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Started by IMetroRat, November 06, 2010, 01:39:42 AM

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[spoiler=Procedure for developing new features, step one]
High-quality version[/spoiler]


Spinning bald guy looks like my teacher. This makes it funny.


That's Notch, a.k.a. Markus Persson, a.k.a. the creator of Minecraft. :|


So, he's big, balding, and rich? Can't be my teacher then.


so yeah i've been playing Minecraft offline for a while, and i have myself my last little project in my first world:
it's going to be this big wooden mansion, and the hole you can see in the floor is the remains from when i went really really really fucking nuts with TNT. seriously, the area directly below the house looks like a nuke hit it, several times. I'm going to push back the ocean using a bunch of dirt and grow myself a yard before it tumbles onto a beach, while i'm probably going to level part of the hill behind/off to the right of my view in that image and turn it into my backyard, complete with swimming pool or something.

i gotz planz.


Murderator MK-VI
Ladies and gentlemen, for your consideration:


You missed the '3' off of the 'items per minute'. :heheh:

Also, the item drop rate would probably be better labelled as two items every three seconds, as it's closer than one item every two seconds.


This is some of the WIP places I made on the server. Obviously, if you play on the server odds are you've seen them, but for the rest of you, here:


Next on the to-do list, a immaculate castle :awesome:


Speaking of castles, here's mine on Zhs2's server, complete with Tower of Babel and Tree of Mana.  lol



Decided to show this to you all.  Enjoy.




The parts while underground in nthe giant caves were pretty cool. Other parts, meh. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go build the main temples from Ocarina of Time.


If there's any truth to it, then my only thought is this: There are going to be a whole heap of out-of-shape people keeling over dead while trying to mine diamonds.


Better them than us! Ya know what I mean? :colonrightv:


 :lol: Well, I don't play xbox myself. Been a nintendo person my whole life. Eh, whatever, I probably won't play it ever unless it adds really cool stuff or something, I don't know. Hey, what about that Adventure Update? :awesome:

Big Gay Cell

It's definitely real. They did a demo at E3 this year. They say it'll play just like the PC based version does with the exception of dedicated servers. Not quite sure how the multiplayer in this will work out. It might be worth a rental.


^ Agreed. Although I don't have an xbox... Definitely not worth it for one game... I'll just stick to the PC version.


I just wanted to say, I have begun creating and uploading videos on various games (Only Minecraft right now)  on youtube.  I have three videos up at the moment, the first two have bad quality but the third and so on have and will have great quality seeming as I found better recording software.  come on over and show me the love, leave a comment, send a like my way, anything to get my channel booming.  Thank you.


I'm surprised you'd never heard of fraps, because I'd have thought that it'd usually be the first thing people would mention.  Never mind.  I'm glad you found it. :^_^:


Well it wasn't till recently that I started getting into creating videos.  I started watching them all the time and became inspired to make my own.  Oh and I'm more then willing to do Let's Plays of any hacks you guys have.  Just let me know.


I'm always iffy with Let's Plays, because I can never figure out what the goals are.  Originally, when I first started watching Let's Plays, they were experienced players, showcasing games, showing viewers stuff they may normally miss, or in-depth information about the game / mechanics / tricks / glitches.

Nowadays, most of them seem to be 'I've just loaded it, and you can now watch me aimlessly run round.'

If you are thoroughly versed in some hacks, then I'd certainly watch them, with my most obvious suggestion being Redesign.  If it's the latter type, then I'll pass, but good luck, either way.


Well for now, I'm making videos of games I know quite a bit about, Minecraft being one of those.  I can definitely make one for Redesign if you want, I've beaten it a few times so it shouldn't be all that bad. lol 

Anyways, Episode 1 of my Let's Play: Minecraft series is uploaded to my channel.  Not too much happening yet but the next episode should have a little more content.


A Redesign Let's Play would be nice, but as I said above, (personally) I prefer informative runs, that aim to actually showcase what's happening, not just playing the game.  It'd be nice to go through things like the physics changes, new tiles / designs, enemy changes, new moves / abilities, PLM differences (expansion quantities and such), map layout, sequence breaks (though not used in a legit Let's Play), bugs, glitches, permastucks, and so on, and so forth.  Like I said, info, not wandering, but everyone has their own tastes, of course.. :^_^:


I enjoy watching Let's Plays to experience the game from that persons point of view.  With games like Minecraft, the experience always tends to be a little different so it makes it interesting.