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New Metroid Fangame

Started by CloakedWolves, February 25, 2017, 06:44:40 AM

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So me and my mate, we're making a Metroid fangame from scratch
2D, using pixel art/sprites
Sure you get the idea
Fairly early in development
But we would really like some support
If you are interested in making sprites, please post them below.
Due to the game's timeline placement, new enemies would be great
You can name it, and include a short description if you like, otherwise we will make one up
If we use your work, we will include you in the credits
Any help would be greatly appreciated
For those interested...
Samus is roughly 65 pixels tall
1 pixel=2.97cm
1m=34 pixels
Art style is generally a few colours per area (eg, leg) which then has shadows/highlights added with transparent black and white
Feel free to do whatever


Ah yes, another overly ambitious kid that can't be bothered to put any effort into his own work.

I mean, seriously, if you want people to help you, you should show that you are serious and committed to this. But you, you don't even have a single screenshot. Do you really think anyone can be bothered to help you if you don't do things yourself?
Get real.


woah now "smile"userninetysix, don't you think you are jumping the gun there a bit with the insults. Geez. Maybe the poor guy just didn't think to post any screenshots accidentally! I was hoping that maybe his avatar was part of the project, but...

[spoiler=Guess not... ][/spoiler]

Without any screenshots tho, we don't know what art style you are going for, but I gave it my best go anyways...

It uses 16 colors, to give it that old school retro gaming nostalgia grab feel.
I call it, 'samus-aran-doing-a-shoulder-bash-attack'


We have very little to show yet because I didn't want to put up anything that wasn't fully done
(I plan on changing my profile picture once I have some designs I'm 100% happy with)
Thanks for the help


Quick question, best way to post images, as it appears there is a particular way to embed?


Quote from: CloakedWolves on February 25, 2017, 05:15:20 PM
Quick question, best way to post images, as it appears there is a particular way to embed?
You just paste the image link within img tags, like so:
If any are particularly big, you can also save space by placing the img tags within spoiler tags.


Hope this works

By no means are these done (especially the teeth/gum area, I haven't done that yet)
But here is a Metroid prototype


Any feedback (negative or positive) would be appreciated. What should I change? What's good? What's bad? Etc


There's not enough for us to judge. If the only thing you've actually done with this project so far is make some Metroid sprites (and it isn't even an animated sprite dude, what the hell) Why are you still here asking for our opinion? 


No I mean, what do you think of the metroid sprites?
Also its not the only thing I've done...


Like FelixWright said, it's not enough for any of us to judge. You should show us more... A LOT more than just Metroid sprites.


I mean, what are peoples of JUST the metroid sprite itself?


Well, you've made a few mistakes on your sprite if you are going for the canon look. Metroid's have four spherical nuclei, not 30, arranged in such a way that at any angle you'd only ever see three. Additionally, their mandibles aren't white all the way up to their face, their fangs attach to red gums. Also, I think you are going a bit over board on the red veins. All of these things can be seen in pretty much any Metroid picture, although, some breeds of metroid may differ.

Overall, I'd give your sprite a 5/10, you got the basic shape and colors right at least.

Unless... you were taking liberties with artist licensing, in which case do whatever you want.

edit: oh right, you'd said the sprites weren't finished yet.


I'm going for the look of a slightly different metroid, which is why there are more than three, but I appreciate the feedback, thanks