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Super Metroid Prime Signups

Started by personitis, July 27, 2009, 12:30:43 AM

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OK. So if you read through the "General Hack Ideas/Suggestions" topic, you may already know of my idea. If you don't: take Super Metroid and Metroid Prime and fuse them together. Got a question as to why I'm doing this now, read the spoiler:

[spoiler]So, there I was sitting at my computer, just scrolling through all my favs and I come across the MP2D (Metroid Prime 2D) site. I'm all "Hey, haven't checked this place in a while, why not?" First post I see is in the annoucements section and it practically says, "Hey, we haven't made any progress with our own engine, let's us Super Metroid's." Time of the post, around the same time the idea popped into my head.[/spoiler]

Basically I'm here to ask "Who wants in the project?" I'm gonna need a lot of stuff done and there's a fair amount of things out of my reach and knowledge (ASM and some decent hex I'm sure). What I'm looking for I'll list below. I feel I'll take the directors stand for this project. I'm not loosing it to some hacking scrubs. <_< So yea, tell me where you want in and give me examples (pics, vids, etc.).

-ASM and Hex people (this includes a WIDE range of things, so be ready if you wanna join)
-Graphics people (just gimme something that looks good, don't correlate it with MP)
-Map makers (those who have ideas for taking Prime's 3d maps and making them 2d)
-Level editors (people with good level design skills)
-Other things I migth have missed

Currently I need more ASM/Hex people and graphics people.

Like Big Gay Cell said, "Just keep in mind; that's one Hell of a project." I need a team before anything, otherwise this will never take off.  :icon_cry:


Well, if this goes along as you'd like it to, I'll chip in some graphic work as needed. Don't expect a complete overhaul of every single tile set or anything, though.


This is kinda rude against Dazuro IMO.


Quote from: Crys on July 27, 2009, 04:25:57 AM
This is kinda rude against Dazuro IMO.
No it's not; We're going to do it differently. We'll be able to make progress.

I wouldn't mind being lead level designing, and I could do some graphics.
Also, for the "hex" thing, I could do a fair amount of moving stuff around in $8F and such... I'm pretty sure it would be very helpful to just clean everything out and use super metroid's engine and start most stuff off from scratch. (like some enemies and shit.)

I'd also like to say that we're going to have to do things pretty systematically if we're ever going to make any progress. For example, first there would be map collaboration, where ONLY the maps would be messed with. Then level designers would have to do areas one at a time to avoid breaking anything... Too bad rom hacking can't be as simple as inserting things into wads..
Basically, we would need more or less EVERYTHING to be in separate roms/patches/whatever before compiling it together. One patch for all level design (that'll have to be traded around between level designers for a while D:), one for maps, one for enemies, etc.

EDIT: we could work with these MP2D guys... even though they're all obvious hacking noobs.


can i do samus's pallets for her suit


@Grime: No, I wouldn't ask for one person to complete all the tile sets. That's too much.

Quote from: Bloodsonic on July 27, 2009, 10:33:34 AM
I wouldn't mind being lead level designing, and I could do some graphics.
Also, for the "hex" thing, I could do a fair amount of moving stuff around in $8F and such... I'm pretty sure it would be very helpful to just clean everything out and use super metroid's engine and start most stuff off from scratch. (like some enemies and shit.)

I'd also like to say that we're going to have to do things pretty systematically if we're ever going to make any progress. For example, first there would be map collaboration, where ONLY the maps would be messed with. Then level designers would have to do areas one at a time to avoid breaking anything... Too bad rom hacking can't be as simple as inserting things into wads..
Basically, we would need more or less EVERYTHING to be in separate roms/patches/whatever before compiling it together. One patch for all level design (that'll have to be traded around between level designers for a while D:), one for maps, one for enemies, etc.

EDIT: we could work with these MP2D guys... even though they're all obvious hacking noobs.
Organization is a must, especially with a ROM. I'm thinking Maps-Level-Graphics. I've already gone through Prime and gotten some room information. When it does comes to the level designing, I say we get a patch out for every area in itself and then use a new ROM to actually build the rooms that way:
1. When building an area we're free to use whatever room we please (pre-patches)
2. We can recreate the rooms in a clean ROM to see how much space will be needed so we can repoint tile data and what not (post-patch)

As for working with them, I wouldn't know. One I'm still a little uncomfortable with the whole situation of the hack. But the bigger reason I'm not sure if we should is will they actually do work? Will they contribute their progress through the whole project and not fall apart (like the MP2D project)?


As for working with them, I wouldn't know. One I'm still a little uncomfortable with the whole situation of the hack. But the bigger reason I'm not sure if we should is will they actually do work? Will they contribute their progress through the whole project and not fall apart (like the MP2D project)?
Yeah... Their project is going to fall apart no matter what. I already know this very well. It's too obvious.

Also, about the room thing... I really think that we have really no choice to make every room from scratch, one at a time.
It's waaaaay to easy to break something if more than one person is working at once, trust me.


Just saying that I won't be joining any group hack anytime soon...

Enjoy your group hack! :D least for as long as it will last!  :lol:


Quote from: Bloodsonic on July 27, 2009, 12:35:57 PM
It's waaaaay to easy to break something if more than one person is working at once, trust me.
That's why I suggested there be patches for each area sepreatly that way, once all the areas are completed (in patches) one can pick up a clean ROM and remake everything knowing how much data to use where and such. A little redundant but is organized as far as level design goes; allows everyone on that part of the project to get their thoughts out.


I'll join in for level design.  This sounds like a cool idea.


I've often thought of making a utility designed specifically for applying multiple patches from multiple people in a way that completely avoids overlap, and it would actually be somewhat easy, but I've already got THUMBGASM and my own patch format to write, so this would have to wait. Besides, there really would be no perfect way to do this, so I'd have to be willing to listen to complaints about it, and I'd have to complain at people about banks and the SNES addressing format to be able to do it, etc. Maybe I'll look more into this in a couple months, or at least once I'm finished with other stuff.

Or maybe this post will give someone ideas on how to do it, like having it read all the pointers and size thingies and comparing them all and finding overlaps and changing pointers that will overlap stuff to be pointing to free space after saving the pointer so you can scan the file containing it for values which are equal to the pointer to change those to account for all the shifting around to do.


uNsane, something that applies multiple patches doesn't sound easy. The only way I can see this being done is a program that checks for what stayed the same after a first patch and anything that is the same is free to be overwritten but everything else not. Yet that's not very sufficent. =\

I ment to ask you Blood, what kind of hex work can you do?

Also, found my old Tallon Overworld map that was sitting on my bookshelf. Es en union. :^_^:

[attachment deleted by admin]


All types of repointing and any little ASM we might possibly need.
also, that map is actually kinda small. I bet I could make that with ~8 rooms <_< >_>


Quote from: person701 on July 28, 2009, 12:49:19 PMuNsane, something that applies multiple patches doesn't sound easy. The only way I can see this being done is a program that checks for what stayed the same after a first patch and anything that is the same is free to be overwritten but everything else not. Yet that's not very sufficent. =\
Well, knowing exactly how the an IPS is set up internally, it wouldn't really be all that hard. All you have to do is check the pointers and sizes before actually applying any patches, then changing said pointers if there will be any overlap. The tough part is finding pointers inside the written data to fix those so that you don't still have a bunch of things referring to the same locations in the ROM; there's no completely reliable way to do this unless you were to program in every 65816 opcode that accesses data in the ROM, and even then, you'd still have to worry about conflicts in datazones.

Silver Skree


Hey, I fixed it.
Is a missing letter in a topic really all that bad?  :icon_neutral:


Quote from: Bloodsonic on July 28, 2009, 04:28:10 PM
Hey, I fixed it.
Is a missing letter in a topic really all that bad?  :icon_neutral:
Yes, er, no, erm... what evere. <_<

Anyways, I'm planning on getting around to remaking that map I posted and making more tonight. I'm not so worried about rooms at the current time. Something I forgot to mention: anyone know how to add room states?


I know how to write a room from scratch, I can even write new events. There's nothin' to worry about.
What we really need is a dedicated ASMer, and possibly more mappers/graphics artists.
I'm gonna end up doing a bunch of graphics, aren't I? I can, but I'm lazy and dislike working with pixels. p:


Updated first post with people I need more.


I might be able to do a bit of graphics in addition to level design, but I'm not super-great at GFX.  But...I may be able to pull it off.


You know...
It will be really fun to see what this turns into!  :icon_razz:


If you don't have anything good to say, don't say it. This thread does not need any of your negativity, and nor does any other.


You know, I may not be that good for much, but I could help with testing parts and pieces for you if you are running into problems.


I have to agree with Crys. After all, he's only arguing the sentiments of all of the failed community hacks that have ever existed or been dreamed of. :/

I personally hope this project does get off the ground, but people got to be serious and make sure it gets done (or, at the very least, worked upon!)


I would volunteer my level design skills, but I've known myself to loose motivation when things go too slow; I do too much thinking about hacking and not enough hacking at these times. I will however volunteer to create a map (A full planet map, as I do insist on everything fitting together properly); having already made maps for Prime 2, I'm sure I can do it for Prime. If this thing gets going, like makes enough progress to be unlikely to be cancelled, I'll happily join up for something more.