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Room of the Month: Submissions Thread

Started by OneOf99, June 01, 2020, 12:45:46 AM

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---   Room of the Month   ---

What is Room of the Month?
Room of the Month is all about showing off your level design for any upcoming hack you may be working on; or perhaps you just wanted to create some fancy room just for the competition, who knows? This is one of the ways to show off anything WIP to the community and get constructive feedback, and maybe, just maybe, create the Room of the Year...

At the end of every month, one of the Contest board moderators shall lock the voting topic, and archive it into the relevant archive.

Finally, at the end of every year there shall be a Room of the Year. The winners for every month shall be pitted against each other to see who is the champion room designer!


Format - Your RotM submission must be a screenshot from whatever room editor you use, with BTS/scrolling screens/clipdata hidden. Submissions should be PNG where possible - JPG and BMP are discouraged. Tile size in primary screenshot entries should be the same as they are natively, i.e. 16x16 pixel tiles should be 16x16 pixels in your entry.

Media - You may provide up to 3 forms of media for your room, 1 of which may be a screenshot of the room in the editor, meeting the other rule's conditions. Included videos may not be longer than a minute long.

Descriptions - You are allowed to submit a description along with your submission, however this will not be displayed with your post on the voting thread.

Effects - While editing the screenshot itself is not allowed, any effects that are displayed in the screenshot as a result of the editor (not including BTS, scrolls, etc.) are allowed. If you want to show off effects that only appear in-game, please use the additional media to do so.

Updates - You may update your entry as much as you want before the end of the month. Do so by editing your post, and not by posting a new message with the edited room.

Previous Works - Screenshots submitted may not be from any hacks that have been released. This also includes any rooms from previous RotM's (and RotW), only 'Work in Progress' hacks shall be accepted.

Collaborations - Only one room may be submitted every month per contestant.  If it is a collaboration room, you must state this, as it will count as a joint entry, meaning you can not submit your own room as well.

Disqualified Rooms - We try to check the submission thread during the month before the deadline quite often. If we believe that your entry warrants disqualification, then we will notify you so that you have a chance to fix whatever problems there might be.

Games allowed - While this competition revolves around Super Metroid, NEStroid, and GBAtroids mostly, submissions from other Metroid titles and Metroid Fangames are encouraged. Try to keep your format as similar as possible; screenshots should be in the native size for the title of choice. Entries from Fangames not directly related to Metroid will be disqualified.

If you have any questions or problems, contact OneOf99 through Discord with the @Contest Board role or through PMs on the forum.

Leave your submissions for August 2024 here!

Good luck Metconst!


Metroid didn't get its first proper icy area until Prime, so let's rectify that a little by throwing some vanilla tilesets together and coloring it a deep blue. Maybe I should have made this for the Deep Blue Contest.
GIF showcasing glows:






Underground mining facility. The surrounding caves aren't rich in minerals, so what are they digging for?