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Metroid Fusion Sprites Hack

Started by Fusa-x, February 14, 2016, 02:27:41 PM

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Hello everybody, i have a request.. I have spend 1 year to research how to replace samus sprites with sax sprites and im curious if somebody know and can make a video or something... I have a png with all thé positions of samus in her "original suit" (sax suit) but i dont know how to place it in the game and in how offset... Thanks for the answer.. I really hope someone can light myself...  :bounce:


Unfortunately Samus's graphics are split into hundreds of tiny pieces. It probably won't be feasible to edit them until some sort of tool is developed to make the process easier.



I see nothing there about anybody having made it, only that you necrobumped it, and were then told the same thing you were here: Nobody has done it yet, and it's a lot of work.


It's something I have planned for my editor, but not for quite a while.


Have you look the link in my replie ? Someone did it, he's in fusion suit and has the sa-x suit ;)


Yes, and I watched the video too. You're asking if somebody has managed to replace Samus's graphics with that of the SA-X, and the answer is still 'no'. What was achieved in that thread was to have the SA-X as an enemy, which is much easier to do (probably still a lot of work).


If all the sprite data/pieces can be exported as one large graphic, and imported as one large graphic, you could do the footwork of creating a "template" in Photoshop, using smart objects to update all the pieces by editing one complete sprite.  Or if they can't be exported/imported as one graphic, then I'm sure a Photoshop script could merge all the individual files/pieces into one document, and another to split the document back up into separate image files.

It would be kind of like putting together a puzzle with thousands of pieces, but once it's done, editing Samus' sprites should be as "simple" as editing a standard sprite sheet (for you and anyone else using this Photoshop template), and the actions would be mirrored in the document with the scrambled pieces.

I saw that someone made a nice java program to edit SM Samus sprites, so if you know any java and if you can track him down, you might be able to pick his brain.


I really dont know the java x)
And no, he's really playing with the sa-x armor, look at his arm cannon, its the cannon's fusion suit
I have a sprite sheet with all the position etc... Of the sa-x for samus but i dont know where i place it and how


I must be missing something here. He has two videos - SA-X Hack and SA-X Update.

In the Hack video, he's using the standard Zero Mission Gravity Suit, and has an enemy that looks like a space pirate mimicking the SA-X's movement.
In the Update video, he's using the standard Zero Mission Varia Suit, and has now got the enemy using the SA-X's graphics.

Can you point out where you believe he's actually controlling the SA-X?


Have you CLICK ON the link in my first replie ? Look up.


Yes, and I've read through the thread twice. There are a few people talking about 'hacking' the sprites. If you read all of the replies, they are merely talking about accessing the sprites in the hope of doing something with them. They never figured out how to piece them together properly, let alone change them, and no further progress was made. I still don't see where you got the idea that it's 'already been done' from.


On the link someone posted a picture. He got 2missing pixel. The picture is on the first page. Samus with her original suit in blue.


Regardless of what's in that thread, no one here can give you any better answers. If you're patient, this is something I'm going to look into in the future, and I'll make an editor for it. Otherwise, you could always try looking into it yourself, though you'd probably have to learn how to use a debugger.


Yeah i need to be "more patient" but i tried to resolve it 1year ago and continued to search but i havent found and all the topics are English and i'm french so i dont understand all as well...  :pwuh:


Made a thread about this not to long ago actually.
I did notice the screen shot that was posted via acmlm board
Which definitely got my attention. Hopefully something like this will be done one of these days, soon. ^^


"So is it possible to to fit entire sprites? im using the nlz gba to edit the sprites so far, and some pieces i couldnt fit so the sprite appears to be cutted at some parts especially at the top. is there an easier way to edit the sprites with a lil more ease?"

I don't know much about fusion hacking, but I'm pretty sure nlz gba is not something that actually changes the data in the rom. I don't think that guy actually changed samus' sprites as a real hack, but rather through emulation and debugger stuff.


Samus as well as all other sprites in the game are split up. Due to object memory, there's a limited number of sprites on screen, so splitting them up allows for more "actions" to go on. Anywho, so you'll have 3 pieces of data, the OAM data which is kind of like a tilemap, but more advanced( then you have the tiledata and the palette of course. These two are easy to find, the OAM is a little more funky. IIRC, most OAM data comes from the sprites AI. I believe samus' oam data is stored in giant table based on her state. To find the data, change her state and look for a write to OAM. Then you can backtrack and find the table there. In ROM, the data will slightly match the data in RAM, but it will be different due to many other factors. But once you got the table and sprite tileset/palette you can write an editor and just do it that way.

Sprites suck


i agree with you that sprites suck by sometimes i just love to mess around with them and see what i can make (even though i broke a metroid fusion rom while doing this  :lol:)