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[SM] Metroid Super Zero Mission

Started by Scyzer, April 16, 2011, 05:53:07 PM

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I beat it in 6.14 with 71%. That escape was brutal!
Since I got through the Pirate Ship without touching a laser, I was able to completely skip Tourian and Mother Brain, so I actually completed it without ever going down there, except to get the Lv3 lock, and other misc items. Was intending to beat Mother Brain just for the hell of it, but I'd ended up going in the wrong way, coming out behind MB's room. Couldn't be bothered looking for a way around.[/spoiler]
Only had to find the Red Laser switch in the Pirate Ship to get X-Ray, but never saw it. There were a few areas I left unexplored though, so I might go back to it later on.


Like seriously been playin pretty stuck.... where is the grapple beam hidden anyone????


Quote from: gisel213 on April 23, 2011, 03:57:45 PM
Like seriously been playin pretty stuck.... where is the grapple beam hidden anyone????

Think back to Metroid Zero Mission and try to remember where the Power Grip was, also, you may have to do a bit of a hell run to get to it.


Quote from: Orel on April 23, 2011, 04:02:47 PM
Quote from: gisel213 on April 23, 2011, 03:57:45 PM
Like seriously been playin pretty stuck.... where is the grapple beam hidden anyone????

Think back to Metroid Zero Mission and try to remember where the Power Grip was, also, you may have to do a bit of a hell run to get to it.

It was like to the left and up on the map you fall down bomb a wall and find it in the hands of a chozo statue then climb up
platforms to get back up i believe....


[spoiler]It's in Crateria.  The path for it is pretty well hidden, but search around the areas that have grapple blocks and water and you should be able to find it.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]I found all 4 laser locks, but the last one seemed impossible to get to.  It's in the final/Draygon area, just to the right of the last save station.  Thing is that there's one of those orange gates that closes and won't let you pass.  You can see it from the room above though if you use a powerbomb on the blocks by that energy tank.  I just couldn't find a way to get to it.[/spoiler]


Quote from: Crashtour99 on April 23, 2011, 05:09:58 PM
[spoiler]It's in Crateria.  The path for it is pretty well hidden, but search around the areas that have grapple blocks and water and you should be able to find it.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]I found all 4 laser locks, but the last one seemed impossible to get to.  It's in the final/Draygon area, just to the right of the last save station.  Thing is that there's one of those orange gates that closes and won't let you pass.  You can see it from the room above though if you use a powerbomb on the blocks by that energy tank.  I just couldn't find a way to get to it.[/spoiler]

Thanks hopefully may finish this then i may start my own hack....


Egh.. I've managed to do the hack so far, but how do you ACTIVATE the level 4 lock? I've gotten into the room, but there's no way I'm running that fast and the bouncers don't activate when they're offscreen...


[spoiler=Level 4 lock]Charge a shine spark, fire, and boost toward the lock.[/spoiler]


Just went back and beat Mother Brain. The battle wasn't all that great, but the aftermath..... holy damn! Most creative and epic thing I've ever seen done in an SM hack. Even if you hate this hack, playing up to that point just to experience it is totally worth it.

Super Zero Mission - Chozodia Missile Speedboost


Very well done. I guess one of the problems I was having with it was that I didn't have the space jump so I had to speed mockball on the spikes and hope they would hurt me at the right time and cause me bounce up to higher spikes, I think even if I had had the space jump when I was trying that I still wouldn't have been able to make it through.


I need a bit of help.

I've got 6½ E-Tanks, 2 reserve tanks, 80 missiles, 16 supers, grapple, Varia, Morph, Bomb, Spring ball, Hi-Jump, Space Jump(unknown), Speed Booster, Charge, Ice, Wave and Spazer.
I've killed Kraid, Spore Spawn, Crocomire and Bomb Torizo.
But now, I can't figure out where to go. I've gotten to Ridley, but all the paths I find there are blocked off by either Power Bomb blocks or Screw Attack blocks. Haven't got either, so I can't go anywhere in there. Can't find any paths in any other area either. I've found a few PB packs, but I can't get any of them. :cry:
I guess I need to get either Power Bombs or Screw Attack next. Any hints?

Edit: So, I found a bomb block in Ridley. Then I got Screw Attack. I guess I don't need help after all. :^_^:


So I just defeated Ridley, and I have a question:

[spoiler]Am I supposed to go to the ship next?  I can activate the L2 locks, and get through the red pirates, but then I get to Chozodia, and the red bird things are absoutely raping me.  This seems WAY harder than the hack up until this point.  Was there another way I was supposed to go?  While I was loving the game until this point, this is passing the point of fun.  Any advice is much appreciated.[/spoiler]


Yes, you need to traverse the ship.

[spoiler]You can skip the pirates by finding all the little secret tunnels and not touching a tripwire, but I never did. You can see how I( avoided the pirates starting here toward the end of the video: Metroid Super Zero Mission 10

Video 11 has the rest of my escape I believe. It just requires good timing to miss the ki-hunters.[/spoiler]


Thank you.  I made it through, and picking up some pointers from your video helped a ton.

I'm back on the march, exploring Tourian, and back to loving this hack.  It's very epic.


It's a LOT easier to go around the pirates, but more puzzle based. If you can get to Chozodia without touching tripwires... [spoiler]you also get early PBs in the same place you would first see them, except they don't disappear.[/spoiler]


I can't download it at all. Server is dropping connection after 10 seconds or so. All I can download is about 50 kb of 764. Anyone with connection slower then 512 kbit/s will not be able to dowload it.

Please, make a mirror of this hack
Nevermind. Found a mirror at


what's new/fixed in that version?? (1.60) oh well, i would have to found out by myself, pleased  :^_^:


Quick Tourian question:

[spoiler]I beat MB (both versions), escaped, took out the mini-metroids, but the giant metroid is kicking my arse.  I can shoot at him and keep him off me for awhile, but eventually he always manages to latch on and it's game over.  Am I on the right track?  Will he eventually die if I shoot him enough?  I can't even tell if I'm hurting him.  I feel like I'm missing something in this battle.  Thanks in advance![/spoiler]


I couldn't kill it (didn't try to be honest), I just made a dash for the exit. As soon as you can move, go straight to the left and lay a PB, then run through the door on the left. Hopefully you can make it before it kills you. There'll be an earthquake and when you return the Metroid is buried under more rubble.


[spoiler=A slight correction to the above post]You don't have to use a Power Bomb. It's highly probable that you don't even have them yet (you'll get them soon though). Any weapon will break the glass wall.[/spoiler]

Also, yay I just got my fully powered suit! :^_^:
Time to blast those damned red pirates!

Just finished this in 6:38 with 51%.

I really liked this hack. The beginning was a bit boring, but after about 20 minutes of playing, you'll see that this hack is really great!
It's well-balanced, with the required items easy enough to get, but getting some minor items -like missile packs- is really difficult. A bit overdone sometimes, but unless you're going for 100%, it doesn't really matter.
I liked all the bosses except Kraid. He was just too difficult and annoying to be the first boss.
Most of the bosses had had a graphical redesign. One of them was meh (Botwoon), but the others were really good. Especially Phantoon. Fight him and you'll see. [spoiler]Meta Ridley[/spoiler] made me laugh. He just looked so funny.
Both of the escapes were challenging, but not too difficult. The second one is a bit confusing if you don't know where you're going.

A well-balanced hack with good difficulty, but some items are brutal to get. The bosses are great. Play this if you haven't already.

Now, could someone translate this post into Japanese and send it to the person who made this hack?


Thanks.   [spoiler]Don't have PBs yet, but didn't even think to try to take out that glass wall.  I just assumed if I shot the thing enough something would eventually happen.  Loving Tourian overall.[/spoiler]


[spoiler]I need Screw Attack to hit the level 2 switch without hitting the lasers, dont I?[/spoiler]

I think I missed it >.< Oh well, cant backtrack now.


Quote from: Chozunsda on April 29, 2011, 12:43:39 PM
I think I missed it >.< Oh well, cant backtrack now.
[spoiler]You probably have Screw Attack if you are in the Pirate Ship. "Unknown Item" it would have been called at the time.

But no, you don't need it. You just need to find the crack in the wall to avoid the lasers.[/spoiler]


[spoiler]I managed to get into the tunnel by midair morphing, bombing in mid air, unmorphing quickly and then jumping back up into another midair morph, but that seems a little excessive.. I have no idea how im supposed to get out after hitting the switch though :/[/spoiler]

Edit:[spoiler]Ok so apparently half of the bottom laser is fake -.-[/spoiler]


Counted the submap sizes in SMILE. Human error may mean it's off but not by a significant margin:

Crateria: 211
Brinstar/Kraid: 382
Norfair/Ridley: 554
Tourain: 191
Pirate Ship: 482
Chozodia: 406
Total: 2226

For reference, the original clocks in at 1218, meaning SZM is 1.8 times larger. Not quite Redesign, but the closest measured yet. Truly a huge adventure.