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Super Metroid: Revenge of the Fallen

Started by Gers_oL, April 15, 2010, 07:44:58 PM

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Welcome my first hack published in Metroid Construction Forum!


Super Metroid: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN Unknown Metroid:: History
:: Progress
[spoiler]:: Level Design
Crateria: 5%
Brinstar: 1%
Norfair: 0%
Wrecked Ship: 0%
Maridia: 0%
Tourian: 8%
:: Graphics
Crateria: 98%
Brinstar: 51%
Norfair: 0%
Wrecked Ship: 0%
Maridia: 0%
Tourian: 4%
Attached :)
:: ScreenShots
:: Credits
[spoiler]Level Designer
- Gers_oL

Graphics Editor
- Gers_oL

Graphical Editor Assistant
- TheLicker

- TheLicker
- Rafael Moni

Special Thanks
- Raul
- Rafael Moni
- Saga
- Cygnus
- And all people of Super Metroid Brazil Community o/[/spoiler]

If you want help me in my hack, tell me =D you're welcome.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Good work! The graphics looks good, except for the wierd edges.


I think I know Cygnus.. but it may be a common handle.
Does he make music and do laptop deathmatch battles?
Is he from Texas?


Looks like it has potential =)
You do have the common "newbie boxy syndrome". Meaning basically you don't use many slopes. If you compare what you've done (it's very easy to tell what you changed, and what you left from the original game), with that of another room, you'll see that the game uses many slopes along the ground, ceiling and walls, whereas you've just used a single flat part, which doesn't look natural at all.


Looks fairly good so far.

I think that the edges, and even the tile texture in the walls look like repeated.. I mean that you need more variety in your walls..
This can be fixed with more slopes, and also different tiles scattered throughout the room, but don't make it look like you just randomly placed tiles everywhere to give it variety.

I think this post makes sense. I know what I want to say, but I wasn't sure how to word it.


Basically what everyone else said.

When I want slopes along my walls, I basically scatter a few diagonal slope pieces right around where the wall will be, then I connect them together.

Good first room, add a little more variety and it'll be unique  :wink:


Quote from: thelicker on April 15, 2010, 08:56:28 PM
Good work! The graphics looks good, except for the wierd edges.

Hi friend ;D
Thanks, i will

Quote from: Digital_Mantra on April 15, 2010, 09:56:10 PM
I think I know Cygnus.. but it may be a common handle.
Does he make music and do laptop deathmatch battles?
Is he from Texas?

Cygnus is brazilian '-'

Quote from: Sadiztyk Fish on April 16, 2010, 03:28:51 AM
Looks like it has potential =)
You do have the common "newbie boxy syndrome". Meaning basically you don't use many slopes. If you compare what you've done (it's very easy to tell what you changed, and what you left from the original game), with that of another room, you'll see that the game uses many slopes along the ground, ceiling and walls, whereas you've just used a single flat part, which doesn't look natural at all.

For now I'm working with graphics, but I will follow your advice. Thanks

Quote from: devonodev on April 16, 2010, 07:03:29 AM
Looks fairly good so far.

I think that the edges, and even the tile texture in the walls look like repeated.. I mean that you need more variety in your walls..
This can be fixed with more slopes, and also different tiles scattered throughout the room, but don't make it look like you just randomly placed tiles everywhere to give it variety.

I think this post makes sense. I know what I want to say, but I wasn't sure how to word it.

Yes, I understand. After creating the graphics will totally change the first room

Quote from: Altzan on April 16, 2010, 08:37:08 AM
Basically what everyone else said.

When I want slopes along my walls, I basically scatter a few diagonal slope pieces right around where the wall will be, then I connect them together.

Good first room, add a little more variety and it'll be unique  :wink:

Thanks, I'll add more variety to my walls and floor.


hey guys, i'm working on my new BG of Crateria:


You should decide whether you're going for a cartoony or realistic look. The mountains you drew look great, but mixed in with the regular dirt and such, it won't match IMO.
TBH, i'd love it if you made a cartoony looking hack with bright colors, cause we don't have any of them yet.


That black outline on your BG looks a bit odd to be honest, not sure what you're trying to go with here...

Quote from: Sadiztyk Fish on April 20, 2010, 10:08:25 PMTBH, i'd love it if you made a cartoony looking hack with bright colors, cause we don't have any of them yet.


Holy crap Sparkster music!  :<3: :<3: :<3:   That's all I could think as I watched that video. Well, that and oh my GOD the boss music sounded like someone held a microphone up to a TV speaker and recorded it. @_@;

And more on topic... It's probably just me but I'm kinda thinking the suit colors are a bit awkward. Then again I'm not real expert so don't take my opinion too seriously.


Quote from: Sadiztyk Fish on April 20, 2010, 10:08:25 PM
TBH, i'd love it if you made a cartoony looking hack with bright colors, cause we don't have any of them yet.
I'm sorry ok!?!? Stop pestering me!



That's pretty badass Crys, never seen it before. Shoulda went ahead and changed the enemies to complete the feel.


That is a rather old video actually...

not surprising you haven't seen it till now.  I only saw it because when I joined M2K2, I went and looked at abunch of old hacking topics and saw it. (it was close to the end of the topics to look at btw, just to give you a headsup of how old it is)

And looking at the video, it says its from July 2, 2007.


edit: lets not get too off topic here btw. :D

Hiroshi Mishima

Some overall thoughts so far, may change as progress is made.

On the History: Considering we don't know much about Other M, saying that Samus is apparently going after a "powerful thing" and appears to be going back to Zebes which blew up before Other M took place, the "story" feels a little.. confusing.

On the Screenshots: The suit colours don't feel natural, as it really looks nothing like what I've seen of Samus in any of the recent games colour-wise. I also wanted to agree with earlier sentiments that you should decide if you're going for a serious or cartoony feel, as a mixture of both doesn't quite feel right from what I've seen here so far.

Other than that, don't give up and keep at it. :p


Sry about updates........ here are new:

Menu - ARMOR
SM: Revenge of Fallen - New Armor / Samus in Pause

Nintendo LOGO

Brinstar Graphics

Spore Spawn
Frog Spawn - Unknown Metroid


I think you should make the letters unknown bigger.


Quote from: Gers_oL on June 10, 2010, 01:15:02 PM
Sry about updates........ here are new:

Menu - ARMOR
SM: Revenge of Fallen - New Armor / Samus in Pause
Those eyes creep me out. Is that, by any chance, SA-X? :whoa:


Hiroshi Mishima

...honestly? I sorta feel like this needs a whole lot more polish. I like seeing that you're willing to do tweaks to stuff a lot of people ignore (such as logos and the menu), but what I've seen so far looks unrefined and.. well, frankly kind of ugly. The Pause Menu looks glitchy and the solid colours in the Suit Diagram look very out of place, they don't mesh well at all.

On the other hand, the Samus on the Elevator in the Brinstar screenshot looks intriguing. The red arm cannon from the screenie looks like it's this augmented red arm, and that's creepy and cool. But to be honest the suit gives an overall feel that there's nothing in it. That it's some sorta autonomous machine. The lack of colour on the visor makes it seem like it's been switched off.

I kinda want to say that instead of doing more work elsewhere, you should try and spruce up the logo and pause menu some more. Or maybe scrap the Pause Menu changes (or just clean it up) and then put some more effort into the actual sprites and tiles you're working on.

I'm sorry if I seem like I'm being hard, I'm not trying to be. It's just.. well, I honestly do not like the look of the Title Screen. It looks unnatural, like someone was mucking about in MSPaint or something. But I don't want you to feel like you should STOP what you're doing. I just think you should put more effort into what you've done already so that it feels more presentable. I hope I'm saying this right...


Your spore spawn and brinstar set up makes me wonder if I should write up something on what to think about when designing graphics. :/

Example: The green in the brinstar tileset needs to be darker. Spore spawns design is outright horrible to look at, not to mention it's hard to see what it's supposed to be.


I understand...

But i dont want everything to be perfect ...
