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The funny quips and quotes thread

Started by -DC-, July 14, 2009, 01:12:30 AM

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[00:06] <@Quote58> SDOIFKSDOIFJSDIOF
[00:06] <@Quote58> siodfjosidjfiosjdfiojsdiofjsdiof
[00:06] <MetroidMst> %insult
[00:06] <@ZrnBot> I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit out a better sentence than the ones you form.
[00:06] <MetroidMst> That actually fits
[00:06] <MetroidMst> :D
[00:06] <@Quote58> that was perfect


[spoiler=Hello][18:35] * Quote58 ( has joined #CloudIRC
[18:35] <+snes> hello stranger
[18:35] * ChanServ sets mode +o Quote58 for #CloudIRC
[18:35] <@person700> Hello
[18:35] <@person703> Hello
[18:35] <@person708> Hello
[18:35] <@person704> Hello
[18:35] <@person701> Hello
[18:35] <@person70A> Hello
[18:35] <@person702> Hello
[18:35] <@person705> Hello
[18:35] <@person707> Hello
[18:35] <@person706> Hello
[18:35] <@person709> Quote
[18:35] <@person701> Hello
[18:36] <@person703> Hello
[18:36] <+Smiley> Kitty
[18:36] <@person704> Hello
[18:36] <@person70A> Hello
[18:36] <@person708> Hello
[18:36] <@person70B> Hello
[18:36] <@person700> Hello
[18:36] <@person70B> Hello
[18:36] <@person709> Hello
[18:36] <@person701> Hello
[18:36] <@person703> Hello
[18:36] <@person705> Hello
[18:36] <@person70A> Hello
[18:36] <@person706> Hello
[18:36] <@person704> Hello
[18:36] <@person709> Hello
[18:36] <@person707> Hello
[18:36] <@person703> Hello
[18:36] <@person70B> Hello
[18:36] <@person700> Hello
[18:36] <@person708> Hello
[18:36] <@person701> Hello
[18:36] <@person70A> Hello
[18:36] <@person703> Hello
[18:36] <@person70B> Hello
[18:36] <@person704> Hello
[18:36] <@person709> Hello
[18:36] <@person702> Hello
[18:36] <@person70B> Hello
[18:37] <@person708> Hello
[18:37] <@person70A> Hello
[18:37] <@person709> Hello
[18:37] <@person704> Hello
[18:37] <@person70B> Hello
[18:37] <@person701> Hello
[18:37] <@person709> Hello
[18:37] <@person70A> Hello
[18:37] <@person706> Hello
[18:37] <@person707> Hello
[18:37] <@person705> Hello
[18:37] <@person70B> Hello
[18:37] <@person701> Hello
[18:38] <@person70A> Hello
[18:38] <@person703> Hello
[18:38] <@person709> Hello
[18:38] * Quote58 sets mode +m for #CloudIRC
[18:38] <+Chizuari> HOLY FUCK
[18:38] <@person70B> Hello
[18:38] * Quote58 sets mode -v Chizuari for #CloudIRC
[18:38] * Quote58 sets mode -v Cirnya for #CloudIRC
[18:38] <@person704> Hello
[18:38] <@Quote58> ugh
[18:38] <@thedopefish> hi quote
[18:38] <@Quote58> I forgot you ALL HAVE FUCKING OPS
[18:38] <@person702> Hello
[18:38] * Quote58 sets mode -v DSO for #CloudIRC
[18:38] * Quote58 sets mode -v Emi for #CloudIRC
[18:38] * Quote58 sets mode -v Grime for #CloudIRC
[18:38] <@person709> Hello
[18:38] * Quote58 sets mode -v GrumpeiYokoi for #CloudIRC
[18:38] <@person708> Hello
[18:38] * Quote58 sets mode -v itsblah for #CloudIRC
[18:38] <@person70B> Hello
[18:38] * Quote58 sets mode -v jefe962 for #CloudIRC
[18:38] * Quote58 sets mode -v KentaKurodani for #CloudIRC
[18:38] * Quote58 sets mode -v Law for #CloudIRC
[18:38] <@person704> Hello
[18:38] <+Smiley> It's the fat sea witch!
[18:38] * Quote58 sets mode -v Nekoishi for #CloudIRC
[18:38] <@person70A> Hello
[18:38] * Quote58 sets mode -v NorrisDrifter for #CloudIRC
[18:38] <@person709> Hello
[18:38] <+Smiley> Taking all our voices!
[18:38] * Quote58 sets mode -v PJBoyPlus1 for #CloudIRC
[18:38] <@person70B> Hello
[18:38] * Quote58 sets mode -v RudyV for #CloudIRC
[18:38] <@person706> Hello
[18:38] <@person707> Hello
[18:38] <@person702> Hello
[18:38] <@person705> Hello
[18:39] <+Smiley> But...
[18:39] * Quote58 sets mode -v Smiley for #CloudIRC
[18:39] * Quote58 sets mode -v snes for #CloudIRC
[18:39] <@person701> Hello
[18:39] * Quote58 sets mode -v worktour99 for #CloudIRC
[18:39] <@person70A> Heelo
[18:39] <@person703> Hello
[18:39] * Quote58 sets mode -v zephyrtronium for #CloudIRC
[18:39] <@person700> Hello?
[18:39] <@person709> Hello
[18:39] * Quote58 sets mode -o person700 for #CloudIRC
[18:39] <@person708> Hello
[18:39] <@person70A> Hello
[18:39] <@person703> Hello
[18:39] * Quote58 sets mode -o person703 for #CloudIRC
[18:39] <@person70B> Hello
[18:39] * Quote58 sets mode -o person704 for #CloudIRC
[18:39] <+person700> What did I do?
[18:39] * Quote58 sets mode -o person705 for #CloudIRC
[18:39] * Quote58 sets mode -o person706 for #CloudIRC
[18:39] * Quote58 sets mode -o person707 for #CloudIRC
[18:39] <@person70A> Hello
[18:39] <@person709> Hello
[18:39] * Quote58 sets mode -o person708 for #CloudIRC
[18:39] <@person70B> Hello
[18:39] * Quote58 sets mode -o person709 for #CloudIRC
[18:39] * Quote58 sets mode -o person70A for #CloudIRC
[18:39] * Quote58 sets mode -o person70B for #CloudIRC
[18:39] * Quote58 sets mode -o Tutankhamun for #CloudIRC
[18:39] <+person700> I'm the only sane person here
[18:39] * Quote58 sets mode -v person700 for #CloudIRC
[18:39] * Quote58 sets mode -v person701 for #CloudIRC
[18:39] * thedopefish sets mode -m for #CloudIRC
[18:39] <@thedopefish> mwahaha
[18:39] <person704> hihi
[18:39] * Quote58 sets mode -v thedopefish for #CloudIRC
[18:40] * Quote58 sets mode -o thedopefish for #CloudIRC
[18:40] <Smiley> hehe
[18:40] * Quote58 sets mode +m for #CloudIRC
[18:40] <@Quote58> alright


[spoiler=Cause Mst is noob and doesn't follow the whole log]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to Tutankhamun
<Quote58> what the damn hell was that
* Quote58 has kicked Tutankhamun from #CloudIRC (Tutankhamun)
* Tutankhamun (~MetroidMs@ has joined
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to Tutankhamun
<Tutankhamun> :D
* Quote58 removes channel operator status from Tutankhamun
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to Tutankhamun
<person701> :)
* #CloudIRC :Cannot send to channel
<Quote58> %log
* Tutankhamun gives channel operator status to thedopefish
* person700 is now known as snarf
* thedopefish gives channel operator status to person701 person702 person703 person704
* thedopefish gives channel operator status to person705
<person701> Hello
<person703> Hello
<person704> Fun
<person702> Hello
* thedopefish gives channel operator status to person706 person707 person708 person709
* thedopefish gives channel operator status to person70A
<person704> Hello
<person708> Hello
<Tutankhamun> My legion shall not be silenced!
<person701> Hello
<person702> Hello
<person709> Hello
<person706> Hello
<person707> Hello
<person705> Hello
<person708> Hello
<person708> Hello
<person70A> Hello
<person704> Hello
<person709> Hello
<person701> Hello
<person701> Hello
<person70A> Hello
<person708> Hello
<person702> Hello
* thedopefish removes voice from Quote58
<person708> Hello
* Quote58 removes channel operator status from thedopefish
* Quote58 removes channel operator status from Tutankhamun
<person704> Hello
* Quote58 sets ban on *!*MetroidMs@50.126.204.*
<person702> Hello
* Quote58 sets ban on *!*jj@*
<person701> Hello
* Quote58 has kicked thedopefish from #CloudIRC (thedopefish)
<person703> Hello
* Quote58 has kicked Tutankhamun from #CloudIRC (Tutankhamun)
<person708> Hello
<Quote58> alright
<person704> Hello
<person70A> Hello
<person709> Hello
<person702> Hello
* Quote58 removes channel operator status from person701
* Quote58 removes channel operator status from person702
<person701> Hello
* #CloudIRC :Cannot send to channel
* Quote58 removes channel operator status from person703
* Quote58 removes channel operator status from person704
* Quote58 removes channel operator status from person705
<person709> Hello
* Quote58 removes channel operator status from person706
<person708> Hello
<person70A> Hello
* Quote58 removes channel operator status from person707
<person708> Hello
<person708> Hello
<person708> Hello
<person708> Hello
<person708> Hello
<person708> Hello
* Quote58 removes channel operator status from person708
* Quote58 removes channel operator status from person709
* Quote58 removes channel operator status from person70A
* You have been kicked from #CloudIRC by Quote58 (person701)
* Now talking on #CloudIRC
* Topic for #CloudIRC is: | [url][/url] | Mumble server is up at for now ( is having issues)
* Topic for #CloudIRC set by thedopefish! (Wed Jul 02 12:36:27 2014)
<Quote58> great
<Quote58> autojoin
<Quote58> right so
<person701> @say Hey Quote ~person701
* #CloudIRC :Cannot send to channel
<Quote58> can someone please explain what the hell just happened?
* Quote58 gives voice to Quote58
* ChanServ removes ban on *!*MetroidMs@50.126.204.*
* MetroidMst (~MetroidMs@ has joined
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to MetroidMst
* person702 has quit (Quit: Cya!)
* MetroidMst removes ban on *!*jj@*
* person703 has quit (Quit: Cya!)
* person708 has quit (Quit: Cya!)
* person707 has quit (Quit: ircII EPIC4-2.10.1 -- Are we there yet?)
* person704 has quit (Quit: Cya!)
* person705 has quit (Quit: ircII EPIC4-2.10.1 -- Are we there yet?)
* person70A has quit (Quit: Reasons)
* person709 has quit (Quit: Bye)
<Quote58> I will say though
* thedopefish ( has joined
* person706 has quit (Quit: leaving)
<Quote58> I appreciate that the order was in hexadecimal
<person701> Can we speak yet?
* #CloudIRC :Cannot send to channel
* Quote58 sets mode -m on #CloudIRC
<person701> Certaintly worth the three day wait.
<thedopefish> WORTH IT
<Quote58> why though?
<Quote58> and what?
<Quote58> iasdofnsiodf
<person701> A few reasons
<Smiley> Because silly
<person701> 1. We know you hate having unnessicary ops
<person701> 2. We decided to take it a bit farther
<person701> And have fun with my name
<person701> 3. We knew this would be priceless
<person701> :D
<Smiley> In other words
<Smiley> <Smiley> Because silly
<person701> Also, you lucked out today
<person701> [url][/url]
<person701> Three days ago mang
<MetroidMst> There were so few of us
* person70B has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<person701> And now, food.
<itsblah> there's a 70G
* itsblah rages internally
<Chizuari> heresy
<thedopefish> I think I saw a "2"
<person701> :)
<Smiley> It's heptadecimal you idiot
<Smiley> Or octadecimal
<Smiley> Or something
<Smiley> Herpderpidecimal
<Chizuari> septicdecimal
<Quote58> alright
* Quote58 has quit (Quit: Away!)


Vismund Cygnus

[18:13:32] <Quote58> But I am glad I don't have hm to do anymore
[18:13:34] <Quote58> Djdndj
[18:13:37] <Quote58> *hw
[18:13:52] <Quote58> That's an interesting typi
[18:13:54] <Quote58> Bdusbdjd
[18:15:11] <Vismund> XD
[18:15:32] <Quote58> I typo'd the word typo
[18:15:40] <Quote58> That is wonderfully ironic


Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on July 16, 2014, 04:18:38 AM

[18:15:32] <Quote58> I typo'd the word typo
[18:15:40] <Quote58> That is wonderfully ironic

Reminds me one thing. If you get a fatal error in the famous game Fallout 2, the game will be crashed with the error message, in which the word "error" is written with error. I mean, ERORR.


Reminds me of the old computer error: "No keyboard detected.  Press F2 to continue." :^_^:


<person701> How could I even manage that bad of a typo? :|
<Quote58> . . .
<Vismund|School> I dunno person, I'v eseen you do some good ones.
<thedopefish> ...
<Vismund|School> Fuck.


I am a dumbass.

* Quote58 has quit (Quit: Away!)
<snes> Time to make like a person andleave
<person701> Aha
<person701> @later Quote58 Nice quit message.
<snes> Lacking command. Syntax: {{send | priv} <target> [command=say] [params] | remove <target> | list}
<person701> @send Quote58 Nice send message.
<snes> Message prepared. Command defaulted to say.
<person701> *sigh*
<person701> Fuck man
<person701> @remove Quote58
<person701> @send remove Quote58
<snes> Message prepared. Command defaulted to say.
<person701> dljsbamgjvfdkjasbcaksdyfgljnas
* You are now known as remove
<remove> h
<snes> Message from remove to remove in #CloudIRC at Fri Jul 25 01:34:22 2014
<snes> Quote58

Meanwhile in MetConst...

* You are now known as remove
<snes> Message from Sleepzer to remove in #metconst at Tue May 27 05:17:01 2014
<snes> squishy_ichigo

Back in CloudIRC...

* You are now known as person701
<person701> @remove send Quote58
<person701> I'll never get it Q_Q
<person701> @later remove Quote58
<snes> Removed messages.
<person701> :D
<person701> @send Quote58 Nice quit message.
<snes> Message prepared. Command defaulted to say.
<person701> Well. That was a fiasco.


And this one reminds my fiasco from long time ago.
In Quake 2 you can bind some commands or messages to the single key.

I was playing the version 3.20. In that version you can write any text in the console and if it's not a command it will be understanded as text and displayed.

In version 3.05 you must type the word "say" to let the game understand that you're not goind to command right now. I did not khew it. So I bind the well known phrase starting with a word "Suck" to the one of keys (without the word "say").

And when I pressed the binded key, you know what happeded? Instead of saying the well known phrase, I've got the error message from Quake: Unknown command "Suck ..."


Metroid Construction - Where it all started with a smile.  :heheh:


[10:32] <Scyzer> Hay interbaby let's get internetmarried
[10:33] <Scyzer> Our babies will be good at SM AND Fusion
[10:34] <FullOfHacking> I was trying to think of a way to blend RF and Cheesy, but I got nothin'
[10:35] <person701> I'm sure the reasult would've been Really Fucking Cheesy.
[10:35] <Scyzer> :|


I think 'cheesy' is normally paired with 'grin' rather than 'smile', so I'm not sure how the editor would turn out.  A lot more teeth on display?

Here's your icon: :grin:

Vismund Cygnus


* Samario strangles ZeroOne for incorrect grammer


<DMantra> i got a pickup line for you to use
<DMantra> "hey, I made Hyper Metroid"


<person701> Watermelon suit will be gravity suit
<Elminster> There's a racist joke in there somewhere
<person701> A really dark one
<Elminster> But I'm too chicken to say it

Vismund Cygnus


-RealRed on Redesign: Axeil Edition


I expect that a lot of stories could be broken down like that. :^_^:


<Hitaka> I wish I said the secret word. :(
<Drewseph> the secret word is ham roast cup wow pizza kick 
<Captain_Glitch> Lol
<Captain_Glitch> banana
<Drewseph> gold
<Drewseph> retire
<Drewseph> alpha
<Drewseph> alpacca
<Drewseph> pig
<Drewseph> the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
<Drewseph> i give up
<Drewseph> there's no way to know when you get the word until you suddenly realize you've said it
<zbot> [there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there]
<Drewseph> ...
<Drewseph> FUCK YOU ZBOT
<Hitaka> WHY
<Hitaka> ;_____________________;
<Quote58> hahahaha
<Hitaka> That was pretty fucking amazing
<Hitaka> gg drew
<Drewseph> that really could not have been more perfect
<Drewseph> someone store that quote somewhere for historical record
<Captain_Glitch> Wow
<Captain_Glitch> Zbot troll


Z-Factor: "You don't want to experience zaridia sober"
<SlyPork> But I want to experience Z-factor sober lol
<Quote58> oh, you don't want to experience zaridia sober
<SlyPork> Everyone who'd watch is already in bed
<Quote58> that should be tagline for the hack


* Vismund is now known as Deadmund
<Quote58> rip
<Deadmund> the pizza was good
<Deadmund> (I want that to be my epitaph)
<Quote58> I guess you could say it was
<Quote58> to die for


Meets a pizza,
greets a pizza,
eats a pizza,
beats a pizza.

Vismund is sated. :^_^:

Vismund Cygnus

Follow up:
Since saying that I'd been craving pizza.
I got pizza for dinner.
It was good.
I am sated.
*Vismund returns to hibernation


<SlyPork> . . .
<MetroidMst> . . .
<Quote58> . . .
<Smiley> They're like little nipples
<Quote58> . . .
<Quote58> . . .
<Quote58> . . x
<Quote58> your turn
<SlyPork> Nipples are rad
<MetroidMst> Well turdge
<personitis> . . .
<personitis> . o .
<personitis> . . x
<Quote58> . . .
<Quote58> . o x
<Quote58> . . x
<personitis> . . o
<personitis> . o x
<personitis> . . x
<Quote58> . . o
<Quote58> . o x
<Quote58> x . x
<personitis> . . o
<personitis> . o x
<personitis> x o x
<Quote58> . x o
<Quote58> . o x
<Quote58> x o x
<personitis> . x o
<personitis> o o x
<personitis> x o x
<Quote58> x x o
<Quote58> o o x
<Quote58> x o x
<Quote58> welp
<personitis> Cool.


Nobody specified high or low nipple. :^_^:


I got it. :grin:

That's how I see it:

. -- Low nipple
• -- High nipple