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Started by Metaquarius, July 11, 2014, 01:19:41 PM

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> WAREZ < Click here if you dare
Get hyped peoplez ! Ice Metal is rated 5-star there, Crys is gonna be happy. Fun fact, Redesign® gets no rating at all. Why Internet, why ? :fukken:


Looks OK to me.  It seems like they've done a decent job of it, and it can't hurt to have another site dealing with one of our favourite games.  As long as they don't try and claim other people's work as their own, I can't see it doing any harm.


Whoever is in charge of the source code of that site need to shot themselves. Furthermore, they claim to have a super metroid ROM, but they don't even have the balls to host it themselves, rather, they hotlink coolrom. :/

Furthermore, this site just seem to stink as it is, there is no direct claim that they own anything, but they say hacks made by "the community" and as such refer to their own community. (Which, does not exist yet since the site is new, but that's unrelated.) I just think it's kind of balls.

Frankly, I want him to get my shit off his site, especially if he is not going to put down any effort on it, the description for my hack is just a copy paste of the page. Which, mind you, I can actually manage and update. :/
Whoever made this site did not even bother to make any own form of write up for it, I can't see a download link either. (Which, probably is pointing towards more incompetent webdesign, but rather in the browser support area.) And if he's not hotlinking something else, that might be a problem. Whoever made this does also not go by anything, making it obvious that they want to remain anonymous, which in this case, I consider a problem.

Edit: And as it stands, I have my doubts that this person is the one who made that interactive map.

Edit2: Oh and, he labelled my hack wrong, there is no "super metroid" in the hacks title, which points towards the person not making any bloody fucking research at all.


Quote from: Crys on July 11, 2014, 01:46:11 PMI have my doubts that this person is the one who made that interactive map.
It's unlikely, as Gromba made them years ago, and I can't see it would be labelled as 'new' if it was.


Small/childish bother: Their offline screen is the same as mine. >:|
Not as small bother: The listed sites do not include us.

I'd have to say the idea behind this isn't terrible so long as they don't, as Quietus said, go off claiming any of our work as theirs. However, the idea of the site feels off when we already do what they aim to do, minus the vanilla Super Metroid stuff and you have places (and have even linked them!) such as MDB linked on the site. :neutral:

Quote from: Crys on July 11, 2014, 01:46:11 PM
Whoever is in charge of the source code of that site need to shot themselves.

Whoever made this does also not go by anything, making it obvious that they want to remain anonymous, which in this case, I consider a problem.

Edit: And as it stands, I have my doubts that this person is the one who made that interactive map.
I agree the execution of code could've been done better by many extremes, that staying anonymous is a quite an irritant, and they were not the ones who made the interactive map.



Hello all,

This purpose of this site is to be an aggregate of all of the truly best Super Metroid sites on the net, including your own. MetroidConstruction was never meant to be left off of the blogroll - sites like this are the inspiration.

Before you burn me at the stake:
Please note that MetroidConstruction is on the "metroid community" blog roll (YOU GUYS are the community I'm just trying to organize and aggregate all of the community's content (YOU GUYS not me)
Credit for the map has been given where it's due (Gromba w/ link).
Crys, I have updated to the correct title of your ROM hack (apologies) and I would LOVE to give you posting rights on my site to update/correct/whatever your related hacks.

This site is not meant to draw any traffic away but to increase traffic to your site and everyone else who helps to keep this game alive and growing. This is just one of my pet projects so it doesn't always get the update attention it deserves.

Understand that I'm not trying to cannibalize anyone else but just get more hype and following behind your great ROM hacks and speedruns.

Hoping for understanding,


PS. The Hotlinks to coolrom have been removed and they are currently hosted on my site, so far sm vanilla, ice metal, redesign, (this site went live prematurely as you can probably tell with some of the lingering lorem ipsum hanging about the site)


Might I shamelessly ask for some aggregation of Project Base 0.7? :D

Anyway, cool of you to register and drop by for a response. Communication is important, yo. For what it's worth, I've been hosting a direct ROM download for awhile now with no negative blowback.


Grime, OF COURSE I would like to get Project Base on there, it should already be on there, tbh - (it's just one person trying to do this :/ )


Grime, please check your email listed on your site for contributor credentials to the site.


Quotehi / Green-Kirby

ROM / ISO Information:

Super Metroid (JU) [!].smc – GOODSNES 2.04
CRC32: D63ED5F8
MD5: 21F3E98DF4780EE1C667B84E57D88675
SHA-1: DA957F0D63D14CB441D215462904C4FA8519C613
SHA-256: 12B77C4BC9C1832CEE8881244659065EE1D84C70C3D29E6EAF92E6798CC2CA72
This information at the bottom of the page should be removed. (Yes, starting with the h.) The ROM information is something uses in order to make things easier for people to figure out what to patch too. (And other junk.) Stuff like that is not really needed when all you do is deal with one game. And, my old name was only there for legacy reasons, since I still go by that on

It's nice to see that you stepped out into the light to answer the criticism, I can respect that.

Vismund Cygnus

Wait so the entire point is that you want to be Metroid construction but not?


Unnecessary website. There are enough SM hub sites as it is, it's already confusing for a newcomer to google it. A+ for effort though.


I understand the response, really. Metroid Construction is slow enough as-is at doing everything, and it's really no more the fault of us lazy staff and the solutions we're using to host listings than anyone else. Calm down with the hostility, guys - this is the best sign of the ages that we need to step it the fuck up around here! (Like that'll ever happen. :razz:)


Crys, I've updated your ROM hack's listing.

Vismund, Digital_Mantra, et al. The point isn't to be Metroid Construction but to drive traffic to it just like, or for example. doesn't focus on speedruns, but on the development of the tools/hacks themselves. Personally, I like to follow the latest records on speedruns (realtime and toolassisted) and playaround the latest hacks that you've guys have made. Longer term i'd like to put this EEPROM programmer to use and make some reproductions to play on a real SNES.


The only thing I potentially have issue with is the repro cart stuff. Now, I don't have any issue with having hacks on carts and playing them on console. However, I do have an issue with this potentially being the drive of the site, selling other people's hacks for some ridiculous prices.


@Zeke: While I get your point, that's not why I argued in here. I'm just sick of sites that either host or sell hacks without any care neither in contacting the authors nor giving them credit for their work. This site was just looking like a new one to attempt that when it first came out. :/

That being said, you're correct, metconst's site is falling behind in what it should be. We still don't have anything close to a decent hack list where users can browse hacks, I believe I even suggested methods for this at several times, but very little work is made in updating the site. It's no big surprise that other sites try to spring up to fill the void. (Not that I think this particular one is well designed.)