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Needing metroid 1 tileset but in 2d

Started by SSVegeta4511, December 13, 2014, 09:49:39 PM

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hi everyone and hope you guys dont mind me asking this but im in need of newer tilesets for metroid 1 i cant draw the tilesets ive tried and was hoping that someone can do the whole tilesets in 2d for me so i can use in the game im wanting to create im tring to make a metroid 1 hd remake with unity but the tilesets i keep finding are the old plain out ones that i do not want to use if someone doesnt mind could they make me a set please and hope you guys dont mind me asking this but dont know where else to turn. hope to hear something back very soon till then please take care and have a nice day.


You'd probably have a better shot if you showed some screenshots of the project you're working on, even with the NES graphics. MetConst is a great place for help, but people usually are busy with their own projects to really fulfill those kinds of requests. You'd have to get them motivated by showing some material.


sorry i didnt show my project here is a pic of it so far but like i said it has the normal metroid tilemap tiles but what i needing is these tiles redone in 2d and look alot better so i can make a metroid 1 remake and im no good at drawing that kind of stuff ive tried lol but no go thats why im asking for help and hope someone can help me with a better cooler looking tileset i can use for the game


Perhaps you could be a little clearer with what you want.  Metroid's tiles are already 2D.  Do you mean you'd like them remade with a much higher resolution?  If so, what size do you want them to be?  Do you want every tileset done?

Also, it's strange, but SSVegeta's post count reads zero, despite the two above posts... :O_o:


Quote from: Quietus on December 15, 2014, 02:40:37 PM
Also, it's strange, but SSVegeta's post count reads zero, despite the two above posts... :O_o:
Might have something to do with the fact that the trading center used to be a top secret board. Also, I feel the need to point out that M1's graphics have already been remade for Zero Mission. (Unless you're looking for something 3D, in which case I still don't understand what you're after.)


i would show you what im after but i cant figure out how to upload pics on this thing at all lol. but im wanting them to be a high res then what they are and all the sprites that create the floor walls ceilings doors all that good stuff but would like to have them almost like hd wise grafx look to them i have pics of my project as well but not sure how to upload pics on here so show everyone including what i would like to have. and as for the size of them would be like 32x32 and 16x16 made into a sprite sheet that way i can dice them and use them in unity 3d but what im working on is part 2d and part 3d, 2d tiles like floors,walls blocks ect. and 3d for the backgrounds.


  • Coherent sentences/thoughts and/or proper punctuation please.
  • For displaying images on the forums, upload to an image hosting service (there are many out there), then then post the link to the image in between image tags like so:

  • Since you're apparently working on not just a 2D based project but also 3D, I'm fairly certain you won't just be needing sprites but also textures. That said...
Echoing the first few posts: you'll be very lucky to find anyone here that is willing to do spriting for you and especially lucky to find someone willing to do textures since 1.) you have nothing to show (not just a few shots but actual long term progress), 2.) we mainly handle the 2D Metroids here, and 3.) most people are too consumed in their own projects to care about doing something as time consuming as graphics for someone who's come out of the blue saying "there's this project I have."

If you're looking for spriters or other related talents, you're best bet is to use google to find a more appropriate site.