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Summer Fun Contest (ENTRIES CLOSE SEPT. 2)

Started by Vismund Cygnus, July 22, 2014, 08:18:02 AM

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A newbie error you say? :heheh:

Also wtf is this?


I will say the second one at least is fixed. (A pointer gone awry) I never even noticed that thing had some slopes above though.

Vismund Cygnus

In Mst's defense, both of those were my work, and I'd definitely still consider myself a newbie.
Although I swear that I'd made that slope solid tiles... Guess  I must have forgotten to save that version.
And so we learn an important lesson: save often!


I just finished streaming my playthrough of all 3 entries.  They were all enjoyable to play, and each had some clever ideas.

I was able to complete them all, and I only found one permastuck (in SLC, which MetroidMst says has fixed in the "fixed fixed" version already) and no other gamebreaking bugs.

Congrats to everyone who contributed.


Quote from: Quietus on July 30, 2014, 04:23:08 PM
Oh, no you don't, Mst.  I see what you're doing... :O_o:

Take the words from your trailer, and swap the letters for their numerical counterparts, then total them, and you get:
SLC = 34
SUN = 54
Also, that trailer's post in this thread = 17
and the seconds in the trailer = 28

86 + 17 = 103
54 - 34 = 20
103 X 20 = 2060
2060 - 28 = 2032.

It's a trap! :whoa:
What will happen in year 2032? I'd better afraid the year 2038, when the time overflows. =)

Quote from: Quietus on July 30, 2014, 06:43:46 PM
Quote from: Quote58 on July 30, 2014, 04:42:26 PM
Holy shit that was clever Quietus. Too bad there are 29 seconds in the trailer :P ZOMG FEAR WILL BE HERE 1 YEAR EARLIER #2031HYPE
That's bizarre.  It says 29, but when I watch it, it ends at 0:28 / 0:28. :^_^:
Did you count the second number zero? I mean, 0:00. I'll tell you the secret. When you count from 1 to 10 there are 9 seconds passed, not 10. That's why when I want to wait for 10 seconds, I'm counting from zero. =)


That makes no sense.  When a person counts from one to ten, it's a figure of speech, and they're obviously counting from zero.  They wait a second, then say 'one', which means when they reach ten, they've counted ten seconds.

On topic:
I'm in the same boat as Mst (his review is here), though with opposite views.  I enjoyed Magaluf more, yet felt that Conflict did the theme better, though I am only basing this on the beach-like beginning area.  The rest of Conflict was too subterranian to be anything like summery.

Magaluf was a nice, fairly linear hack, with a low difficulty level.  The only thing I found a bit odd was the inclusion of Speed Booster, though I never recall needing it.

Conflict had some nice ideas, and some interesting new features, but I felt all of the rooms were very similar, and always felt like I was stuck underground.  I also didn't finish it.  I was exploring, then suddenly found myself falling in with some 'awesome' boss, and died.


Speed Booster is required for get some supers, although much more was initially planned. :^_^:


Quote from: Jordan5 on September 09, 2014, 05:07:31 PM
Speed Booster is required for get some supers, although much more was initially planned. :^_^:
I found those. [spoiler]The very next room [spoiler]you need to shine spark through, after preforming short-boost. They really come in handy for ridley[/spoiler][/spoiler]


the lack of doors for the next room was a hint for that :heheh:


Probably.  In my defence, I gave both a very quick play, not really to complete, but to be able to provide some feedback for the competition. :neutral: