SM Vomit, Super Lagtroid, SM Stupidity, SM Controller Randomizer gimmick hacks

Started by Aran;Jaeger, July 12, 2016, 05:26:29 PM

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[I´m not quite sure if each of these following hacks should have its own thread/topic or if it´s fine to have them packed together, but I didn´t want to spam 3 new topics for this (in case separate discussions for each of those are to be preferred), but if doing so would be fine, then some moderator or whoever has the power to split this up is free to do so (and potentially add them to the beta page with the hack list). And yes, Lunaria, I´m sorry but I didn´t bother adding pictures of all those hacks but the patches are finished and (should) work, so feel free to put own screenshots of them (in non shitty format) in here if you don´t want to let another Kirby die  :heheh: .]

So there is a few recent (mostly quickly finished/created) gimmick hacks (I would say):

Super Metroid Vomit:
This hack is by Taco (both versions), and was inspired by SMILEuser96´s SM Stupidity hack.
The hack swaps palettes depending on current RNG values, in the first version it changes it every frame (which also holds for the menu and title screen etc.) and in the second version it is changed every 16th frame (afaik) which makes it much more bearable/enjoyable and sometimes one gets to see quite the interesting fantastic looking palettes I gotta say, and in case of the 1st version it looks roughly like this [SEIZURE WARNING!]:
Otherwise it doesn´t change anything, but in the version where the palette changes every frame, heavy lag (similar to NTSC powerbomb lag but just permanent) occurs throughout the whole game, which isn´t or at most just slightly the case in the 2nd version.
I though at least can say for the first version that there is 1 strange quirk/bug (probably some Kraid AI mechanic dependence is behind this) which causes Kraid to never again (unless dying and retrying) open up his mouth as soon as one shoots his closed mouth (when trying to trigger the mouth animation where his eyes normally glow which could be why the palette is somehow related to this), which means one only has 2 instances of Kraid´s mouth being open (namely the "free" mouth openings, 1 for 1st Kraid phase and 1 for 2nd Kraid phase) to unload enough attacks to kill him.
Other than this, the hack can be completed normally without further issues.

Version 1 (palette change depending on RNG values happens every frame):

Version 2 (palette change depending on RNG values happens every 16th frame):
- - -

Super Lagtroid:
Me and SMILEuser96 (and maybe more, who knows) independently had the idea for this type of hack, but Taco now made it real (after fixing some bugs where trying to save would softlock Samus). The idea (and only change for this hack) is that for all frames X, the inputs that are done by the player in this frame (point in time/timestep) X happen for Samus (and already on the title screen and everywhere else) 60 frames (so pretty much exactly 1 whole second) later at frame X + 60, which causes a delay in Samus executing the player´s inputs aswell as seeing one´s own input consequences delayed by 1 second, which makes this quite a challenge and interesting experience of its own kind (and I underestimated its difficulty by a large margin before experiencing it on my own).
Most complicated parts are (in my opinion): Ceres and Tourian escape, and the Kraid fight.
- - -

Super Metroid Stupidity:
This hack is by SMILEuser96 and the only change is that in every frame, the set of all major items that Samus has collected (and equipped) outside of beams (due to Spazer+Plasma which would cause the game to crash if both were enabled at the same time, aswell as due to Charge beam since it couldn´t be used anymore to charge up beams since then Charge would need to be on for at least 60 consecutive frames), i.e. the set of items that Samus has - consisting of Grapple, X-Ray, Varia, Gravity, Morphball, Bombs, Springball, Screwattack, Highjump, Spacejump, and Speedbooster, but no other items (which would exist as expansions/multiple times) than these - is determined in every frame X (even in the menu and in the intro before Ceres) by the RNG value in this frame, majorly separate/independent for the distinct major items (independent as in packs of different items are in general not synchronized regarding being equipped or not). This effect especially makes Maridia and Norfair (due to strange, fun water physics and environmental damage variations in general) very interesting (but be careful, quicksand is the devil >_> ), and introduces a bunch of further fascinating, otherwise impossible effects. For Grapple and X-Ray, this means that depending on in which frame one presses Select to switch from Powerbombs (or Missiles/SuperMissiles) to Grapple or X-Ray, either Grapple will be selected or X-Ray or none of them (if one didn´t have Grapple nor X-Ray in the frame one pressed Select).

Have fun :grin:


A So Little hack on steroids, a crappy wireless controller simulator and a small-scale Smileyhack. Today is a good day.


Actually, since I´m already at it, here is another gimmick hack that I missed before, which also has 2 versions:

This is Tewtal´s randomizer hack (which also has "nice" version), and the only change in it is that during every (elevator and door) transition, the existing different actions will randomly be re-assigned to the buttons (but always 1 action to 1 button so that there are no useless buttons and no buttons with multiple actions assigned to them, and they will always work), and only in the nice version, all 4 direction actions always get randomly re-assigned to the 4 direction buttons. The game will always start with the player´s normal controls and the normal control scheme will never re-appear during game-play (and thus is only available before starting the game and in the first room). The current control scheme stays the same after dying (until the next transition happens, of course) and the number of different possible control schemes that one can get is not that large (maybe about 16 different ones). And yes, Ceres and Tourian escapes in these are challenging.

SM Controller Randomizer (Nice):

SM Controller Randomizer:


Quote from: Aran;Jaeger on July 12, 2016, 07:22:11 PM
Actually, since I´m already at it, here is another gimmick hack that I missed before, which also has 2 versions:

This is Tewtal´s randomizer hack (which also has "nice" version), and the only change in it is that during every (elevator and door) transition, the existing different actions will randomly be re-assigned to the buttons (but always 1 action to 1 button so that there are no useless buttons and no buttons with multiple actions assigned to them, and they will always work), and only in the nice version, all 4 direction actions always get randomly re-assigned to the 4 direction buttons. The game will always start with the player´s normal controls and the normal control scheme will never re-appear during game-play (and thus is only available before starting the game and in the first room). The current control scheme stays the same after dying (until the next transition happens, of course) and the number of different possible control schemes that one can get is not that large (maybe about 16 different ones). And yes, Ceres and Tourian escapes in these are challenging.

SM Controller Randomizer (Nice):

SM Controller Randomizer:

Now combine this with the sideways Zebes hack, the 60 frame input delay hack, and the vomit hack.