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The Future of Video Game Emulation

Started by Riffman81, January 16, 2012, 10:04:38 PM

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So, recently my SNES "died"... not sure what the problem was. It basically just stopped powering on. I can't complain though. After all, I bought my SNES back in 1992 and it's lasted all these years. I did end up replacing it though, finding one cheap on ebay and in great condition. But it got me to thinking... eventually all our classic consoles are going to join my SNES in the scrap yard. Most people think video game emulation is a great way to preserve our classic games. But what happens when all our emulators are rendered obsolete? (I can think of a few that already are) Computers are constantly changing. Different OS's are coming out more often then they used to. (Windows 8 anybody?)

Doing a search on Google led me to several articles on classic gaming becoming a thing of the past. I admit, I don't play games as much as I used to but I still love my old NES and SNES games when I get the time to sit down and play. So I'd like to hear what others think on the subject? Where do you guys see classic gaming or emulation within the next 5 or even 10 years?

My point is this: if they can find ways to preserve movies and music, why not video games as well? Below is a link to an article I found on the net thanks to Google. It's an interesting point of view on the whole subject. So I thought some of you out there may like to read it as well.


Just as with music and movies, it's on us, the people to keep gaming/emulation alive. Even if the NES and SNES games die completely, I think 8-bit / 16-bit will always have that certain appeal. Side-scrollers are just simple in nature visually, and not having a bunch of 3-d objects exploding in your face just allows you to focus on gameplay. When I have kids, I'm going to make them play all the systems starting from Atari, and go up until they reach the modern era. Granted I could only this via Emulation as to I don't own all the systems, but I'll make it happen. Even if I have to use (by that time) old out-dated computers.

I just realized, I've never even played an Atari myself, or even seen one for that matter, so it would seem weird for me to make my kids play it. But, if you think about it, for a very young aged kid, something really simple like Atari would be perfect for them. Then once their reflexes get better, I could step it up to Mario, and possibly Megaman if they're ready.


I wouldn't say force it on your kids, but if they get sucked into all of the reallity graphisms of newer stuff, show them what gaming was really like back in the day. Let them decide whether they're having more fun with $60 games from this generation (perhaps working off the cost with chores around the house) or cheap but good titles straight from the good old days. You could possibly get them into knowledge about how the games work with cheat codes and possibly editors, too. Create mini-Grimes who had fun with a game from the day and learn they can only possibly, with time and effort, make it better too!

Gonna agree with FoF's main point though. We're the ones who are keeping it alive, and it can only get better from there if you spread the word. :^_^:


I'm not going to force it on them per se, more like they'll just grow up playing them and have a bit more of a appreciation for them. Kids love interactive stuff, so I don't think they'll have much of an issue playing games by their own accord. If anything, I'll have to make sure they don't spend TOO much time playing them.