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MetConst Creativity Contest

Started by Jiffy, January 01, 2019, 07:17:13 AM

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It's time for another contest!... Or three?
This time nobody needs to make any hacks, but we're doing something cool for the site. A few people have suggested adding more banners and splashes, so your wish has been granted. Anybody can enter these three contests.


Let's get thinking! The site needs some new splashes to get with the times. All you have to do is think of new splashes for the site. To enter, write your splash in a post underneath. The judges will then choose their favourite 4 splashes, and a 5th splash will be chosen by the public. A maximum of 3 splashes per user are allowed to be submitted.
Here are a few examples that are already on the site to get you going:

Quote"Where dreams are born, crushed, and converted to base16"
"Sometimes you've just gotta ask the stupid questions"
"Where all of the space pirates chill on weekends"

Now get thinking of some great splashes!


Let's get creative! The forum needs some new banners to go with the splashes. Send us some banners so we can add them to the site. You can send as many banners as you like, but they must be exactly 800*150px vertically/horizontally so they can fit on the site. However you wish to make your banner is up to you, but adding Metroid Hacks and the text "Metroid Construction" is preferred. If you wish to send them privately, send them via PM to me, otherwise the banners can be posted in this thread.


Let's get contributing! There are super secret plans for Metconst and their speedrunning events. For these to happen, a certain streamer needs a player layout for races/tournaments. The layout needs to be for 2-4 players, but also 8 players for larger community races. Dimensions would be a 16x9 ratio for the whole image, need to have a MetConst logo, and then windows for the games and maybe trackers too. These windows would need to be different depending on NES/SNES/GB/GBA. Again, if you wish to send them privately, send them via PM to me, otherwise the layouts can be posted in this thread.

A few resources to get you started for the two (It's dangerous to go alone. Take this!):

[spoiler=Metroid Construction Logo][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Stream Layout Example 1][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Stream Layout Example 2][/spoiler]

Submissions start Tuesday 1st of January, and end Wednesday 23th January. (the last day of submissions.)
Good luck to all!


I am submitting Three splashes.

The first one is my signature:
"Don't forget to make backups, even if they take up your computer's entire hard drive."

The second would change slightly every year:
"Working to make user-friendly hacking tools since <Year after the current year>."

So for 2019, it would be:
"Working to make user-friendly hacking tools since 2020."

Or a version that would not have to change:
"Working to make user-friendly hacking tools since 2032."

The third one is just a funny line:
"Recombomulating the discombobulates.


Quote from: Jefe962 on January 01, 2019, 07:17:13 AM


Let's get creative! The forum needs some new banners to go with the splashes....but they must be exactly 800*150px vertically/horizontally so they can fit on the site....

>proceeds to send MetConst banner that is 600x193


What sort of trackers are likely to be used? You mention NES/SNES/GB/GBA, so are you looking for trackers for all of the 2D Metroid games? Do you want trackers for the SM/ALTTP combomizer?

Also I'd like to submit a splash:


Quote from: bob4224 on January 02, 2019, 07:21:40 PM
What sort of trackers are likely to be used? You mention NES/SNES/GB/GBA, so are you looking for trackers for all of the 2D Metroid games? Do you want trackers for the SM/ALTTP combomizer?

All trackers would be appreciate it but we understand if it happens to be too much work. We will take possible trackers in a prioritised order:
-Super Metroid
-Metroid Zero Mission/Metroid Fusion
-ALTTP/SM Combomizer
-Metroid 2 (who the heck even plays that?)



"It's not copyright infringement - You can see the differences in the pixels"


Three submissions for splashes:
"Excessive use of spikes detected. Self destructing hack in 3..2..1.."
">General reminder for Jiffy for finish nature<"
"Where is the samus graphics editor?"


some splash ideas:
1:"Everyone is welcome. Unless you like zero mission."
2:"Nestroid is Bestroid - Yoshio Sakamoto, 1986"
3:"Where originality dies with your custom boss idea"


I did not receive as many entries as I anticipated for banners and layouts. I will be extending the period for all of the contests to Wednesday 23rd, the last real day of submissions.




Now that the time period has ended, the new banners have been added to the forum! Congratz to mccad, Scyzer and Metroid3D! (And good attempt for Squishy.) I will post these at a later date, but for now, try and spot them.
Splash winners will also come later.


Yay! Glad my fangame banner snuck in.


The RESULTS are in!
Firstly, we did not receive any stream layouts this time around. Either the task was too demanding or too ambiguous for people to have a go. However, we did get a lot of good banners and splashes!
Here's a list of all the new banners that have been added (in no particular order):
[spoiler=Banner Bonanza Winners]

AM2R banner by Metroid3D

Metroid 2 hack room banner by Metroid3D (room by T-A-U)

Super Metroid fanart banner by mccad00

Metroid Zero Mission hack room banner by Metroid3D (room by Conner)

Super Metroid hack room banner by Metroid3D (room by Albert_V)

Super Metroid hack room banner by Metroid3D (room by mccad00)

AM2R banner by Metroid3D

Super Metroid Seraphim banner by Scyzer

Various Metroid hack rooms by Metroid3D (rooms by Scout and Jiffy)

Super Metroid hack room banner by Metroid3D (room by Jiffy)

Here's a list of the new splashes to be added soon:
[spoiler=Splash Challenge winners]
"¡Ahora en Español!" - Metroid3D
"Working to make user-friendly hacking tools since 2020." - MetroidNerd#9001
"Excessive use of spikes detected. Self destructing hack in 3..2..1.." - OneOf99
"It's not copyright infringement - You can see the differences in the pixels" - Scyzer (won by community vote)

And of course, a special mention to this work of art that didn't make it into the winning list.
[spoiler=Special Mention]

...This. By squishy_ichigo

See you next mission!


Excited to see all the new splashes and banners! The banners look really good, and I'm glad one of my splash submissions made it!