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SMILE JX [new poll]

Started by JAM, June 20, 2012, 08:58:07 PM

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How to display the address in Level Data field in Pointers window?

In hex format (300000 means hex address 300000)
3 (33.3%)
In lunar format aka bank:address (hex address 300000 will be displayed as E08000)
6 (66.7%)

Total Members Voted: 0

Voting closed: June 20, 2014, 02:56:45 PM


Quote from: Bloodsonic on September 09, 2014, 05:27:30 PM
does smile RF necessarily compete with smile JX if smile JX is released and usable and smile RF isn't?

RF is in no way meant to compete with JX, they're just built for different things. What most people seem to forget is that RF was made purely as an editor for Seraphim. Support for vanilla ROMs didn't even come until much later after it was built. There's many things SMILE can do which RF can't, and probably just as many things RF can which SMILE can't, but the priority for what goes in it is what I need for Seraphim :P


so in the BG layer 2 scrolling window, there's X scrolling and Y scrolling.
Apparently, the X value determines vertical background movement, and Y determines horizontal movement.
That doesn't line up too well with x/y coordinates of a graph (since X is always horizotal, and Y is always vertical), so either this is a mistake or I'm missing something.


Thanks for report. I'll check this out.


Kinda bump.

Another "a little step for one man, a giant leap for community".


Why exactly did you repoint Door Out data to $B8 again?


What means "again"? I just finished support for it and don't remember for posting any images of it.


JAM, it's just a figure of speech.  Microhacker is just asking why you did it. :^_^:


Ah, I see. When making a BIG full hack, you'll have to make a lot of rooms connected by a lot of doors. Though, in bank $8F there are only DoorOut data (pointers to doors, not the doors itself), repointing it can save about $C00 bytes of space in Bank $8F, which can be used for new rooms.

I thought it's obvious.


This may have been said before, but I hope there's an option on whether or not to apply these changes to the ROM and that they don't immediately get preformed when opening it up for the first time.


Don't worry, it's just a hex tweak and support for this tweak in SMILE. No patching is needed. Switching between ROM with different DoorOur bank is also working without problem, I tested it. Open new ROM, change or refresh the room and DoorOut bank will be changed.


hey Jam.
I know rooms letting you know that there's a door specific FX1 and so on is there to help users, but it makes rooms with them extremely difficult to edit. For example, a room with a second roomstate that uses door specific FX1 will load a certain part of the door specific line, and you can't refresh/enter the second roomstate from a different door. Therefore, your FX1 will be changed to something else unintentionally every time you go in to edit that second roomstate.

Could you make an option for users to choose whether or not the FX1 pointer is changed or not based on how the room is entered? Or remove the feature of door specifics altogether.
I think door specifics are complicated enough that nobody is going to make them without a hex editor, so it would probably just be better that rooms pointing to door specifics only show the first line (the user's intended pointer) no matter how the room is entered. (You'd have to manually change the pointer to the line you want to edit in order to edit the different parts.) That way, nothing is ever getting changed or broken without the user's intention.


I'll definitely fix that, but not in 2.84. Or else I'll never finish it ©.

So, here is the deal. No fix ROM checksum for 2.84 (because this is the only thing that slowing me down), but custom music support instead. And many small bugs to fix.


How do I place Missile Expansions in SMILE JX?


One way is to right click on any PLM that is in any room and left click 'type' and change the item ID to a missile, which all items and upgrades/expansions ID's always start with an 'E'...

Or you can steal a PLM Pointer in the pointer window from another room if current room does not have any plm's and then basically do the same thing...But note, that you will probably want to change the pointer in the room you stole it from too as they can't share the same pointer...

Or if you know how to use a hex editor, you can find free space in bank 8F, and point the pointer to that...Note that each PLM takes up 6 bytes of data, and should have an ending value of '00 00' after the last appointed plm slot (so the game knows not to load anymore)...

Good luck...

Broken Rhodonite


Is there somewhere that I could find all of the hotkeys/keybindings? I'm used to the Smile 2.50 hotkeys and it seems they have changed. I especially need the door editing one!