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The Metroid Construction Star Base Contest!

Started by MetroidMst, May 01, 2024, 04:32:27 PM

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Quote from: Kirarin on July 03, 2024, 05:07:14 PM
Quote from: neen on June 30, 2024, 09:01:06 PM
Ceres Is a Beautiful Place And I am No Longer Afraid To Be In Space

(yes it's beatable)
music port/arrangement by H A M

Replying just so that I don't forget my stats if someone posts this on the main page later.

But yes, this is beatable. Took me 40 minutes ign.

Am I missing something with this hack? I can only move down by morphing/unmorphing and I eventually just scrolled down through the top of the screen.  :<_<:


In Ceres Is a Beautiful Place and I Am No Longer Afraid of Space, your acceleration due to gravity is something like 1 subpixel per frame per frame. With enough patience, you can make it down to the door of the first room, after which the meat of the hack begins.

(Alternatively you can check out my VoD and save yourself 40 minutes. [TODO: Post VoD])


Quote from: RT-55J on July 03, 2024, 06:13:18 PM
In Ceres Is a Beautiful Place and I Am No Longer Afraid of Space, your acceleration due to gravity is something like 1 subpixel per frame per frame. With enough patience, you can make it down to the door of the first room, after which the meat of the hack begins.

(Alternatively you can check out my VoD and save yourself 40 minutes. [TODO: Post VoD])

I don't know why I wasted my time -- because I didn't even get to finish it.  :lol:


you can check out my twitch highlight here if you want to get a sense of what the escape is like


Quote from: RT-55J on July 03, 2024, 11:25:46 PM
you can check out my twitch highlight here if you want to get a sense of what the escape is like

I am not overwhelmed. Nor underwhelmed.

Can I be whelmed?



Impressions so far, in order of play:

  • Nuts Station: Cute little thing that I'd love to see polished up just a smidge
  • Ceres is a Beautiful Place and I Am No Longer Afraid of Space: Fun thing to be playing in the background while you shoot the breeze with a friend for half an hour.
  • Achelous: Charmingly hideous. Nice Kid Icarus reverse-difficulty curve.
  • ELEVEN: The crushment is real. 11/10
  • SotL: Very promising. I like the aesthetic. I had a certified "d'oh" moment when I backdoored a particular puzzle.
  • The Cereth Invasion: Breezy and simple. Fun all around. #dontForgetMamaTurtle
Remaining hacks: Gravity, Samus Wants Robot, Isolation, Super Asteroid

We got a really nice crop of hacks from this contest. I'm impressed.


Quote from: RT-55J on July 04, 2024, 06:49:00 PM
Impressions so far, in order of play:

  • Nuts Station: Cute little thing that I'd love to see polished up just a smidge
  • Ceres is a Beautiful Place and I Am No Longer Afraid of Space: Fun thing to be playing in the background while you shoot the breeze with a friend for half an hour.
  • Achelous: Charmingly hideous. Nice Kid Icarus reverse-difficulty curve.
  • ELEVEN: The crushment is real. 11/10
  • SotL: Very promising. I like the aesthetic. I had a certified "d'oh" moment when I backdoored a particular puzzle.
  • The Cereth Invasion: Breezy and simple. Fun all around. #dontForgetMamaTurtle
Remaining hacks: Gravity, Samus Wants Robot, Isolation, Super Asteroid

We got a really nice crop of hacks from this contest. I'm impressed.

Super metroid Eleven:
Any hints how to get last super missile behind the room with crystal and lots of crumble blocks?


It requires some Project Base jank:

[spoiler]Do a backflip underneath the crumbles. (Crouch, hold run, press jump.)[/spoiler]


Quote from: RT-55J on July 09, 2024, 08:44:19 AM
It requires some Project Base jank:

[spoiler]Do a backflip underneath the crumbles. (Crouch, hold run, press jump.)[/spoiler]

Thanks! Now this is only hack that i finished for 100% in this contest. For now.


Quote from: Mentlegen on June 29, 2024, 02:49:05 PM
Super Metroid Isolation

In an alternate universe
Samus arrives at a forgotten space station, floating through the depths of space, investigating a garbled electro-magnetic transmission. The signal originated in an area of deep space - such a transmission would take hundreds of years to reach any part of known galactic civilization, indicating an archaic and outdated form of transmission due to the advent of lightspeed communication and travel.

Upon arrival, samus discovers the station has a mind of its own...

W̵͉̤̙͓͚̑h̸̳̥̺̠̹̽͊͛̚͝͝ͅą̴̽͂̌̈́̄̔t̶̥̩̿̆͌͠ ̶̢̬̑̊̀́ḩ̷͖̥̏̆̃͛ą̵͖͉͖͇̠̇̊̂̓̈́̍p̵̧͙͎̻͔̙͝p̵̨̱̍̊̈́͛͘e̴͒̒́̆̄͝ͅn̶̦̞͎̓ĕ̴̝̣̯̈́̏̅͠d̷̡͈̲̖̑̅̆͜ ̸͈̲̙̪͑h̸̞̟́͌̂̀͠ë̴̤͙̭͒̈́̿͜r̵̛͉̗̈́͋͂̍͐e̴̱̬͚͒̽̎?̶̪̼́̚

Hack Created by Dewhi100 and Mentlegen/Radium

v1.01 fixes the menu pause crash bug



I did mention that you start with Morph Ball and Spring Ball equipped even though they're not in the inventory, but Hi Jump Boots is also already equipped as well. So, in a way, you start with three items already equipped even if you don't have them in your inventory. Is this intentional? 'Cause this is leaving me confused.


Finished playing the hacks the other day.

  • Samus Wants Robot: Cruel, punishing, but ultimately rewarding. Very atypical kaizo hack, in that it's more exploration-focused than techskill-focused.
  • Super Asteroid: Best new ASM, and best setting. A nice playthrough all around.
  • Isolation: Nice and moody. Neat aesthetic. Not really difficult in any way, but oddly baffling in terms of design intent in some areas. Would love to see a polished version.
  • GRAVITY: Better than the sum of its parts. Big fangame energy (compliment).

Overall, this was an incredible slate of hacks, and I regret playing none of them. Over half of these feel like they'd be easy contest winners in a less stacked line-up.

[spoiler=Personal Ranking]

  • Eleven
  • Super Asteroid
  • Tour of Italy
  • Samus Wants Robot
  • Symphony of the Light
  • The Cereth Invasion
  • Isolation
  • Nuts Station
  • Achelous
  • Ceres is a Beautiful Place and I Am No Longer Afraid to Be in Space

Thank you all, fellow contestants, for everything you made.


I know us freaks and sickos who have completed every single contest hack so far are a small minority, but do we have any ETA for when the voting bracket will start?


Quote from: RT-55J on July 12, 2024, 11:42:43 AM
I know us freaks and sickos who have completed every single contest hack so far are a small minority, but do we have any ETA for when the voting bracket will start?


i made maps for a couple of these hacks and may make more if inspiration/motivation strikes
edit: i made four and have no further plans

[spoiler=T O U R  O F  I T A L Y][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Super Asteroid][/spoiler]
[spoiler=GRAVITY: Sylux's Crusade][/spoiler]

forum mods if the contest thread is not the place to be posting these then go ahead and move/delete o7


What a coincidence ambur! I also made a couple maps of some of the contest hacks:

[spoiler=Samus Wants Robot]

(click for full size)

Bonus: Contest Version[/spoiler]

I might make more, but only time will tell...


Here are 10 of the 11 contest hacks, for posterity's sake. (Roebloz' not included because it was too big for the forum and had to be hosted elsewhere.)

This was one of the most rewarding things I had the privilege of participating in. Loved all of y'all's hacks.