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Volta - Unfinished build. [dead]

Started by FPzero, September 24, 2011, 02:17:09 AM

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This is Volta in its unfinished state.  I'm not really ever planning to touch it again since it's probably been a year since I did anything to it.  Yeah, last modified 10/11/2010, so, Volta is officially dead.  Sorry to those who were looking forward to it.

So I give you what I was working on.  It's completely unfinished, probably buggy in places, I don't even really know if the patch works or not.  I finished most of Volgaia, some of Forensrem, and a small bit of the ice place that I forget the name of.  Most of Sanctorium too.

Feel free to take any resources you want from the rom, I don't need them.  If I ever by some slim chance some back into SM hacking I'll start again from scratch.  Volta's been too much of a bad memory at this point for me to want to do anything more with it ever.  I mean, hell, I started the hack in early 2007, four years of not finishing the hack is enough.  Time to get rid of it, declare it dead publicly and move on.

If anyone's interested I can explain some of the stuff I was going to do with the hack down the line, especially what my plans for the endgame were.  i never revealed those despite thinking of them over two years ago.  I kept them secret even from Silver_Skree, who at the time was my closest SM hacking friend.

But yeah, have fun guys.  It was cool while it lasted.


Sad to see this go, but I ain't mad at'cha. I killed a hack for kinda the same reason, but that'n didn't make it a year. Finished or not, Volta made its mark by being one of the first really attractive hacks in the early days. Maybe someone'll pick it up where you left off, and I'll definitely see if anything could be carried over to mine and credit you.

Got any kind of docs/IPS/ASM files just for Volta? level_entries.txt? Any components of the hack laying around that would make exploiting it a bit easier. If you have a bunch of different versions, it'd be cool to have those for archival purposes or whatevs. I can put together a nice little page for it.

So, are you done hacking in general right now, or just Super Metroid? What else are you hacking these days?


Sad, Volta had alot of potential. I'll take a looksie at the tileset, see if I can implement anything into my hack, giving credit, of course.


I would be very interested in any resources you've got. I am going to take a look at it and see if maybe I can do anything with it.


Aside from resources, I'm more interested in what the end-demo items collection/percentage is. Do you have that by chance so it's clear when we've 100% the build? Though it really is a shame that it's dead now, even if I did see it happening from a distance. I was looking forward to it but maybe it's one of those "it's better if it's not finished" things. It was a good hack and a good run FP. :^_^:


I have no idea what the percentages for the build are, sorry.  i think I placed Morph, Bombs, Ice, Spazer, Charge, Varia, Boostball, Powerbombs, Supers, Missiles and that was it.  I never did make it to the later portions of the hack.  The norfair and maridia equivalents never even had tilesets.

As for resources, Volta was relatively basic, especially in terms of code.  I think the only asm was the Boostball patch and DSO's graphics repointing thing.  I can attach the level entries for you guys, that's easy enough.  There's a billion versions of the graphics files sitting around in my SMILE folder, I'm not gonna bother sorting those out.

I did find the old Demo 2, which was the last thing i ever publicly released of the hack back on Christmas 2008.  I've attached that for nostalgia purposes.  Unfortunately, Demo 1 appears to be missing entirely, I don't even recall what Demo 1 was or if it even existed.

In case it's gotten lost over the years, I found the Boostball IPS, and it's also attached at the bottom.  I think my version was given before the public one so it's probably a little buggier.

I managed to find one of the first screenshots I took of Volta, dated around late March 2008.  The landing site looked a little different in terms of color, but the design still remains almost exactly the same.

All of the rest of the screenshots I took and uploaded from Volta can be found in these two Photobucket albums:

That's probably enough for archival purposes.  If you want a definitive start date for Volta, my oldest backup dates 3/27/2008.

So where do I go from here?  I have no idea.  SM hacking has always been more complex than SMW, and considering my lack of drive in SMW hacking to this day, I can't see myself getting back into SM hacking again soon, no matter what my brain thinks.  it always thinks "wouldn't it be cool if.." in regards to rom hacking but my track record always speaks louder.


So what were your plans for the ending? I liked what I played when you released your last demo and I may take a look at finishing the hack in some fashion at some point. I'm obviously working on my own hack and I've got another project planned afterward plus I'm helping out on another hack on top of that, so I'm not going to guarantee anything, but I've looked at Volta so far and quite a bit is done, so it wouldn't be too far of a stretch to at least make it a beatable hack at least. And depending on what your plans for the hack were I may be able to conjure up something similar. (Unless you'd rather it be left dead of course, and still, no guarantee I will ever finish it.)

Quote from: FirePhoenix on September 24, 2011, 06:31:09 PM
it always thinks "wouldn't it be cool if.." in regards to rom hacking but my track record always speaks louder.
I hear that. Been a long time on my hack too. But, whatever. At least your hacking experience makes you one of the more fun and intelligent LPer's I've ever watched.