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Super Metroid: Archaic [Ver. 1.2]

Started by CrAzY, January 23, 2021, 08:45:21 PM

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Super Metroid: Archaic

This rom hack is focused on re/implementing every known element that was cut from Super Metroid.

Read my thread here that dissects every piece of pre-release material that can be found for Super Metroid. This is what I use as a guideline on what I wanted to accomplish for this hack.,3158.0.html

Notable additions:
- Long Beam
- 5th Reserve Tank
- Additional Missiles/Super Missiles
- New Events
- Wrecked Ship progression heavily altered
- Tourian location moved
- No more getting "locked" into Tourian, you can always leave
- Cut rooms included
- Unused enemies included (Stoke and Reflec)
- New passageways
- New escape route (multiple paths)
- Maridia Gravity Suit-less run possible
- Red Brinstar unused black/darkened tileset (for escape sequence)
- Crateria unused red tileset (for escape sequence)
- Nude death
- Altered HUD



Random Tidbits

- Title Screen Ver. 2.00 (making it show up)
5A0E3 - 03 81 to 26 86
5A0E9 - 03 81 to 26 86

- Speed Booster While Morph Balled With Spring Ball Powerup
8054E - FF to 0F
81775 - FF to 0F

- No Screenshake when Super Missiles Strike Enemies
1021E4 - 1E to 00
101CB2 - 1E to 00

- Map Screen Smooth Scroll
11297 - 85 to C6
112C6 - 85 to E6
112D3 - 85 to C6
112E0 - 85 to E6

- Morphing Ball Item Pickup Text Changed To Maru Mari
4E 4E EC E0 F1 F4 4E EC E0 F1 E8 4E 4E 4E
"     M  A  R  U     M  A  R  I          "

- Changing the unused "Ver. 2.00" Text To Somethin Else
6062B 60635 60630
  2     0     0

- Energy Value numerical digits tilemaps rearranged to point to new italic font (below)
1DBF - 1DD1   -  09 to 45, 00 to 3C, 01 to 3D, 02 to 3E, 03 to 3F, 04 to 40, 05 to 41, 06 to 42, 07 to 43, 08 to 44

- Reserve Tank bottom arrow removed
(While Highlighted Yellow)
1993 - 33 BC 46 BC to 0F 2C 0F 2C
(When Reserve Is Empty)
199F - 33 AC 46 AC to 0F 2C 0F 2C

- Added 3rd Digit To Health Value
1B0C - 20 98 9D to 20 78 9D

- Moved Health Value Over To The Left (otherwise, it would draw over the reserve icon)
1BF4 - 8C to 8A

- Golden Standing Chozo Works Anywhere
25181 - 83 to 08
A1149 - 2F 86 to DA D6

- Golden Standing Chozo Plug Removal X/Y
15679D - 0C 1D to 0C 1F
251DA - 0C 1D to 0C 1F

- Golden Standing Chozo Item Requirement Changed To Morph Ball
25193 - 00 02 to 04 00

- Make It Possible To Jump Out Of Quicksand Without Gravity Suit
02 to 00
01 to 00


- Stoke Fix - Kejardon
- Reflec Fix - Kejardon
- Long Beam - JAM
- Scrolling Sky Fix v2 - JAM
- Map Save Load - Scyzer
- Event Tile - Squishy_ichigo


- Energy text modified to one of the other 3 variants
D3200 in TLP

- Old "Italic" Number set was copied over the seconary unused set of numbers
D3200 in TLP

- Morphing Ball Samus screen text change to Maru Mari
1B1A00 in TLP

- Samus & Map text for pause screen slightly modified to look crappier
1B1A00 in TLP

- Map Icons for Bosses/Missile Recharge/Energy Recharge changed back to beta letters (B, M, E) as opposed to icons
1B1A00 in TLP


- Title Screen Graphics edited to remove Trademark, change Copyright to 1993 using SMILE and YY-CHR

- Metroid Holding Tank on Title Screen doesn't extend into the ground as it did in retail

- Changed Green Box Tile, Spike Tile, and Purple Eye Tile for Kraid's Hideout

- Samus Nude Death (too nude, as of now). I believe it was raw uncompressed graphics, so probably edited with TLP.


Bank Information
MDB "New" Rooms
(Each of these rooms has had a room state added, necessitating new "MDB" entries for them)
7F000 - New Brinstar Room With Tourian Escape Door
7F048 - Statue Hallway Room
7F094 - Red Brinstar Main Shaft
7F0E6 - Red Brinstar Hallway (top right of shaft)
7F132 - Red Brinstar Shaft Near Crateria's Surface
7F188 - Elevator Room Above Red Brinstar Shaft
7F1D6 - Crateria Surface Room Between Ship and Wrecked Ship
7F224 - Crateria Room To Right Of Samus' Ship
7F270 - Wrecked Ship Main Room
7F2E5 - Wrecked Ship Room Before Phantoon
7F350 - New Brinstar Room that connects to Charge and Statue Rooms
7F398 - Charge Beam Room
7F3E0 - First Super Missile Room
7F428 - Hallway After Spore Spawn
7F470 - Spore Spawn
7F4D7 - Save Room Bottom Of Wrecked Ship
7F53E - Room Before Falling Spikes In Wrecked Ship
7F5A5 - Room With Falling Spikes In Wrecked Ship
7F60C - Room Before Standing Chozo Statue In Wrecked Ship
7F673 - Brinstar Green Shaft elevator room

Room Data
300000 (E08000) - New Brinstar Room Bottom Left Of Green Brinstar Shaft
Room = 79C5E

301700 (E09700) - New Brinstar Room Right After
Room = 79C89

302300 (E0A300) - New Brinstar Room Right After Again
Room = 7A0A4

303800 (E0B800) - First Super Missile Room After Spore Spawn
Room = 79B5B

304BB0 (E0CBB0) - Hallway Before Spore Spawn
Room = 79D9C

305300 (E0D300) - New Hallway Leading To Statue Room
Room = 7A641

306700 (E0E700) - Old Statue Hall Now At Bottom Red Shaft
Room =

306BA0 (E0EBA0) - Room Connecting To New Statue Room Hallway
Room = 7A618

307E00 (E0FE00) - Unused Lower Norfair Room
Room = 7B3E1

308000 (E18000) - Room to the right of the Wrecked Ship
Room = 794FD

309400 (E19400) - Room to the top left of Crocomires Shaft
Room = 7AA0E

309C20 (E19C20) - Room to the top right of Crocomires Shaft
Room = 7B139

30A500 (E1A500) - First Tourian Save Room, Changed Into Last Tourian Escape Room
Room = 7DF1B

30B000 (E1B000) - Alternate Escape Room
Room = 7F132

30CF20 (E1CF20) - Alternate room state for room before Long Beam
Room = 79A44

30D200 (E1D200) - New Room in place of Missile Recharge near Draygon in Maridia
Room = 7D845

30D900 (E1D900) - Alternate room state for Charge Beam room (escape sequence)
Room = 7F398

Enemy Pop & Enemy Set
(10)   (1A)
EBE0 & F4C0 - Spore Spawn & a Ripper
Room - 7F470

EC20 & F4D0 - Two Wavers, Two Skrees
Room - Bottom Right Red Brinstar Shaft

EC80 & F4E0 - Space Pirates
Room - Right Of Tall Bubble Room

ED50 & F4F0 - Wall Climbing Space Pirates & Mocktroids
Room - Maridia Before Turtle

EE30 & F510 - Botwoon & Spikey Goombas
Room - Botwoon's Room

EE70 & F520 - New Brinstar Room Bottom Left Of Green Brinstar Shaft
Room - 79C5E

EF80 & F540 - New Brinstar Room Right After
Room - 79C89

F000 & F560 - New Brinstar Room Right Again
Room - 7A0A4

F0B0 & F572 - New Brinstar Room To Left Of Red Brinstar
F140 & F584 - Alternate State
Room - 7A618 - 7F000

F1C0 & Default - Hallway room before Long Beam. Adds in a Stoke, Enemy Set already has him in retail game.
Room - 79A44 - Alternate State

EF40 & F590 - Tourian room with Sidehoppers before Super Metroid - Turned Into Ash
Room - 7DC19 - Alternate State

F250 & Default - Room with Super Metroid in Tourian
Room - 7DCB1 - Alternate State

F2F0 & F584 - Long Statue Hallway to the bottom left of the Red Brinstar shaft
Room - 7F048 - Alternate State

F350 & F5B0 - Red Brinstar shaft
Room - 7F094 - Alternate State

F420 & F5C0 - Top right room of Red Brinstar Shaft
Room - 7F0E6 - Alternate State

/////F??? & F??? - Red Brinstar Shaft near Crateria surface
/////Room - 7F0   - Alternate State

F470 & F5D0 - Golden Chozo room in lower norfair, removed The Golden Statue :( :( :(
Room - 7B1E5

F510 & F5E0 - Wrecked Ship room with Standing Chozo Statue, Added The Golden Statue!! :) :) :)
Room - 7CC27
F5F0 - ENEMY GFX ONLY!!! For Same Room As Above, But For Alternate Awake State ( I reused enemies
that already existed in the awake version of this room, but changed them and added the statue,
meaning I needed to change only the GFX pointer.)

F530 & Default - Lower Norfair Chasm with Ki-Hunters, Added In Reflect Enemies. (Already in GFX in retail)
Room - 7B585

PLM List

7E9A0 - Blue Gate Added To Top Right Red Brinstar Shaft
Room  = 7A2F7

7E9C0 - Missile, Missile Recharge, & Green Doorcap
Room = 79C89

7EA90 - Super Missile, Blue Gate, Tons Of Door Caps
Room = 7A0A4

7EB48 - Energy Recharge, Grey Door Cap, Scroll x6
Room = 7A618
7EB80 - 7EB83 - 7EB86 - 7EB89 - Scroll PLM Data

7EBA0 - Energy Recharge, Scroll x8
Room = 7A641
7EB90 - 7EB93 - 7EB96 - 7EB7D - 7EB7A - 7EB8D  - Scroll PLM Data
7EC20 - Same as above + Grey Door Caps

7EBE0 - Missile, Grey Door Cap, Scroll x6
Room = 79D9C
7EB99 - 7EB9C - 7EBDA - 7EBDD - Scroll PLM Data

7EC72 - Grey Door Caps and all the default charge beam room PLM's
Room = 7F398

7ECB8 - Grey Door Caps
Room = 7F3E0

7ECC6 - Grey Door Cap
Room = 7F470

7ED00 - Grey Door Cap
Room = 7F048

7ED08 - Grey Door Caps + Default PLM's
Room = 7F094

7ED28 - Grey Door Cap + Default PLM Gate
Room = 7F0E6

7ED3C - Grey Door Caps + Default PLM's
Room = 7F132

7ED68 - Grey Door Caps + Default PLM's
Room = 7F1D6

7ED8E - Scroll PLM (removed Yellow Door PLM)
Room = 7F188

7ED96 - Super Missile
Room = 794FD

7EDA0 - More Draygon Turrets
Room = 7DA60

7EDD8 - Event PLM to trigger Long Beam "puzzle" event
Room = 79A90
Event = 17

7EDE0 - Event PLM to trigger Wrecked Ship Chozo "simulation" (For now... :'[  )
Room = 7CC27
Event = 16

7EDF0 - Event PLM to trigger Energy Tank changing water to acid in the Gauntlet (left of Samus' Ship).
Room = 7965B
Event = 18

7EE0A - Super Missile in Golden Chozo Statue room (before Torizo fight)
Room = 7B1E5

Scroll Data

7E9E0 - New Brinstar Room that connects with charge beam
Room = 7A0A4

7E9F8 - Super Missile Room After Spore Spawn, Cut A Room
Room = 79B5B

7EA29 - First New Brinstar Room
Room = 79C5E

7EA60 - Hallway Before Spore Spawn
Room = 79D9C

7EAD4 - New Hallway Leading Up To Statue Room
Room = 7A641

7EB00 - Room connected to new Hallway leading to statue
Room = 7A618

7EB30 - Last Tourian Escape Room (new room)
Room = 7DF1B

7EB2A 7EB2D - Scroll Data for Scroll PLM, not scroll room data, for room with energy tank after charge beam
Room =

7AA39 - Default scroll data changed to 0000 to make every scroll blue
Room = 7AA0E

BG Data

7BEE1 - Default BG data for room top right of Crocomire. Changed to 0000 to remove it.
Room = 7B139

FX Data

// Tourian Escape Sequence
1B0A0 - FX Data for room 7F094 - Escape sequence lava rising - Alt State
1B0B0 - FX Data for room 7F132 - Escape sequence lava rising - Alt State
1B0C0 - FX Data for room 7F1D6 - Escape sequence lava rising - Alt State
1B0F0 - FX Data for room 7F350 - Escape sequence lava rising - Alt State
1B100 - FX Data for room 7F398 - Escape sequence lava rising - Alt State
1B110 - FX Data for room 7F3E0 - Escape sequence lava rising - Alt State
1B120 - FX Data for room 7F428 - Escape sequence lava rising - Alt State
1B130 - FX Data for room 7F470 - Escape sequence lava rising - Alt State
1B140 - FX Data for room 7F224 - Escape sequence lava rising - Alt State
1B150 - FX Data for room 7F188 - Escape sequence lava rising - Alt State

// Wrecked Ship
1B0D0 - FX Data for room 7CAF6 - Main Wrecked Ship Room No Power/ Water - State 1
N/A Use Default - FX Data for room 7CAF6 - Main Wrecked Ship Room No Power/ No Water - State 2
N/A Use Default - FX Data for room 7CAF6 - Main Wrecked Ship Room Power/ No Water - State 3
1B0E0 - FX Data for room 7F2E5 - Wrecked Ship Room Before Phantoon No Power/ Water - State 1
N/A Use Default - FX Data for room 7F2E5 - Wrecked Ship Room Before Phantoon No Power/ No Water - State 2
N/A Use Default - FX Data for room 7F2E5 - Wrecked Ship Room Before Phantoon Power/ No Water - State 3
1B180 - FX Data for room 7F53E - Wrecked Ship Before Falling Spike Hallway
1B160 - FX Data for room 7F5A5 - Wrecked Ship Falling Spike Hallway
1B170 - FX Data for room 7F60C - Wrecked Ship Room Before Standing Chozo Statue

// Maridia
1B1A0 - FX Data for room 7CEFB - Tube Room - Real Water / Yes Water Physics
1B1B0 - FX Data for room 7CEFB - Tube Room - Fake Water /  No Water Physics
1B1C0 - FX Data for room 7DA60 - Draygon's Room - Lower Water A Bit After Boss Fight

// Crateria
1B190 - FX Data for room 792B3 - Gauntlet (left of Samus' Ship) - Change water to acid

// Norfair
8762 - Default FX Data pointer for room 7B139 - Room to the top right of Crocomires
Changed to another existing FX Data nearby, 84F0

Door Out Data

7EEA0 - For The Second New Brinstar Room
Room = 79C89
Actual Door Data = 1ADA0 1ADB0

7EEB0 - For The Third New Brinstar Room
Room = 7A0A4
Actual Door Data = 1ADD0 1ADE0 1ADF0 1AE00 1AE10

7EEC0 - For First Super Missile Room After Spawn
Room = 79B5B
Actual Door Data = 1AE30 1AE40 1AE50

7EECC - For Hallway Before Spore Spawn
Room = 79D9C
Actual Door Data = 1AE70 1AE80 1AE90

7EED8 - For Old Mother Brain Room
Room = 7975C
Actual Door Data = 1AEB0 1AEC0 1AED0

7EEE6 - New Room Leading Up To Statue Room
Room = 7A641
Actual Door Data = 1AEF0 1AF00 1AF10

7EEF0 - Charge Beam Room
Room = 79D19
Actual Door Data = 1AF30 (Other Doors Use Their Default)

7EF0A - Room connecting to new hallway leading to statue
Room = 7A618
Actual Door Data = 1AF60 1AF70 1AF80

7EF16 - Maridian Room With Unused Door
Room = 7D340
Actual Door Data = 1AFB0 (Other Doors Use Their Default)

7EF26 - Maridian Room That Connects To Red Brinstar
Room = 7D104
Actual Door Data = 1AFD0 (Other Doors Use Their Default)

7EF30 - Maridian Room That Connects With Room Above
Room = 7D13B
Actual Door Data = 1AFF0 (Other Door Uses Default Data)

7EF3A - Unused Lower Norfair Room
Room = 7B3E1
Actual Door Data = 1B010

7EF42 - Original Screw Attack Room
Room = 7B6C1
Actual Door Data = 1B040 (Other Doors Use Default Data)

7EF50 - Last Tourian Escape Room (new)
Room = 7DF1B
Actual Door Data = 1B080 (Other Doors Use Default Data 1AB40)

7EF5A - Room to the right of Wrecked Ship
Room = 794FD
Actual Door Data = 1B070 (Other Doors Use Default Data)

7EF62 - Room on the top right of the Wrecked Ship (connects with room above)
Room = 7CAAE
Actual Door Data = 1B060 (Other Doors Use Default Data)

7EF68 - The big ass room before Draygon.
Room = 7D72A
Actual Door Data = 1B1E0 1B1F0 (Other Doors Use Default Data)


There was a few more things that I wanted to do for this, which would have been. . .
- Spider Ball/Boost Ball
- Spore Spawn death event which would change green brinstar vine tiles into the faded unused tiles.
- Ceres start with a good amount of equipment, lose it all when Ridley flys away and smacks you into the wall.
- Bang enemy

. . . maybe another time.

Enjoy! Please let me know if you come across any bugs.

1.2 update
- Fixed Gauntlet becoming corrupted after event change.
- Fixed blue gate within one of the new Brinstar rooms to always work and not corrupt the HUD slightly.
1.1 update
- Removed title demo scenes.


It's nice to see the Vanilla game back when it was being worked on. I'm more surprised that this took almost 5 years to make.

The only problem I have is the demos should've been turned off. Everyone's been turning them off when they make Super Metroid hacks. They (the demos) don't seem to play properly. Example being that Samus shoots 5 missiles to open a blue door.

Overall, it's a great hack. :)


Thanks for the comment. The hack was pretty much in the state it is now by the end of 2017, I just jump from project to project, never really finishing what I start.

I have removed the title demo sequences. I had totally forgotten that an older version of SMILE made it as easy as checking a checkbox to get rid of them.

Steel Sparkle

fun little hack. I couldn't find the long beam though. Maybe a spoiler telling me its location?


Quote from: Steel Sparkle on January 24, 2021, 08:03:08 PM
fun little hack. I couldn't find the long beam though. Maybe a spoiler telling me its location?
[spoiler]Four bomb missile path room in Crateria. I couldn't figure out the requirements to trigger it, but I was able to get it after getting Power Bombs, then going into the tunnel and into the item room and then coming back out.[/spoiler]

What is max items, 105%?

Also I now wonder where a bunch of these being originally planned for the game come from... I know about the ones that are hidden in the ROM from TCRF.

Steel Sparkle

Quote from: andlabs on January 24, 2021, 09:17:16 PM
Quote from: Steel Sparkle on January 24, 2021, 08:03:08 PM
fun little hack. I couldn't find the long beam though. Maybe a spoiler telling me its location?
[spoiler]Four bomb missile path room in Crateria. I couldn't figure out the requirements to trigger it, but I was able to get it after getting Power Bombs, then going into the tunnel and into the item room and then coming back out.[/spoiler]

What is max items, 105%?

Also I now wonder where a bunch of these being originally planned for the game come from... I know about the ones that are hidden in the ROM from TCRF.

I tried it on a new save file, just going in and out repeatedly seems to make it just "happen".


This hack makes clear that finishing projects is totally worth. Thanks CrAzY!!


Quote from: andlabs on January 24, 2021, 09:17:16 PM
What is max items, 105%?

Also I now wonder where a bunch of these being originally planned for the game come from... I know about the ones that are hidden in the ROM from TCRF.

Max items should be 110% now, but I would have to double check. It is ugly, but I wanted to include more items in the new rooms without removing any of the default items we have all become so used to, but to be more accurate I should have just moved some of them around instead.

Everything is based on my prerelease document in the other thread, or pure speculation that seems to fit.

Quote from: Steel Sparkle on January 26, 2021, 10:35:44 PM
I tried it on a new save file, just going in and out repeatedly seems to make it just "happen".

The Long Beam location/puzzle to trigger it was discussed in my prerelease topic, me and JAM pretty much came to the unanimous decision that it would work nicely there based on a couple of facts, namely that that room has the weird unused state with the eye enemy watching you, and that it was a Chozo statue holding another missile pack, meaning it probably held something else at one point (most items are introduced in a Chozo's hands only one time.) As an update at some point, I hope to make the Stoke that blocks your path in the morphball tunnel invulnerable to anything except your beam, that way you will be forced to return to the Long Beam room and not potentially miss out on it.

Quote from: Pethronos on January 28, 2021, 03:22:16 AM
This hack makes clear that finishing projects is totally worth. Thanks CrAzY!!

Thank you for saying so, I definitely enjoyed making it.

Steel Sparkle

Quote from: CrAzY on February 02, 2021, 10:56:10 PM
Quote from: andlabs on January 24, 2021, 09:17:16 PM
What is max items, 105%?

Also I now wonder where a bunch of these being originally planned for the game come from... I know about the ones that are hidden in the ROM from TCRF.

Max items should be 110% now, but I would have to double check. It is ugly, but I wanted to include more items in the new rooms without removing any of the default items we have all become so used to, but to be more accurate I should have just moved some of them around instead.

Everything is based on my prerelease document in the other thread, or pure speculation that seems to fit.

Quote from: Steel Sparkle on January 26, 2021, 10:35:44 PM
I tried it on a new save file, just going in and out repeatedly seems to make it just "happen".

The Long Beam location/puzzle to trigger it was discussed in my prerelease topic, me and JAM pretty much came to the unanimous decision that it would work nicely there based on a couple of facts, namely that that room has the weird unused state with the eye enemy watching you, and that it was a Chozo statue holding another missile pack, meaning it probably held something else at one point (most items are introduced in a Chozo's hands only one time.) As an update at some point, I hope to make the Stoke that blocks your path in the morphball tunnel invulnerable to anything except your beam, that way you will be forced to return to the Long Beam room and not potentially miss out on it.

Quote from: Pethronos on January 28, 2021, 03:22:16 AM
This hack makes clear that finishing projects is totally worth. Thanks CrAzY!!

Thank you for saying so, I definitely enjoyed making it.

[spoiler]When i said the in and out thing, i meant going in and out of the item room and the morph tunnel leading into the item room. It would just make the long beam appear. What exactly is supposed to trigger it to appear?[/spoiler]


That IS what triggers it to appear. The implication from the eye beam "enemy" is that Mother Brain is watching you, and triggering the trap to lock you in, similar to how the eye beam watching you pick up Morphball triggers the space pirates to come out and the planet to "awaken." Then, noticing that you are trapped, you have no choice but to return to the room, where the Long Beam now awaits you.

All it is is an Event PLM that is right in front of the door in the Long Beam room. Maybe adding a nice little shaking effect when the event is triggered will make it more obvious to the player  that something has happened outside the door, namely the shot blocks appearing.

The reason for all of this, as I hinted at before is,

1. The room with the Long Beam has an unused event state that has the eye beam enemy within it, but this state is never seen in the normal game due to it being toggled off when you collect Morphball, and you need Morphball to enter this room to begin with, so it's impossible to view in normal play.

2. The enemy allowed list has the Stoke (mini-croco) already for this room, hinting that they had some plan for him to block you (either that, or this room was just used temporarily as a testing ground for this cut enemy.)

3. This is another missile pack in the hands of a Chozo statue, which usually only happens once for every first item pickup (The only exceptions are this statue, and the Wrecked Ship statue, which both hold normal missile expansions, hinting that they may have held other cut items at one point, either that, or they just wanted more Chozo statues around the planet, but I assume the former. Other notable anomalies are the Energy Tank within the Chozo statue above the landing site NOT being the first pickup, the Etecoon room having a Power Bomb in a Chozo ball, but no statue, and the standing statue in Wrecked Ship holding an Energy Tank, but this one can be explained away as it used to be activatable with Morphball at some point, there is an unused PLM that does this. Also of note, in the developer's hand drawn map, the Wrecked Ship statue that holds the other missile expansion has a line pointing to it with something crossed out for some reason.)

4. This is the earliest Chozo statue holding a duplicate item that is early enough to have feasibly had the Long Beam, the first beam in the beam list, and I assume would have been acquirable early on.


1.2 issue. First time you get to Brinstar jungle, it's full of acid. Something must have gone wrong with events when you fixed the Gauntlet.


Quote from: Pethronos on March 01, 2021, 07:37:26 AM
1.2 issue. First time you get to Brinstar jungle, it's full of acid. Something must have gone wrong with events when you fixed the Gauntlet.

Saw for myself. How can anyone get through this? I don't think Stunt can get through it. It needs to be fixed pronto.


Dammit, I had a feeling that the reason the Gauntlet was broken was because some of its pointers were probably still intertwined with something else, which I guess is the new Brinstar room, I just didn't have enough free time to do a full playthrough after quickly "fixing" the Gauntlet room to check. When I get some free time, I will go through and fix that once and for all by truly seperating whatever is causing this. I apologize for this problem popping up. Not quite sure how it even came to happen, as I had tested my Gauntlet event back then with it seemingly working fine in conjunction with all my other changes.


Hi CrAzY!! Have you done any progress with the Archaic issues?

Juancho Aran


I just bought a rare poster. Have never seen it before but includes alpha gameplay. My contribution to this hack :)


Anyone know why this project died? I watched Stunt SR's beta playthrough and it was done minus some fixes.