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Re: News for Metroid Blackhawk Indi fans

Started by Mettyk25jigsaw, August 25, 2019, 10:59:05 PM

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Hi everyone.

Unfortunately due to severe depression I have suffered for almost 2 and a half years now, am now to the point where I have no desire to continue on this hack and at the same time do not want the game to die, so I am making this thread in order that if anyone is interested to take it over from me they can do by pressing on link below. It has been a pleasure to be able to get it this far. I have written a readme file for people to read in order for them to get familiar with the things you need to know. I hope I have done enough.
You may want to play through the hack first to familarize yourself, ends straight after collecting the moonwalk item.

I have thought this through for well over a week now and am struggling too much to get myself to work on this any longer, but the game is too good to just let it die.

Good luck.

Edit: This download link has now been adjusted so it only holds the patch for an updated demo now since work has restarted on this project now that I am in recovery mode from my depression.
If anyone has started on taking over from this project in these last 2 months, congrats to them, you can do what you like with it, hope you can make a real good hack out of it  :lol: :lol: :lol: .

Also something I should mention  to everyone about playing the demo.

The demo has a bug/issue that will not be in the finished product. Sometimes you are going to be going through a door and then when the room loads Samus will be dead still and is not moveable. But I know what causes it, when the game is fully completed by me this will not be an issue. It happens because in the previous room you would have either stood on a down door tile that has not been connected yet and has an invalid room id pointer in door editor, or you touched any other door tile which has an invalid room id pointer in door editor by sommersulting into the door. It doesn't usually happen by just walking or running into it, but if you sommersult or screw attack into it, it usually will. But because at the end of the game when I complete it, all doors will be connected, so this issue will cease to exist.

Game ends straight after collecting the moonwalk item.

Patch is for an unheadered rom.


Really sorry to hear about your depression, and hope you get better.
Is there any chance in the future that you would continue work on this, or is it a completely dead project...


I suppose if I had a miracle happen to me of some sort to get me through this depression, there would be. But what I am going through is falling victum to psychological abuse from my ex girlfriend, it can't be medicated. However pyschologists and councilers are known to help, but it's been absolutely no help to me. I am in a real bad headspace. it's been almost 2 and a half years since the break up, and I am not even the slightest bit better. I have no idea how to get through this. If in the future I do come back to it, I really don't mind if other people have access to it either and they can make their own hack out of it if they want. It can work just like the project base hack idea.



Oof, sucks to hear about that. Was looking forward to playing this when it was done. But I hope you get better in due time. It's just life drama.



What I thought was impossible may not have been impossible after all. I am in recovery mode from my depression that I thought I would never see the end to. Last 3 weeks has been really good for me and started back on the project a few days ago and enjoying it. Faith which I completely lost is starting to return to me big time.

This means that the project is being continued and my mind is getting more clear and am much less traumatised due to the abuse I suffered more than 2 and a half years ago after an ex girlfriend of mine destroyed my life.

Maybe all this will make me stronger I hope and I hope all here can enjoy the great news that the work in progress for this game can still go on.

Wishing all Metroid hackers a happy week!  :bounce:

The download link from what was for a handover has now been turned into an updated Demo for anyone to enjoy...


Grats man! Always great to see people overcoming these types of things. We're all rooting for you!


Quote from: Mettyk25jigsaw on October 31, 2019, 06:01:44 AM
What I thought was impossible may not have been impossible after all. I am in recovery mode from my depression that I thought I would never see the end to. Last 3 weeks has been really good for me and started back on the project a few days ago and enjoying it. Faith which I completely lost is starting to return to me big time.

This means that the project is being continued and my mind is getting more clear and am much less traumatised due to the abuse I suffered more than 2 and a half years ago after an ex girlfriend of mine destroyed my life.

Maybe all this will make me stronger I hope and I hope all here can enjoy the great news that the work in progress for this game can still go on.

Wishing all Metroid hackers a happy week!  :bounce:

The download link from what was for a handover has now been turned into an updated Demo for anyone to enjoy...
That's awesome! Glad you're feeling better, best of luck with your recovery!


Yeah, glad to hear you're feeling better. I've seen people suffer with it over the years, and everybody's battle is different. Keep smiling. :^_^:


Thanks quietus, really feels good when people encourages me. Thanks to all.


How big is the demo?  When does it end?

And yeah, really glad to hear you are doing better.  Mental health is a real challenging deal. 


Thanks Donny Donovan,

The demo is a fairly decent size, there is about 85 rooms been completed. It ends straight after receiving the moonwalk item. However I am aiming for 800 rooms in total, so no where near finished by all means but it takes a little under 2 hours for me to play to where I am at, but obviously to anyone else it would take longer since they must find all the different items and upgrades not knowing where to go for a while in order to get them.

Thank you again for your kind words of encouragement.

Also something I should mention  to everyone about playing the demo.

The demo has a bug/issue that will not be in the finished product. Sometimes you are going to be going through a door and then when the room loads Samus will be dead still and is not moveable. But I know what causes it, when the game is fully completed by me this will not be an issue. It happens because in the previous room you would have either stood on a down door tile that has not been connected yet and has an invalid room id pointer in door editor, or you touched any other door tile which has an invalid room id pointer in door editor by sommersulting into the door. It doesn't usually happen by just walking or running into it, but if you sommersult or screw attack into it, it usually will. But because at the end of the game when I complete it, all doors will be connected, so this issue will cease to exist.



Your original goal was to make it reach quadruple figures in rooms right? I understand not wanting to go for that anymore because that's an insane amount of work. But good luck with the rest of this :bounce:
EDIT: Since you mentioned the Moonwalk item, would there be a mockball item or something? Just wondering :p


No, no mockball item but there will be 37 different items and upgrades in total which is about 16 more than the original super Metroid.


Good news for us, indeed.

From what i see this hack could become a real major mark in the hacking community when it will be finished, like Super Metroid X-Fusion.
Can't wait to see updates.


Thanks makazuwr32.

I will try my best to make it around as good as SM X fusion. Hope it turns out to be popular. I know I am not going to make the same mistake as last time with the ending sequence, the ending sequence was horrible because I did it early on in the hack when I was a lot more inexperienced. Even though I probably am well experienced enough now, I will still leave it to at the end of the design.

Also, loving the doors this time, a lot of them are from patches by other people but somewhat modified by me to blend in with the silver part of the door where Samus walks through after opening the doors. The screw attack and speed booster doors were done by myself.