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Metroid : Advent

Started by Quote58, October 07, 2012, 02:32:00 PM

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Vismund Cygnus

Started playing through this; I seem to have found a permastuck though.
[spoiler=Fixed, thanks Parabox :P][/spoiler]
Hooray for savestates.


[spoiler]If you edit the link to be http:// instead of https:// it'll embed :-)[/spoiler]


Not so much a permastuck, but a bug nonetheless. :^_^:


Very much yes - although, about the only issue I had with the hack was the Draygon fight. I. . . ugh. Cramped Draygon fights bug the ever living fuck out of me. That little ledge there is highly unnecessary, and, while you can use it to avoid his mucus membrane attack, that's about the only thing you can do. No firing from safety from the ledge, nothing.

That's about it, really. Everything else was really well done even though it was really short :[


ya, there's actually a bigger version of the glitch in that room which xavier found while playing through it.
As for draygon, I was in a rush when making the room so it's not great, but oh well. In terms of it being short, well it is a mini hack after all. It was also made for a contest, so there are still plenty of bugs and unfinished parts in it.
I kept working on it and the version I have is much more complete and has lots of cool new stuff (including new rooms + a new area). However, I've been taking a break (or quit...) from hacking, and when (if...) I do get back to it, I'll be working on my full hack. As well, if I do ever come back to advent, I'll be remaking it. I made this before I knew any asm, so the remake would have a ton of new stuff in it. Including of course a way to switch beams on the hud (I've already made like, 4 different ways to do so btw). Though it's true that the version I have includes a way to switch easily, but w/e.

Thanks for playing btw  :^_^:


Quote from: Quietus on October 07, 2012, 07:22:24 PMFirstly, I'll say I love it.  It just feels like everything is as it should be.
Quote from: Shadow96 on May 29, 2013, 09:29:36 AMI've been taking a break (or quit...) from hacking


There are fates worse than death, Quietus. This happens to be one of them.


Thanks for the map.  Although it did depress me a bit when I realised that I had seen all of this hack on my first playthrough and that it really is as short as it appears, which is a shame as I really liked it.  I especially liked the over-lushed lushness of the lush jungle parts


I just thought I would say that the var glitch works in this mod really well.  You get a double Nova beam that opens both types of doors and is really handy.


Finally gave this one a go over the weekend. I really enjoyed it! The custom GFX to me were beautiful and that's one of the reasons I gave it a play through. the "lushness" just works really well and I wouldn't change a thing. I'm not usually into playing "mini hacks" or "half hacks" but this one really caught my eye and was very fun! Nice job on it Shadow! Needless to say, this one found a permanent home on my HTPC.


Just beat it. First time through, 1:31 & 29%. Good Hack, lotta fun! Love the green plasma beam!

Edit: Nova Beam


Based on the other posts it sounds like this hack has some nice graphics.  I'm interested in seeing how your jungle area looks, your screenshots aren't loading though, maybe they are no longer at the source.


You could always just load the hack in SMILE, and flick through its rooms with all view options disabled. :^_^:


Quote from: Quietus on August 15, 2014, 06:19:13 PM
You could always just load the hack in SMILE, and flick through its rooms with all view options disabled. :^_^:

Yes but that would require upgrading my PC from 8 bit to 16 bit.  So far I haven't needed that level of raw processing power. M1 only requires 8 bit.

Actually I know if I download the editor I'll probably start playing with it and get glued.  I need to finish my M1 work in progress before I branch out.


This isn't from Advent (it's actually from it's successor), but it's the same tileset and fx and such.

Edit: This one is from advent actually.


Very cool, thanks.  I'm thinking about doing a similar theme in one of the areas of my M1 hack.  I toyed around with some tile edits earlier today and was curious what sort of nature themes SM has in its ranks.  Looks pretty nice, producing a similar type of environment in the M1 engine will be challenging.


Small bump, however when I tried downloading it, it comes up with a 404. Also none of the creenshots are working either. Fix this, please?


Is the save room in the chozo ruins with the secret passage not supposed to have a functional save pod?


Oh man, forgot I played this before. Beautiful hack, right up there with Ancient Chozo. Found some missing collisions in one of the rooms, tucked away to one side of either tube.


Well this is what quicksaves are for but save rooms are busted.


so I played the hack and left a review.
Really hope you can give us updates on it. Loved it.
One question tho.
Is the final count 105 missiles?
I've 90 and 37% completion so...


Quote58, what happened to this project? I know you're still active here.


[spoiler]i stacked wave + plasma using the same technique as the murder beam[/spoiler]


Quote from: Zincoshine on July 13, 2022, 02:49:17 AM
Quote58, what happened to this project? I know you're still active here.

I am? That's news to me considering I haven't even been in the metconst discord for a few years now.

As for the question: In the years since I made this hack, I worked on remaking/expanding it several times (including one that was probably only a year or two later, which added another area, but I never finished polishing it enough to release). In fact after making the code base that project base 0.8+ uses, I started remaking it from scratch to test the new, generalized code base. However life has a way of getting in the way of these things. I haven't really had time to do any hacking in quite a while, but maybe one day I'll finish that remake.

I do appreciate the interest in this hack though. It was my first completed hack, and I do have a particular fondness for it.

Edit: Unless you just mean because the download link is broken, in which case it should still be under the 'hacks' section of the main site.