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Metroid - Oil Spill [Ver 1.5]

Started by Spedimus, May 22, 2019, 02:56:11 PM

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    Metroid - Oil Spill

    Introducing my latest WIP Fusion hack, Oil Spill! This hack is mostly non linear and encourages heavy exploration. This hack tests the waters for non linearity in Fusion, and aims to improve on the issues that were present in my previous hack, Takeover.

    This hack will feature:

    • A few custom tilesets and palette changes
    • Mostly non linear progression
    • A focus on interesting, but difficult, platforming (Especially in later areas)
    • An increased difficulty compared to the original Fusion
    • A small story
    • A bunch of sequence breaking! (If there even IS a "proper" sequence, that is...)

    [spoiler]Samus is sent to a freighter that mysteriously stopped and is leaking oil. Her mission is to repair the leak and save the environment from turmoil![/spoiler]

    [spoiler]Here's a few videos showing some gameplay of Oil Spill.

    Hack Completion

    • Tilesets / Palette / gfx changes: 95% complete
    • Map: 95% complete[Ready for 1.0 release
    • Outside: 95% complete[Ready for 1.0 release]
    • Residential(Sector 1): 95% complete[Ready for 1.0 release]
    • Engines(Sector 3): 95% complete[Ready for 1.0 release]
    • Ocean(Sector 4): 95% complete[Ready for 1.0 release]
    • Cargo(Sector 5): 95% complete[Ready for 1.0 release]
    • Ventilation(Sector 6): 100% complete[Ready for 1.0 release]
    • Overall completion: 90%.


    • Biospark: Creating MAGE and for his Stackable beams patch for Fusion, as well as the single wall jump patch
    • PJBoy for his Event++ hex tweak, as well as the intro skip and missile expansion patches
    • kkzero for his music fix hex tweak
    • Mccad00 for help with the varia suit palette

    But the videos don't do the non linearity justice, so I've attached a demo to this post. The hack is somewhat difficult so a controller is recommended. I'd appreciate any reports of bugs within the demo. Enjoy! Oh, and feel free to use the debug menu to look around in areas locked by level 4 security doors.

    Like I said, this hack is supposed to be more difficult than normal Fusion. A few techniques you should know are...

    • Know how to double missile Core-Xs. There's only one missile upgrade in the entire game, and it's acquired "near the end"
    • Know how to extend jumps via shooting
    • Know the angles of single wall jumps
    • R-shots
    • Know how to wall jump underwater
    Also, bombs are nowhere to be seen in this hack. Use that to your advantage! Also be careful of Zazabi, he's basically an instant kill due to lack of bombs.

    Known Bugs / Issues in the demo (Most should be fixed for initial release)

    • Music changes based on event changes
    • Some sprite issues due to multiple bosses in one room, or skipping the meltdown computer after Spazer
    • Sprite refresh issues]
    • Grass tiles in "Outside" have errors
    • Some bg0 and bg2 tiles in "Outside" have graphical errors
    • Charge beam does not hurt Zazabi
    • Some doors are bugged after obtaining certain abilities and event changes. Be sure to have save states at the ready!(At least for the demo)
    • Hatch lock issue after obtaining Spazer then re-entering room
    • Beams and missiles are too weak

    This hack is aiming for a summer release and I might add new content after 1.0. Enjoy the demo![/list]

    Metroid Violinist

    This looks incredible! I can't play it right now because I'm currently working on my hack,
    but when I have time I'll give it a go. I especially like that SA-X chase, it's very unique.


    This looks like an interesting hack! I can't play it with my lack of skills needed for this hack, though.

    Unseen Brain

    Damn, quite an interesting looking Fusion hack. This is inspiring!


    I haven't posted on this thread in awhile so I'll make a quick progress update.

    Just finished the gravity suit sequence. There isn't much left in terms of level design for the initial release. 1.0 will likely be out later this month.


    I've attached 1.0 to this post. Enjoy!

    Sneaky edit, there was an issue I forgot about so I just fixed it, sorry about that.

    Replaced download on this post with v1.2.1*

    *I am an idiot

    Here's 1.3. If there's no incredibly large issues (that I don't already know of), this will probably be the last version for awhile. Enjoy.


    Would be interesting to see someone beat it with just [spoiler]ice(not counting minimal items required to get to it).[/spoiler]
    [spoiler]I can't really manipulate last boss ai well enough to stop it from advancing, always takes at least two steps forward after taking few tiny steps back, so the bottleneck seems to be etanks with forced hit to make it jump all the way back..[/spoiler]

    And, didn't actualy test if this has changed ending % calculation to also count upgrades, not just expansions, but that would be a nice thing to have for actual low%.

    [spoiler=My 2nd(kind of) playthrough][/spoiler]


    A little late to the party, but all in all, fantastic hack. Keep it up.

    Unseen Brain

    Finished V1.3 just recently and would like to say it was a pretty solid hack overall. My thoughts go as follows. (Spoiler stuff)

    [spoiler]The start of the game was phenomenal for a Fusion hack. The fact that it was so open and you could progress in any fashion you felt comfortable with made it feel like a genuine Metroid hack not bound by Fusion's linear event system.

    Around the mid/end point though where you enter the frozen containment chamber, I felt the creativity began to fall off a bit. The main reason I say that is because it still felt too much like Sector 5, whereas the whole rest of the game felt entirely original. This is partly due to the fact that none of its map design was changed a whole lot (visually at least), and you still fight Nightmare in relatively the same spot. However I loved the inclusion of the Plasma Chozo statue here, also Serris in the actual Ocean floor and the Security Robot tucked away at the top of the main deck.

    The ending though. It just felt totally out of place at that point. I'm guessing time restraints / interests in starting another project probably contributed to this, but the entrance into the final area and the final area / boss itself seem almost randomly thrown in there after you head back up to the top of the place post-Ridley.[/spoiler]

    This hack felt like a big step up in original Fusion hacks, and I'd like to see where else the community goes with Fusion hacks going forward for those that've played this one. As I said in my original post, it's pretty inspiring.

    Oh right, and one more thing.

    [spoiler]That double Varia Core-X fight, with SA-X right outside of the door? THAT was incredible. I'd love to see more stuff like that in your future works. Probably one of the most unique things I've ever seen in a Metroid Hack to date [Made better by the fact I didn't have Wide Beam nor anything else when I found the Dynamic Duo in that room]. I also really enjoyed the Yakuza fight. I dunno if it was just me, but compared to vanilla Yakuza, his movement patterns felt entirely random, which forced me to actually MOVE during his boss fight. Coupled with the fact that I had nothing but ordinary Missles and a standard wide power beam, fighting him felt like a super uphill battle.[/spoiler]


    Oops... I just beat this hack early because I beat Serris and then speed boostered though some blocks which led me to the Omega Metroid fight...


    wait what where is the Speedbooster? i never Found it


    Aaand i finished this hack.

    Rather intresting, unusual gameplay due to lack of bombs which is nice idea.
    Found 30 rocket tanks, 16 energy tanks and defeated all X-bosses (ofc exept Sa-x but it still comes and lends a help during omega fight). Still did not get how can i take rocket tank in the main deck behind red door (near elevator one, room with some boxes).


    Where can I get the nonlinear hack?
    I can't find that anywhere. :pwuh:


    odd place to ask
    I looked at the hex for the hacks, and Metroid Fusion RBO and Metroid Fusion Nonlinear are the same hack. I had nonlinear removed because it was more recent.


    This hack had the nonlinear hack in it.
    I just wanted to know where the creator of the Hack got it.
    Thanks by the way! :^_^:


    Ahh, that explains it!
    No problem, happy to help  :^_^:


    Why does it not work? :pwuh:
    (I tried constantly, I even redownloaded it)
    But the block replacement worked.