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in which the other dragon uses smile a bit

Started by Su, March 20, 2015, 12:21:06 PM

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It's been a while since I came back and I haven't really done anything since then, so I'm thinking that I'm just gonna start screwing with stuff and record progress here.
I'm gonna start by rearranging room 79B9D, because that doesn't look like a landing site.
If that goes well, I'll find another room and repeat.
If that goes well and I haven't run out of time I'll see if I can connect the two.

[also this isn't exactly a real hack or anything so I'm guessing to post here? let me know if I shouldn't be doing this]

cruddy poc #1


Well, I think this should be in the Super Metroid segment, engine works is more for asking questions I believe, where as you are showing stuff so I'll be moving this topic in a moment.

anyway, looking at your room, you have a few tiling errors, look at where there is a cut off rather than smooth rounded edge for some of your tiles, for example:

You need to be putting the edge tiles on it, these ones I circled

and you should end up with something like this...

Now, the room is a bit bland, my advice would be to not use any CRE (except for things like doors naturally), have a look at how other rooms are tiled and use some area specific tiles.


I can recognize the room, and did you design it this way because the lack of space? I can tell you how to repoint the level data and get any amount of space you want. It'll seem intimidating at first, but it's not that hard once you get the grasp of it. Otherwise I'd just say the room needs more tile variation. Throw some pipes in the mix. Alternatively, just use that single tile for the whole room, those other blocks don't really fit in well. When designing you often want the room to feel random just for the organic vibe, meanwhile you're being very articulate about placing every tile behind the scenes.


huehuehuehuehue never start a project the day you move house I'm so sorry
The new place won't get internet until after Easter so I'm probably not going to be able to do much until then, what with all my resources scattered.
I will continue this though. I swear it.
Yeah, the room as it is there isn't exactly the pinnacle of my design or tiling skills. We were basically going out the door when I posted that and I assumed I would be able to fix it up the day after


This is way outdated, but I made something called a Bible for situations like this.

It's basically just the main site in a folder-form, but I haven't updated it in quite awhile. But there's still tons of docs and patches in there if you find yourself in a bind.


@fof thanks! I'll most definitely get that; sounds indispensable.
The links seem to be 404'd though?


I fixed it. Dropbox must've changed the way they format link since the last time I messed with it and broke it. Sorry.


i can't believe it's only been an entire year

now i just need to look up repointing all this extra data


Try more variations with your tiles. Looking at your room, all of the stalactites seem to be identical, and the green filler tiles have a repeating pattern, particularly that small part that looks like a tiny, green circle.


list of things learnt today:

-copypasting a block of 4x4 is no substitute for personalized tiling
-repoint your rooms first
-learn how to do things before engaging in risky behavior

i'm sorry i keep doing this to you all i'm sorry
but how does one repoint level data?
and possibly related, how do these "banks" translate to what i see in HxD?


First of all, there is 2 types of addresses you have to learn, one is called 'PC address' and the other is called 'Snes Lorom address'...

Pc address is what you see on the very left hand side of a hex editor and the digits up the very top determine the last byte of the pc address selected on the left...


Pc address selected in yellow highlight (value is FF) is 00-0034...
Now the values in the centre of field is all the data and if you wanted to point to this pc address in my example by adding data somewhere, never use PC address to do so, use snes address instead, but you need to learn the equivalent address of my given example between pc address and Snes...The bank I am using in example is bank $80, so the address in snes would actually be $808034...Here is something else you need to learn, why did I say $80'8'034 and not $80'0'034? Because this particular number never can start with a 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 or 7...What you must do is add 8 to what ever this particular number is that is currently below 8. so if 0, add 8 to get 8---if 1, add 8 to get 9---if 2, add 8 to get A etc...If the pc address is already 8 or above in this number, then leave it that way, don't add or subtract anything to it...
    Now to register this pointer inside the data correctly, do not put the values in this order---80 80 34---you must reverse it as pointers are always reversed, instead put it in this order---34 80 80 (bank value is last)...
    Another thing to learn, Banks are all $8000(HEX) bytes in size...
    Now Bank $80 Goes from pc address 00-0000 to 00-7FFF...
           Bank $81 Goes from pc address 00-8000 to 00-FFFF...
           Bank $82 Goes from pc address 01-0000 to 01-7FFF...
           Bank $83 Goes from pc address 01-8000 to 01-FFFF...and it goes from there in exactly the same pattern all the way up to Bank $FF...

On how to repoint level data visit this page and under Squishy ichigo click on number 8 download...

Good Luck...