Super Metroid X: investigtion demo and progress thread updated 25/3/11

Started by Reaper901, March 09, 2011, 05:48:51 PM

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Im going to post the same here as i did in m2k2:

this thread is going to change alot in monthes to come with recent updates highly expected, ill get started :)

the game is SMX CHAPTER ONE: investigation, the old people around that used to be might remember me will know of what
i acheved in a short space of time, well im gonna be going at this for a long time, im determined to finish this hack, as ive been trying to for years, before aegis was even on the talking bourds.

i have changed a variety of elements, including some G.F.X work, physics changes, weapon property changes and new items, the super morph ball is looking to be one on my favorite items so far, will try to get a vid of it in use at some point, can get screenies tonight though, and ive also been refreshing myself with my own game, to remember where im up to lol, been to long. i also have a draught for the storyline at the moment but am working around the sequels, which will hopefully sucessfuly follow on the game, when the next installment is completed. will be getting on with it.

link to my photobucket:


It's GFX, not G.F.X, it also stands for graphics. :/

Also, you should have posted the images you did on m2k2, you need some content when making a hack topic.


Quote from: Crys on March 10, 2011, 01:43:31 AM
Also, you should have posted the images you did on m2k2, you need some content when making a hack topic.
Yes please! Get a photobucket, imageshack, majhost or dropbox. Definitely a dropbox.


Or actually, even TinyPic should work, and you don't even have to register.

I did see your other thread, and I must say that I really like the visual style. The cloudiness as well as the cold-and-dark-yet-pretty contrast really look nice. It doesn't seem that we've seen much of this one, but I hope it goes well for you.

Any updates on how it's going? I see the original posts are quite old indeed.



Good to see you back in action. I remember playing the investigation demo you released, and the pictures over there are looking really nice. Reminds me of MockingBirdStation's feel, which is a good thing imo.


currently working on she speed booster grapics,challenge(s), and how it acts, also working on mapping, amongst various other tidbits.

current completion rates are:


small demo, please dont use anything that isnt original sm :)


THANK YOU REAPER! I WILL TRY THIS NOW! :) Hope the speedbooster thing works out. Your hack is looking good, btw you fix Mr. Glitch room yet?


Quote from: DarkSamus on March 22, 2011, 05:37:28 PM
THANK YOU REAPER! I WILL TRY THIS NOW! :) Hope the speedbooster thing works out. Your hack is looking good, btw you fix Mr. Glitch room yet?

same demo as youve already got bud, dont wanna release another one yet, not enough done

unheaderd guys (Y)



Quote from: DarkSamus on March 22, 2011, 05:55:23 PM
Oh....:( I really want something more Reap. Cmon Boy git er' dunn

ill tell you now mate, this isnt gonna be done for a long time, hence the promised updates :), but as a tester youll get more of the unfinished product than anyone else, unless there are anymore testers.


I know but...Ok, :) I'll just let that go then. I really like it so far. Also did you fix the N in wall jump? You put Wall Junp.


got a whole night ahead of me, so its hack time, i plan to get a hell of a lot done tonight, including spore spawn graphics tweeks to my already edited one, more enemy gfx design trying to make the nova ball even more awesome. and building about a dozen large rooms in between, lots of coffee, lots of work! will maybe post some updates if i feel ive done something significant  :yay:


been well to busy at work lately to be honest need to get back on my hack! haven't made any significant edits for a while now, mainly because of working overtime, and being completely shattered afterwards make for little time, i need to make a teaser vid soon, so if anyone knows how to, would be handy to know :) now got a healthy chunk of time to hack.


All you should need to do, is stat an avi recording of your hack, and then uploading it on youtube. Record it with the emu. Or, if you have a camera, you can use that, or even web cams might work.


That doesn't help with a teaser vid, though.  It's fine for recording gameplay, but I would imagine he was referring to the editing / merging for a more professional look.


I dunno that. I would help if I could, but I only put what I knew about it.


There is always something satisfying about a good video...


As far as making a good teaser video... I record little clips of areas I want to show off, load them into Windows Movie Maker, and move them around and edit sound from there. That is the only way I've ever done it. From WMM you can mute the clips and add your own soundtrack to it. You can also blend the clips together by using the "fade in/out" options so it doesn't look jerky between the transitions.


What about the uploading part, to Youtube? Doesn't it have to be like...avi or wmv?
