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If MetConst was a Barfight

Started by Jiffy, December 23, 2014, 08:36:32 AM

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MetConst. The chat place that we all know and love. I wonder if anything will go wrong.
Mtgxyz - "How much attention can I get in a matter of hours?"
Jefe962 - "I'm not Underage, I'm just 14"
Grime - "Merged this thing, Merged another thing.
Nekoishi - "hay Mst I did this thing"
FullOfFail - "hey guys, I'm drunk hohuhehahihuehuah"
Drewseph - "i can't count how many spoilers I've given for Axeil on my fingers"
Zeke - "this place seems inactive"
DSO - "Deep Shit Overlooker. I'll be looking after the bar tonight..."
MathOnNapkins - "make things hard and we'll make it better"
Black_Falcon - "Runtime Error 69"
Lunaria - "sweden is the best pokémon in ice metal"
Katherine - "HELLO UNDERAGE"
Vismund - "Dijery dooh dah, this is pretty intense!"
TheDopeFish - "blub blub"
ZeroOne - "I've eaten in the middle of a barfight before!"
ProjectXVIII - "lol hacking is dead, and i'm only here to say that"
Snarf - "why is Metroid 1 the best Metroid?"
TetrisBot - "-payday"
Zozo - "too busy shitting myself in my room"
SlyPork - "Woohoo! I'm gonna be 21 Soon! I'm not excited at all!!!"
Grimlock - "As soon as I enter I'm already thinking about exiting, it's madness."
Barcelona "who even am I"
GF_Kennon - "What's the weather? Cloudy with a chance of Banhammer!"
[spoiler=The Barfight]4pm.
-Mtgxyz and Jefe962 are sitting in a table, in the corner of the Bar, eating their lunch. Grime is serving at the bar. We have Katherine, Nekoishi and FullOfFail appearing at times.
6pm. Not many people here.
- Drewseph enters the Bar, sits down at a table, and works on Axeil.
7pm. Still peaceful.
- FullOfFail walks in, orders 3 bottles of Vodka, and drinks them immediately.
8:30pm. Still very peaceful (except for Fof, he's so drunk he threw his hamster out the window and yelled "GO PIKACHU")
- The bar is busy, as Grime, Zeke and DSO are serving Drinks and food. At this point, MathOnNapkins, Black_Falcon, Jefe962, Mtgxyz, Lunaria, Katherine, Vismund, TheDopeFish and ZeroOne are all in the Bar. Vismund, however, is eating his Breakfast.
9:15pm. Things are about to go down.
- ProjectXVIII kicks down the door, and the bar is silent. FullOfFail orders another Vodka, but ProjectXVIII knocks him out clean and drinks it all in one.
- Snarf strolls in casually. "Hey everybody! Check out my new friend! He hacks Metroid!" Behind him is a quiet figure, known as TetrisBot.
- "Hacks Metroid? What kind of crime is this!?" Lunaria chuckles in the corner.
9:30pm. Seems pretty normal, eh?
- ProjectXVIII, Lunaria, and Katherine are standing by the bar, with Grime.
- Zozo walks in, heads for the bar, but bumps into Lunaria, spilling his pint all over Katherine's trousers.
- ProjectXVIII picks up Zozo by the neck, and forces Zozo to buy a Pint each for Lunaria, Katherine and himself. Naturally, Zozo rejects.
- Grime informs ProjectXVIII to put Zozo down. Grime quickly ducks as a bottle of Vodka is thrown at him. Luckily it misses, but Unluckily, it hits Zeke right on the neck.
- Zeke roars at TetrisBot for throwing the bottle.
- Nekoishi is hit by a Cork and is knocked out.
- TetrisBot backs away, but is blocked at the door by SlyPork, who has just entered at the wrong time.
- Zeke grabs an empty bottle of Whiskey and throws it at TetrisBot. However, Zeke has a terrible throw, and it hits Jefe962 on the back of the head.
- Jefe962 rolls up his sleeves, looks at Zeke, and punches Grime in the head, knocking him out. Mtgxyz jumps on Grime, kicking his face.
- FullOfFail finally stirs, flips over the table and heads for Jefe962. ProjectXVIII and Zozo have started to fight.
- Vismund begins to boast about how many acres his father has. Katherine doesn't care and knocks him out cold.
- FullOfFail takes a hard blow to the nose, and backs off to the corner. Jefe962 grabs a box of Shot glasses and throws them all at him.
- ZeroOne is fed up of telling everybody to calm down. He grabs a Cider Bottle, smashes it over Mtgxyz and orders a pizza.
- Zozo's nose is bleeding, so he tries to escape through the back door. DSO, who is watching the horror unfold infront of him, grabs Zozo, throws him into the Storage cupboard and locks the door.
- Grimlock appears. Though, he is gone in an instant.
- TheDopeFish growls at MathOnNapkins for saying "all fish deserve to be cooked alive by rednecks". In an instant, TheDopeFish is knocked out cold.
- Together, Jefe962, Zeke, DSO, Snarf and SlyPork bring ProjectXVIII, Lunaria and Katherine into a corner. Katherine slips away. While she tries to escape the scene, she is met at the door by Barcelona, who pushes through.
- Black_Falcon goes to the storage cupboard, only to find Zozo pull him in and close the door. Who knows what will happen in there.
- Barcelona sees the horror unfold and ducks behind a table. Jefe962 is thrown over the counter along with Zeke, knocking them out.
- ProjectXVIII and Zozo, who has broken out using Black_Falcon's head as a Ramming machine, head for the door. The doors swing open and GF_Kennon, the Mayor of Metconstia, forces the Bar into silence.
- "What is going on here!?" He picks up ProjectXVIII and Zozo with 2 hands and throws them out. "Everybody must leave now." he says.
- Over the course of a half-hour, people awake from being knocked out and leave. FullOfFail remains in the middle.
- FullOfFail wakes from his Hangover. "Is this really what I caused?"


Next up, CloudIRC will turn into a Street Riot!  :^_^:

The Monster of Surrealton

Me - "Red Crateria with Bang behavior!"