The Great Metroid Construction Collaboration Hunt - Post your resources here!

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Black Falcon

Quote from: person701 on November 09, 2009, 06:03:59 PM
I probably should've asked for this like, 20 posts ago but does anyone have the raw ASM file for the MP2 blocks BlackFlacon posted? I'm seeing health drop like a rock and I wanna modify it (and yes, I know how the BTS work).

Because of several hackers who asked me for the asm file I'll release it publically.
I know the blocks are not as great as the ones in Crys's Darkworld hack.

[spoiler=simple code:]

;Health and damage blocks MP2 style
;By Black Falcon
;Credit goes to Crys for the idea,
;to DSO for helping him,
;and Kejardon for his notes

!variavalue = #$0F00 ;value for varia suit
!value = #$5000 ;the normal damage value (1/65536th)
!subvalue = #$0700 ;subhealth-value (healing per frame)
!damage = $0A4E
!maxhealth = $09C4
!health = $09C2
!subhealth = $0A4c ;needed for healing per frame

;v__v___________BTS 03 Air-Fool X-Ray____________v__v

org $9498B2 ;Hijack point of Air-Fool X-Ray with a BTS 03

DW $B300 ;this points to free space in the ROM

org $94B300

LDA $09A2 ;checks, if gravity suit is equipped
AND #$0020
CMP #$0020
BEQ gotgrav ;goto 'gotgrav' if true
LDA $09A2 ;checks, if varia suit is equipped
AND #$0001
CMP #$0001
BEQ gotvaria ;goto 'gotvaria' if true
LDA !value
STA !damage

gotgrav: ;if gravity is equipped, do nothing

gotvaria: ;if varia suit is equipped, then load 'variavalue',
LDA !variavalue ;which takes less damage
STA !damage

;v__v___________BTS 04 Air-Fool X-Ray____________v__v

org $9498B4 ;Hijack point of Air-Fool X-Ray with a BTS value 04

DW $B400

org $94B400 ;again free space

LDA !value         ;normal damage for free use NOTE: gravity suit is affacted by suit divisors
STA !damage


;v__v___________BTS 05 Air-Fool X-Ray____________v__v

org $9498B6

DW $B500

org $94B500

LDA !subhealth
ADC !subvalue  ;this adds a value to current subhealth every frame
STA !subhealth

LDA !health
ADC #$0000
CMP $09C4 ; check that it's <= to max health
BCC OK ; skips to OK: if true
LDA $09c4 ; go with the limit instead of going over it
STA !health



also attached the file for lazy peoples :grin:


Just a small thing I noticed. For BTS $04, rather than repeating code you've already got there, wouldn't it be easier to just pointer to $B317, which is the STA !value after the suit checks. It only saves 7 bytes, but it's something I guess.


So i am updating the site tomorrow, anything you want up on site tomorrow best email me tonight before i get to work, email it all to . im expecting a few emails tomorrow, its best if you email what you want up just so i dont miss anything and its all ready for me, thanks.


Wouldn't reading this topic and cleaning out posts as a benchmark work just the same? I mean, that's what it's here for, for god's sakes. :neutral:

Black Falcon

There was a bug with super missiles count as two projectiles.
Kejardon made a fix but he did this in an asm file.
Bug discription:
Quote from: Kejardon
A super missile counts as two projectiles. When the graphic projectile dies, it deletes all super missiles. ALL.
So, if you have two super missiles on screen, the moment either one dies, the other one dies as well (give or take a frame).
This is really stupid, especially considering that the routine to delete the multiple super missiles is less efficient than using the graphic projectile's link to the super missile.
So I made use of just that. This code (should) allow you to fire multiple super missiles without worrying about them being deleted when they shouldn't be. Also, this fix exists entirely within original code; no extra space is used, so unless you tweaked this specific code, it should run fine on any hack.

There was another glitch popping up because the second projectile was not correctly deleted.
I fixed that. There is no more second projectile. Super Missiles are now *one* projectile instead of two.
Code was also revamped for use in xkas and commented.

NOTE: I still need to make the new ips
This was the reason I transferred the asm file into a new patch.
All credit goes to Kejardon!


Here's a small list of Hex edits I ended up (accidentally) finding.

$90:8509 0B to 0C - Speedboost takes longer to kick in, Samus's animation doesn't speed up
$91:EF07 8D to 01 - Can't turn around while xraying, EA also disables sounds
$90:B84C 8D to 8F - Disables beam, but all other weapons are avalibl
$88:878A 0A to 00 - Disable xray startup animation
$90:9136 02 to 01 - reverses gravity (You now fall up, instead of down, and you can bombjump downwards instead of up

Black Falcon

Yay I finished my guide to projectile sound stuffz
Here you can edit the fire sounds of missiles, super missiles and beam combos + their charged version.


Updated Appendixes -

Updated the Boss Palette listing: should contain ALL boss related palettes.  As always, if you EVER find an error in something I write, please send me a PM with proof of error. 
I'll get it fixed ASAP.

Mother Brain was a bitch to find all of the palettes for. -_-;


I included the wrong tiletable, for anyone who wants to use rustworks can get the updated tiletable here, just remember if you been using it and you use my tiletable you will have to remake all your rooms


Its nearly 3AM, tired, and I just finished with this

Its right below on this post, download, use, enjoy and make frigging good hacks  :portal:


<DSO> Imported into tileset 1 unrepointed, Frigate destroys tilesets 3-6 >_>
           ^-- Make sure to repoint it :P

Edit 2
My bad i missed one tile, its the filler tile too.

Edit 3
Just ripped this from starfox, nothing too new i guess

Edit, second planet rip

Edit 4


Quote from: Flamestar666 on November 21, 2009, 07:16:11 AM
$90:9136 02 to 01 - reverses gravity (You now fall up, instead of down, and you can bombjump downwards instead of up
Wow! With this I can create some rooms with negative gravity. Maybe, artifical gravity in turned upside down Wrecked Ship or shifting gravity in Ceres before boom.

Ah... Too bad I can't jump from ceiling

My 2 cents to Hex Tweaks.

Disable Crystal Flash
Change 4 bytes "22 A2 D5 90" at 40B5F to "EA EA EA EA"

Terminal velocity of Samus (i.e. maximum speed of falling that allowed by air resistance)
81110. 05 -- standart.
01, 02, etc. -- lower the ending speed.
08, 10, etc. -- higher the ending speed.

Jumping height, acceleration and gravity are not affected. Values above 10 causes graphical gliches in tall shafts.

Value 10 is equals to ending speed about 150-180 km/h. I guess, 01 for 10 km/h, 02 for 20 km/h and so on.

EDIT: That was already found. But 10 is max value to falling without glitches, not 0A.


Funny thing, I was talking about disabled crystal flash the other day. And in physics terms, the second change can be called terminal velocity. :D


Quote from: person701 on November 30, 2009, 05:16:19 PM
Funny thing, I was talking about disabled crystal flash the other day.
Actually, you can create a special item that will allow Crystal Flash while equipped, if you want so. It's not very hard... Of course, you can hide it very well  :wink:

Quote from: person701 on November 30, 2009, 05:16:19 PM
And in physics terms, the second change can be called terminal velocity. :D
Thanks, fixed.


so much hex...
so much........

Anyways I'll make this short

I have documented address for sounds ( i don't know how else to explain this), so you can change the in game sounds of many things (well there you go then).

first is a list of known addresses
Click here < you wanna download this one
next is a list of possible sound addresses
click here
3rd is a huge dump (heh) of hex strings that have to do with the addresses i have documented plus more
click here if you must
please excuse any typos

if you have a question go ask someone else ( or ask me in IRC)
I also found this
800BF - disables water transition (no splash, no bubbles, faster animation)

also, penis

Black Falcon

Also some hex tweaks found by me:
$28491/92 - 6801 to ???? time for how long the message box stays open.
(and no, I haven't looked into Eris for that  :<_<:)

NOTE: The ROM value is reversed so 68 01 is actually 0168 which means the box stays open for 168 frames in hex
(time for the 'aquired item' fanfare).

The values for how fast lava and acid take damage (I finally found them :D):
$909E8B/8C (Hex/PC: $81E8B/8C) 0080 to ???? Lava Damage value (currently drains 1 digit of energy in 2 frames w/o any suit)
$909E8D/8E (Hex/PC: $81E8D/8E) 0000 to ???? Suit Divisor NOTE: the higher this value becomes the more damage samus will take!

$909E8F/90(Hex/PC: $81E8F/90) 0080 to ???? Acid Damage value (reversed,-ie actually 8000)
$909E91/92(Hex/PC: $81E91/92) 0100 to ???? Suit Divisor (reversed), change to 0000 --> acid acts like lava | used to remove the divisor effect given by the suits.
NOTE 2: All values are reversed again!


For the documents, I'd like an external link to my stuff, same as some of the others.  I wouldn't mind if you upload the Scrolling Sky patch either, the asm file's on that page too


Another addition from me.

Item that will turn blue eye enemy on.
Bytes are reversed. Default is 04 00 (Morphing Ball)

Type of item that will turn blue eye enemy on.
Change A4 to A8 to get activation from beam. Value is still at 1410E9. 04 00 will be Spazer.

Item needed to activate lower Norfair Chozo.
00 02 is default (Space Jump). Change it to 04 00 to activate in any way. Well, actually, 04 00 is a Morphing Ball's value, but you can't activate it if you can't morph anyway.

Player's health when Ridley will fly away form Ceres.
30 (1E 00) is default. Setting this value to 00 00 will prevent Ridley from escape until player shoots him enough times.


 - Maru Mari Patch -
Just made a speedball patch (thanks to Kej) and changed the springball into another morphball looking item.

This patch if for an unheadered rom

Basically, you can now speed up and do the speedball when you collect the springball/Maru Mari by holding RUN in addition on being able to jump
also included is a few graphic tweaks, and hex edit to disable mockball/speedball hex tweak found in grime's docs (though, you can still do it by holding RUN in ball form after you have the springball).


Video of it in action:

You can grab it HERE

If you just want the speedball, this is the following hex edit
8054E - FF to 0F
81775 - FF to 0F


Now I've got everything figured out, it all works too. Teaches how to create extra PLM, Enemy Allowed/Pop, Enemy Set, and Door pointers... or at least shows the offsets and how the bytes work within each, where the banks are, how much and where the free space is located, etc. I may write a program making everything easier whenever SOLA's code is released or w/e.


Made because Sadiztyk needed some  :yay:

Edit: i fraking fail it, forgot to attach the damn thing

Edit 2: oh look, i forgot about this, Tourian Redux

Tileset used is attached.


Quote from: GF_Kennon on December 21, 2009, 11:11:37 PM
Made because Sadiztyk needed some  :yay:

=O raaaaawwwwwwwrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!
Why didn't I see this before I sent in my xmas hack?! Bah! but thanks James =). Iended up just turning the tree trunk on it's side and putting 2 together XD. Shitty alternative, but it did ok.

Black Falcon

Finally! The long awaited speed booster modification!
I didn't make a christmas hack so I thought why not releasing this instead?
Small preview:

How To Use Shinespark Control:
Up, right, left to shinespark up/right/left respectively
Down to morph
Jump to perform a screw attack (if equipped)
Aim up: shinespark diagonally up
Aim down: shinespark diagonally down

5 patches for more modularity, all unheadered, of course:

1st: Shinespark Control
This is the standard patch I made.
It allows you to change the direction as soon as you picked up
the speed booster.
No energy drain

get the patch:
click here

2nd: Shinespark Control with drain
Same as above, only with an energy drain.

clicky! :D

3rd: Shinespark Control Item
This patch only gives you the control ability by picking up a separate item.
what it does:

  • replaces springball
  • no graphical changes (item text, inventory, etc)
  • puts springball ability into the hijump item
  • no energy drain at all
I know you want it!

4th: Shinespark Control Item Drain A
Same as above item, but it always drains energy.
just like normal shinespark.

5th: Shinespark Control Item Drain B
With this patch the shinespark drains energy until the item has been picked up.

get it here

Please Give Credit!



I've been documenting sound sample data, and here's a patch with changes to a couple of samples changed randomly that I actually thought sounded good. At least the softer door opening is nice, IMO...

Expect me to add more hilarious versions later.


Quote from: DSO on December 25, 2009, 09:06:20 PM
I've been documenting sound sample data, and here's a patch with changes to a couple of samples changed randomly that I actually thought sounded good. At least the softer door opening is nice, IMO...

Expect me to add more hilarious versions later.

I'm guessing you edited a few bytes at the start of the music data? I tried doing this a while ago, and produced all sorts of weird sounds. The doors had a much nicer opening/closing sound, but unfortunately eveything else sounded weird so it wasn't useful.

Now for something I just found. There's a JSL at $AA:C90F ($15490F), this is what causes the haze FX1 in Torizo's room. Simply change the 22 to 6B, and you'll be able to have any FX1 you want.