The Great Metroid Construction Collaboration Hunt - Post your resources here!

Started by Zhs2, July 20, 2009, 07:55:03 PM

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Maybe they realised that there were already waaay too many, and decided that any more would just be pointless. :^_^:


Black Falcon
Cool stuff, man...
Too bad that you're quiting. I guess, I'll have to make 2x2 something alone.

Since I start writing here, I'll post the promised patch. Even two.

Destruction Timer -- Phantoon
By JAM, FullOfFail, Jathys, Mon732, Scyzer, and PJBoy.

So I used the code of Destruction Timer -- Draygon, modified it a bit a inserted right into Phantoon AI. Destroy Phantoon and at the moment he disappear the timer runs.
"Zebes timebomb set" event will be set too, so no need to use room 7DE4D to set it.

Uses free space in the end of bank $A7.

Destruction Timer -- Kraid
By JAM, FullOfFail, Jathys, Mon732, Scyzer, and PJBoy.

Same as above, but now this code is inserted into Kraid AI.
Destroy Kraid and at the moment he fall the timer runs.


An item inspired by MetroidMst and DSO, the Weapon Tank!

Each one picked up adds 50% of the base damage to shots, charge shots, missiles, and Super Missiles.  So a normal beam doing 20 does 30/40/50 with one/two/three tanks.  This quickly unbalances the vanilla game :^_^:

Borrows heavily from JAM's Chaos Arms patch to implement a brand new item/PLM.  Also, props to Kejardon, DChronos, and GF_Kennon for extremely helpful documentation.

There's one known issue, that being: bombs message box now says "press L to set it" instead of using the shoot button properly.  However, the ChaosArmsMessage.asm with the vanilla ROM does the same thing, so I'm putting up v1 as-is.

Update: I discovered that this patch doesn't restart the music after picking up the item.  I have a fix but not a new release, yet.  It'll hit the new resources section when it's done.


Update: See further down the thread for the much better update to save-station refills.

Bonus note: the ship doesn't actually save until just before Samus exits.  I had set a breakpoint on $81:8000 and it didn't get triggered until after I had dismissed 'save completed.'  Horrifying, really.


Looks like, we have the new guru. =)

It's cool to see new users with such skills. About "L" button in "Chaos Arms" patch, thanks for noticing it. It can be fixed in a moment, so you can fix your patch too.


Quote from: JAM on February 26, 2015, 03:55:47 PM
Looks like, we have the new guru. =)

It's cool to see new users with such skills. About "L" button in "Chaos Arms" patch, thanks for noticing it. It can be fixed in a moment, so you can fix your patch too.

Excellent, thanks.  I was going to look into the message boxes and see if I could understand what's going wrong sometime this weekend.

I've been doing web programming for 10 years (already? yikes), but I am restless and want to get back to my low-level roots.  :^_^:

I may as well note this here, I looked into making my save-refills patch do it more like the ship, but I can't just borrow the ship code.  It looks like that is implemented as part of the enemy?  For example, when the refill completes, it stores #$AB1F into $0FB2 (enemy data RAM) and eventually that causes a JMP to $A2:AB1F, which brings up the ship save message...  So unless I am wrong, it'll take a lot of time/work to make a smooth refill at the save stations.


Something that's bugged me (and probably you) for a very long time, is that acid doesn't work the same way as the other fx options. Other fx use a block of space in palette line 01, that is changable using the fx1 editor. But acid, always uses the first four colors on palettle line 00, ie. the power bomb door colors. I had a desire to change this, as its annoying as all get out, so I asked around on irc.  A few people gave me suggestions, but the person I'll credit for it since I'm such a nice guy is resident jerk, ProjectXVIII.  It was a simple fix, and it bothers me mildly that we went this long without fixing it. 

It was as easy as going into the 'layer 3 type editor' and re-tiling the acid fx. How simple. But for those too lazy, or whathaveyou to do it yourself, I've made a patch per the request of RealRed.


Quote from: adamf on February 25, 2015, 08:08:15 PM
Bonus note: the ship doesn't actually save until just before Samus exits.  ...  Horrifying, really.

Good news!  I made a patch for this.  The save is now executed between the message box closing and the sound effect playing, so the "Save Completed" message is honest.



This is my save-refill patch again, now at... v5 after edits.  I think I'm really done with this now.

Not only does it smoothly refill, but it is independent of the actual save routine in use.  There is no more need for separate versions for the vanilla ROM and for Scyzer's save/load patch.  Gameplay-wise, instead of the msgbox coming up, Samus gets into the save pose and refills.  If the low-energy alarm is on, that's stopped immediately as well.  Once the refill is done, the regular save process happens as usual.

It's ASM, so quite tweakable: not only which supplies get filled, but how fast.  I'm impatient, so the default is 5 energy/reserve energy per frame and 2 of everything else, refilling in parallel.

There are two versions now.  One packs everything in bank $84, and one uses about $20 bytes in bank $84 and lets the rest live anywhere in the ROM.  (There's a third ASM in this zip, but it's just the ship-save bugfix that fiddles around in bank $85 to make "save completed" honest.)

I tried building a version that only refills if the player chooses to save, but the engine isn't in a good state at that point.  All I could do is freeze or crash the thing. :mad:




The only advice I have is putting a preview of some sort when you upload music. You upload them to Youtube, why not link them here?


Quote from: Cloud15 on November 21, 2014, 08:10:13 PM
Now the next step Meta : make an arrangment of "This is SPARTA!", just because SM needs it  :wink:
Your prayers have been heard my friend.
Preview here (courtesy of Metaquarius) This is SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *gets kicked off* *dies* :lazer:


Quote from: Metaquarius on March 21, 2015, 04:45:45 PM
Quote from: Cloud15 on November 21, 2014, 08:10:13 PM
Now the next step Meta : make an arrangment of "This is SPARTA!", just because SM needs it  :wink:
Your prayers have been heard my friend. See attachments below ! Preview here (courtesy of Metaquarius) This is SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *gets kicked off* *dies* :lazer:
funny, that actually sounds like good boss music  :lol:


Here's a "screw attack frozen enemies" patch.  You can still land on frozen enemies, if you're coming downward onto them.  For freezable platform-type enemies (so... spitting wall-heads in Norfair), you can even still walljump off of them.

Also, you can speedboost/shinespark frozen enemies (if you're not landing on them.)  It's like Scyzer's enemyfreezeboost patch, in effect.

There are still a few bits I'm less than satisfied with, as noted in the, but this might be as good as it gets.  Enjoy!


Hey adamf, have you tested your patch thoroughly? Scyzer's speedboost frozen enemies causes a relatively gamebreaking issue where there's like a 50% chance you'll just fall through frozen enemies. That's pretty less-than-satisfying.

Anyway, I didn't come to post here for no reason.
This is becoming rapidly irrelevant to my own hack as I add and change things, so I present...

Knockoff Redesign CRE

This is just a super metroid-styled booster pack for your CRE... One that nobody is going to tell you that you can't use.
you can make stuff like:



Quote from: RealRed on March 24, 2015, 11:05:03 AM
Hey adamf, have you tested your patch thoroughly? Scyzer's speedboost frozen enemies causes a relatively gamebreaking issue where there's like a 50% chance you'll just fall through frozen enemies. That's pretty less-than-satisfying.

My very first approach happened to use the same hijack points as Scyzer's patch, and had some ridiculous interactions.  The one I posted works differently--after a basic-hitbox collision decides the Samus hit a platform, if conditions are right, I unfreeze it and tell the game "nope, not a platform."  Then real collision detection runs later for the actual interaction.  I've not tested every enemy, but so far, I haven't traveled through anything unexpectedly.  I can even still grab the supers off the old Tourain shaft.


Little title screen edit I did just to see if I could do it. The little missile's palette is off because off my palette changes but thats easily fixable.



I noticed that InsomniaDx's and Squishy's morphlock patches weren't preventing me from pressing jump to unmorph, so I disassembled them in an effort to figure out why. Turns out they were checking for HJ boots instead of springball.

Here is the asm file that compiles to the correct patch (aka checking for springball). I have commented it so that changing which item it checks for, which button to disable(jump, shoot, run) and which solid tile BTS values it keys off of are easy to change.

Thanks to InsomniaDx for the original patch, and to both him and Squishy for their patches not working as described, which led me to investigate.

Have fun with it!


I guess I should go ahead and throw it out there that I've been updating the patch section and browsing through this thread as clean as possible. If anyone has any patches they'd like to see on the main site that's ready and they haven't posted yet, it'd probably be best to do it within the next week or so, I'll upload it. I'm writing down everything I'm adding, too. So you'll be able to tell if I missed something.


Sorry for the double-post, but disregard my last comment. The new site is already up and you can submit your own:


Quote from: Metaquarius on March 21, 2015, 04:45:45 PM
Quote from: Cloud15 on November 21, 2014, 08:10:13 PM
Now the next step Meta : make an arrangment of "This is SPARTA!", just because SM needs it  :wink:
Your prayers have been heard my friend. See attachments below ! Preview here (courtesy of Metaquarius) This is SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *gets kicked off* *dies* :lazer:

That's fucking awesome Meta :)
The song is so perect and could integrate easily SM. Also I lol'ed when I saw the background picture on the vid

Keep it up  :^_^: