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Item Randomizer hacked

Started by Phazos: True Phazon deity, August 13, 2014, 06:05:34 PM

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There's no reason to 'see if you have the latest version'.  Just be certain, and grab the latest version from its thread or its hack page. :^_^:

Incidentally, Crys last updated that thread in May 2013, so it's likely that yours differs (assuming that's when v1.4 was released).


1.4 was released in 2013-01-28, so yeah, you probably have an older version.

I during one of those updates I fixed an item that did not show up properly, among many other things. Just update your ROM before you start and you should be fine, the hack has not change much at all on the whole.


Do note, in case you're unaware, that there are three* sets items that appear in two different locations, and taking one will remove the other. These are:
Wave beam 1: In one of the large rooms in deep ice
Wave beam 2: In the rooms below the steamfair elevator

Mega ball 1: Upper left surface area.
Mega ball 2: Lower steamfair central area.

and lastly:
Charge beam 1: Upper subterrane.
Charge beam 2: During the escape.

(*): Not that you can go back and check if you get charge beam during the escape.


Yes, Quietus, I use the latest version 1.4 now (patched it again). And, Crys, that was one thing I wanted to ask about right now: Items with the same "Low" value /index of the item (such that all other items with the same value disappear if one collects one of them). I will try to find the min. item-combinations to collect each of them and handle them just like normal items, but for a randomizer, it would make a difference for sure.

But there is another thing...
Since the Megaball adds new options for Samus´ movement that I have not analyzed already, I wanted to try some things out with it and the result is that this item is a little "glitchy". I mean: By boosting the ball on a 1-block-thick floor/platform (with no solid blocks beneath it) and switching the directions towards the ball moves rapidly multiple times, one can fall through such platforms...
Not that this would hinder my investigation, but I am already sure that this will have quite some potential for sequence breaking since techniques to get through/into the ground are rare in Super Metroid.
I will also try to give those items (mainly expansions like Missile packs) names in a hopefully canonical way, since someone else will have to make the randomizer itself and that person should then know what item I am refering to. Except there are already specific names for those.
Edit: Oh, and the reason why I asked about versions was because if the version I had was the latest one, then I could have used my movies there aswell.
2.Edit: Subterrane´s topological pathway-structure as a directed graph (including all different minimal item-combinations for every path and all items there) is already completely done; and Megaball is a totally broken/powerful item.
3.Edit: The Core and Unknown are done, too.
4.Edit: Surface done.
5.Edit: So, this would be the map of Subterrane, and I would put the remaining parts of the whole map here, too, when they are finished. I will also explain my notation and add some remarks afterwards (mostly for the methods that are used, since those are non-trivial sometimes). The item-constraints were chosen according to tool-assisted gameplay (means: (almost) all theoretically existing options), so one would still have to reduce some options that are infeasible and in some cases substitute them with other item-options (with more items) that allow the player to traverse through those paths. I do not know how far I should go into detail here, since I do not know exactly what information would be needed for someone that does the randomizer according to those maps. So, it would be helpful to know what information I should provide...(and who would do the randomizer actually?). I also neglected options that use Out of Bounds, Spazer+Plasma or GT-Code.
The Core and Unknown:
lower part of Surface:
upper part of Surface:
upper part of Deep Ice:
lower part of Deep Ice:

Phazos: True Phazon deity

wow. seems like a lot of thought is going into this as a project idea. nice.


Ok. Deep Ice is done aswell, so only Steamfair is remaining. But there is another issue: The map of Ice Metal is incomplete regarding the items, since I found a Missile pack and an E-Tank in room 7D055 (turtle room), and the map says that there is only an E-Tank (and I do not want to search through the whole map (in SMILE) to find the remaining items if there are still some of them missing in the map).
The map I am using is this:
So, it would be nice if someone could at least tell me if other items are missing (and where they are).
Otherwise I will simply continue doing the rest, but then only regarding the items that I can see on the map, obviously.


This one is more up to date:


Ah, thank you. So, I compared those two maps right now and it seems that the only difference between those (only regarding the items) was that Missile pack that I found in the turtle room and a further Missile pack in Steamfair, room 7AC5A. I assume that this map is correct now.
[Sorry, did some research regarding new glitches for SM which was quite interesting and lost focus on doing Steamfair.]
When Steamfair is done, I will have to do all areas all over again for phase 2, the reduction/substitution from TAS-options to humanly doable options with corresponding maps, which will take a while again, too. But when this is done, then this really should suffice for someone else to actually construct the item-randomizer (which I cannot do).
Edit: Steamfair is done.
2.Edit:Explanation for the maps and notation there:
There are always 3 different kinds of boxes:
1. Boxes for rooms with their name taken from SMILE (sometimes specific areas within those, "up/down/left/right" means upper/lower/left/right part of the room).
2. Item boxes (with canonical abbreviations of the names, note that Megaball is an item that does not exist in the original game and is abbreviated with "Mega").
3. Constraint boxes for undirected (when connected to an item) and directed edges of the graph.
[The way I gave constraints for collecting items will always assure that one can get back and continue travelling through the rooms (for TAS, since reduction for humans still has to be done as I mentioned above).]

How to read the constraint boxes:
Example: {(Ball)}*{(5M),(1SM)} = {(Ball,5M),(Ball,1SM)} which means that for the product of constraints, in order to obtain all available options to be able to go from A to B, one has to take exactly 1 option (an element of the form "(...,...,.... ...,...)" ) within every "{...}-bracket" and combine those by adding up the items/constraints.
Note that {...}*{...}u{...} (with "u" meaning "unified with") shall always be read as ({...}*{...})u{...}, so the product comes first.
Also, for example here, set = {(Ball,1SM)}*{(Ball,Mega),(1SM)}, one would have to add up the items this way:
set = {(Ball,Mega,1SM),(Ball,2SM)}, so ammunition adds up, but if the same key-item appears two/multiple times, then those just overlap.

I always counted the exact number of ammunition that was needed, therefore "1M" means one missile that one has to shoot/use, and not 1 Missile pack (which would be 5M), analogously for SM and PB.
Sometimes there are options with a "?". If a "?" appears, then just ignore all options that are combined with the element that contains the "?", since it is an untested potential option and therefore usually TAS-only.
There are also non-item-constraints sometimes, namely "Blue-S.", "Crocomire" or "Ridley dead" for example. This means that one has to have Blue-Suit, fight against Crocomire, or Ridley has to be dead already (usually because of a boss-door) respectively. In some cases I abbreviated all constraints together with lambda, sigma, tau or mu, since I needed exactly those options somewhere again.
"Energy" usually means Pause Abuse or a sufficient combination of Suits, E-/R-Tanks or a CF or items that are only used to travel faster.
The triangle means that one could maybe apply a "Boost-Walk" there.
The star at some points within the maps means that a certain room-state is needed.
"CF" means Crystal Flash. "Shsp.-Suit" means Shinespark-Suit (not the same as Blue-Suit).
When finished, one simply would have to connect those maps together at those corresponding room-boxes that are contained in more than one map.

1 run, horizontal SM-shot for GGG
2 freeze hopper next to the gate, hor. shot through the gate with beam
3 Beam-Special
4 "Boost-Dive" for E-Tank, again Boost-Dive, unmorph, open capsule with shot, collect it, Boost-Dive into capsule-spot, unmorph, wait until capsule respawns, X-Ray-Climb
5 Ice-Ceiling-Clip, Boost-Dive
6 leftwards-X-Ray-Climb, Boost-Dive
7 Use "Jump" to stand up, force-stand, R-Jump, 2-tunnel-jump-travelling
8 Use "Jump" to stand up, 2-tunnel-jump-travelling, blocks respawn
9 Use "Jump" to stand up, spinjump, 2-tunnel-jump-travelling
10 Boost-Ball deep into door-shell at other side (similar to cpadolf´s method with mockball into X-Ray-Climb to skip golden statues), X-Ray-Climb, Boost-Ball into transition
11 flat jumps while facing downwards and ledge-grabbing to get through gates when they are already closed
12 walljump into morphingball
13 manipulate ghoust, vertical Ice-shot to freeze him slightly behind the wall, X-Ray-Climb
14 temp.-Blue-Suit-travelling
15 2-tunnel-jump-travelling, R-Jumps
16 It is possible to avoid the sidehoppers for both directions with appropriate RNG and jumps
17 switch position with 1.Metroid without getting grabbed to kill it with just the beam, 2-tunnel-jumps
18 For X-Ray-Climb, enter the room again after having killed all Metroids
19 freeze Rinka within a block in the tunnel, roll against that spot, force-stand, jump
20 1. sidehopper can be manipulated to jump to right side, then sidehoppers can be avoided
21 the E-Tank in the constraints is the E-Tank within the room
22 One can avoid getting hit...
22,1/2 walljump-climbing, get backwards into 2-tunnel, turn around before touching ground, hold "Down" when landing to stand there without getting hit, then Flatley-jump
23 let worms jump against the door on left side, let them travel to right side
24 mid-air-springball-jump
25 maybe grapple-bombjump-jump
26 mid-air-springball-jump using walljump, lay PB, unmorph and get knocked upwards, ledge-grab
27 upper continuous walljump
28 turn around in ball form, unmorph, turn around again
29 knockback in ball form, using flying creature
30 short-charge
31 knockback off off-screen-creature
32 2-tunnel-jump-travelling (using walljump)
33 TAS-super-short-charge
34 fill PBs afterwards
35 align Samus´ back totally to the wall (by tapping other direction during spinjump that is aligned to the wall), then grapple horizontally
36 IBJ. using walljump
37 R-Jump
38 temp. invincibility, turnaround-animation
39 Boost-Dive, unequip Megaball, jump in standing position
40 2-tunnel-jump-travelling
41 force-stand, hold "Down" during R-Jump
42 area is connected due to 2-tunnel-jump-travelling
43 climb out of water...
44 2-tunnel-jump
45 wait for crab
46 lower path
47 freeze fish appropriately, kill crab with grapple, force-stand
48 let crab fall, freeze it appropriately , get hit by fish, get into fish using temp. invincibility, freeze it, jump with turnaround
49 extended ceiling-glitch using a shinespark
50 appropriate height of water, turnaround-animation
51 timing for precise walljump after running
52 blue door-shell at lower left side cannot be used for X-Ray-Climb
53 temp.-Blue-Suit into speedball
54 manipulate snail
55 Boost-Dive into door through slope
56 two times a Boost-Dive
57 complicated way to start running for echoes, with CWJ, and shot afterwards to maintain echoes, plus holding "Down"
58 abuse 2-tunnel-jumps and slopes at the ceiling
59 start running in room on the left side
60 into the pipe, 2-tunnel-jumps
62 jump through speed-gate before it closes
63 Pause Abuse
64 "Freeze-Boost" through wall
65 even within lava, GGG works even with missile, Pause Abuse
66 although there is high gravitation due to acid, the wall can be reached for walljumps
67 long horizontal GGG
68 freeze creature when it reaches the gate, horizontal shot through the gate at height of blue button

0. Out of Bounds aswell as GT-Code and Spazer+Plasma (and the new found applications of reserve-mode) will be neglected/forbidden.
"Freeze-Walks" and "Freeze-Climbs" will be neglected, too.
1. The first item that is collected has to be Morphingball.
2. "Boost-Dive": Using the Megaball and rolling while changing direction rapidly multiple times, one can sink into the ground.
3. Using the Megaball, one can roll into doors and mirror the momentum backwards right after entering the door to get very deep into that door.
And by unmorphing appropriately, one can get into a crouching position for X-Ray-Climb there, too. And, by morphing and boosting the ball into the door-shell, one can get back into the door again.
4. Physic-changes: Megaball = Springball+Boostball, Bomb-Timer shorter, (Ice-)beam cooldown longer, grapple-hanging into spinjump possible,...  .
5. Using the diagonal IBJ.-Sinking method, it is almost possible to do horizontal IBJ. within water.



Actually, the gray door in the core is not a boss constraint that relies on Ridley being dead, rather, it checks if you have picked up the item in the room after Ridleys room. :p


Hmm, if this is true although the grey door there has "High" value 00 (and that is the way I judged what kind of constraint it is) , then I guess it would be useful to know if there are other instances where constraints for the player are switched in a way that I could not see them in SMILE (but maybe others could have seen it in SMILE?), since in the end, if there will be really a randomizer for this hack, it would probably be important for those who play that randomizer...

Edit: For the reduction step, I will cut out the options that are likely to cause Samus to stuck when done incorrectly
(such as X-Ray-Climb, Boost-Dive, getting through tunnels without bombs and just using powerbombs)
, the TAS-only options and some advanced options that involve techniques that only few people are capable of 
(such as ceiling-CF, (TAS-)super-short-charge, certain complicated ceiling-clip setups, travelling long distances with temporary Blue-Suit, Pause Abuse)
aswell as options that are not well-known (such as mid-air-Springball-jumps, Grapple-Bombjump-jumps, Freeze-Sink/-Walk/-Climb, blue gate glitch using horizontal shot through the gate at appropriate height, Shinespark-Suit [which almost cannot be created and used in this hack anyways], Boost-Walk, Reserve-Bombjumps )
But I do not know if I should cut out even IBJ. or upper CWJ. or Blue-Suit.
The map would also become much simpler provided one gets Morphingball at the beginning (which I will assume from now on)...
Maps with reduced/substituted options: