth of the letters slightly.


Okay, so something like this?

Old one for comparision:


Yeah.  As I said, the text is as clear as it was before, but it doesn't have the great wedges down the sides. :^_^:

Vismund Cygnus


Something went wrong with YouTube and I can't embed my video. . .

EDIT: seems to be fixt now. I have no clue what was going on there!


At first, I read your post, clicked on the link, and Firefox crashed then making me ask "What kind of sorcery is at work here?" Reloaded FF, clicked link, page loads, "devicesupport." Looking at the thread title, Vis talking about no embeds, edited by Kennon... I confus now (though at least now I have this information). :=x:


Vismund's video:

I went to Vis' channel and linked directly to the video, so hopefully you guys can see it now.


Yeah, I initially got the same 'devicesupport' crap as person, but that link works fine. :^_^:


Is the black 'n white look edited in the video or intentional for the game? I think it looks cool, 'Super Metroid Noir'.


I think it's just a novel way of adding to the wrecked station's atmosphere. :^_^:



The metroid's speed seems excessive.  I always feel that experienced players should always have the potential to defeat enemies without taking damage unless they get unlucky, but that thing's speed seems to make it almost impossible to avoid.


Dat sexy beam! very nice work Quote, glad to see you're still doing things.


Oh! There is a boostball feature shown in the video aswell. Be CAREFUL with any kinds of items that increase the speed (with which Samus can move horizontally on ground by either rolling or running) to higher values than those that can be reached in the original game, because that way it can happen that Samus skips/falls through 1 or even 2 tiles thick ground [or e.g. grey door-shells or in principle any objects that are not too thick], e.g. like with Megaball in SM Ice Metal:

The issue regarding fast speeds is the general mechanic behind moving on ground (as it is explained in some old post at the Super Metroid thread at TASVideos):
Whenever Samus moves on the ground (let´s say Samus moves p pixels horizontally on the ground in some given frame f), the developers added a downwards speed-component to Samus´ horizontal speed-component in such a way that the downwards speed is always 1 pixel/frame larger than the horizontal speed-component that is assigned to Samus´ movement [in this case, Samus´ velocity in frame f would be a diagonally downwards pointing vector with angle into the ground strictly larger than 45° (which means the vector would still point into the ground if Samus runs downwards on those diagonal slopes that are mainly used in Super Metroid), with same horizontal component p but also downwards component (p+1)]. This mechanic was implemented to prevent Samus from falling off the ground when moving/running downwards on diagonal slopes (e.g. in the Speedbooster hall or the long hall to the left in the room above Crocomire´s room).

So, for example: If one would increase Samus´ running speed with speedbooster on a 1 block thick (thus 16 rows of solid pixels thick) platform in such a way that Samus can move forwards 15 pixels in 1 frame, then Samus would be assigned a downwards speed-component of 16=15+1 pixels in that frame such that the collision-detection at Samus´ feet would happen beneath the lower most row of solid pixels of the platform where the air tiles already are, and hence allow Samus to move downwards which would result in immediately falling through the ground (which in a similar manner but with small 1/2 block thick rectangular slopes can at some places be observed in the original game aswell).

This mechanic can also be observed if one rolls off a platform with speedball or when Flatley turnaround spinjumps with fast speeds are executed, since in those cases, the direction Samus will move towards will not be horizontal but diagonal downwards because of that downwards pointing speed-component:
(at the very end of that video, one can nicely see that Samus moves quite far downwards during the turnaround off the edge, actually)

You can test if the boostball mechanics can get one stuck in the ground by charging the boost on a long platform and mashing Left and Right rapidly, alternating after the boost was released. Usually it is more likely that the ball can enter the ground that way shortly after the boost starts, compared to changing directions when the boost already starts losing its effect.

Another thing to note about the boostball though is that (at least in SM Ice Metal), one can boost into a door and change its direction either shortly before or after entering the door to then in the next room roll back into the transition blocks leading to the previous room even before the outer parts of the door-shell appear; or one could instead also do the same thing but with little less speed and unmorphing at the right time to be in a crouched pose very deep inside the door-shell on the other side, which would allow deep X-Ray-Climb in there, but not only X-Ray-Climb but also the ability to execute a spinjump away from the coloumn of the 4 transition-blocks of the door to trigger the transition via walljump-check; or, provided that there is a door at exactly the same horizontal position, but higher above the door in whose shell Samus stucks, one could climb up to the other door-shell above (if there is a solid wall to do so) and then enter the door above using the walljump-check, even if the shell of that door is grey [such a scenario would for example be given in the long vertical climb room before Mother Brain´s old room in Crateria, where a door with grey shell is above a door into which one could get deeply via boostball, then climb up and enter the upper door that has the grey shell].

Note that armpumping will not be included in those calculations, which means that one can still fall off diagonal slopes if one additionally armpumps, since the downwards component will only adapt to the speed that the game assigns to Samus, but not the horizontal shift in position that the armpump causes (and in particular, armpumping does not increase Samus´ running speed but only shift Samus´ position), and then it can happen that the velocity in a frame in which one armpumps does not point into the ground anymore.

Furthermore, I have not tested this, but it might also be possible to easier skip completely through transition blocks of doors with the boostball to get out of bounds [which can be done with shinesparks or running fast enough (or with Sniqwc3´s step-wise transition skip method) in the original game aswell anyways].


I appreciate the wealth of information you provided, but I already have provisions coded in because of those very problems :P
I should also mention that this isn't even very similar to the one in ice metal, I coded it from scratch because I wanted it to work differently from insoms (and his code for it wasn't very good).
I'll make a different video for it (and a different one for the beam as well) once I finish some things up. I mostly just wanted to show the alpha metroid.


I'll say what Aran;Jaeger said shorter.

Samus have 2 speed values: speed (running speed) and momentum (walking speed).
When Samus is walking, speed = 0, momentum = $0..2C0.
When Samus is running, speed > 0, momentum = $2C0.
When running with Speed Booster, max default speed is $700, momentum = $2C0.

You can freely increase max speed value or max momentum value (walking speed), but their sum should not exceed $F00 (subpixels per frame). Or, as Aran;Jaeger said you'll fall through ground.


Alright, here is my take on the boostball

from the description:
My version of the boostball from metroid prime 1/2/3 in super metroid.
Also included in the boostball is the quick morph feature, which upon pressing item cancel (which doesn't have any other function in my hack) will automatically morph samus and flash. If however samus is moving quickly, it will also give samus a charge relative to her speed, and then start a boost once she is morphed.
This should hopefully make movement smoother, as you can boost through morph tunnels without having to stop first.
This boostball also kills enemies if it has enough charge to do so.

*the % above the energy tanks is simply to show the charge as it happens, it is not an actual percentage, and will be replaced with a bar at some point*


Looks great, but maybe consider letting the player know when it's able to destroy enemies? like edit the palette or something.


It looks almost impossible to avoid, so make sure he's not too early, or make sure that players have suitable equipment.


I will not use that in my hack just made it to show.


That looks a little like Pipe AI, I hate pipes :mad:



HDMA makes for some neat flashlights and windows