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ISIS Camp a few miles from Texas

Started by Grimlock, April 15, 2015, 12:30:54 AM

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Well this is fun, hurray for open borders  :nope:

Maybe it's time to mount the ol' 50-Cal on the back of the Toyota...  :razz:

Vismund Cygnus

I dunno, an unsourced article on a right wing news site from unnamed "official" sources, that has only popped up on other right wing news sites (who also give no official source) seems a bit suspicious to me.


Quote from: Media Matters -[...] "U.S. federal law agencies say the claim is unsubstantiated." [...]

"Right-wing media have a history of echoing dubious Judicial Watch reports to incite fear about terrorists crossing the U.S. border. Fox News parroted the group's September 2014 claim that a terrorist attack from the U.S.-Mexico border was "imminent," although the claim was roundly denounced by terrorism experts and rated "mostly false" by Politifact."
My bet (and hopes) are on fearmongering. Scary if true but I doubt it. If it was true, no better state to defend the US than Texas, right? They got plenty of guns :p


Well I obviously wouldn't be able to confirm or deny the validity of the claims regarding the existence of the ISIS Camp but it's no secret that Muslims have been using Mexico as an entry point into the United States for some time now.  The border patrol catches them frequently.  I'm sure they represent a wide spectrum of intentions from escaping hardships faced in the middle east to those with malicious intent.  The federal government has already confirmed that ISIS is already operating in the US.  There's a lot of recruiting going on in the prison system right now, a lot of criminals converting to radical forms of Islam.  So really I wasn't surprised to see the claims of an ISIS Camp in Mexico.  Anyway the Fed's usually deny these things initially, given enough time (and conclusion of investigations) they quietly confirm the claims, usually buried in a report somewhere.

I personally don't care for right wing left wing designations....  These labels are often applied too quickly and tossed around like dirty words.  It only leads to division and both "sides" failure to acknowledge valid points made by the other, degraded communication. (No intention to go political with this thread  :wink:).


Wouldn't the cartel just kill them because they find their camp annoying on their turf? lol


Regardless of whether you personally care for right/left wing designations, there are clear political camps in the US and both of the major ones tend to make up or twist previously existing facts to support whatever agenda they support. This is likely trying to tie Republican fears of immigration with Republican fears of terrorism. As a Texan, I'm pretty familiar with these kinds of stories.

"Mexican Intelligence Sources" and "according to Judicial Watch sources that include a Mexican Army field grade officer and a Mexican Federal Police Inspector" are very generic ways to try to bring credibility to the story without actually having to include any evidence. As Lazymoth pointed out, this wouldn't be the first time Judicial Watch and related sites have made things up to add to their echo chamber.


I take it we're not talking about the Institute for the Secularisation of Islamic Society? :oh:


Fellow Texan aye :flap:, I'm up in the metroplex area myself (Dallas-Fort Worth).  Man I'm not looking forward to another blistering hot summer. hopefully it'll be on the mild side this year.

Who knows what the truth is, either way most news start with generic less than 100% creditable info (at face value) then grow from there.  If it's true we'll hear more about it in the future from a variety of sources.  Regarding left vs.right I tend to think more in terms of liberalism vs. conservatism.  Anyway it doesn't matter, I'm not interested in debating the fine points of either side. I'm more interested in facts, a story like this to me just opens your mind to a possibility, I wouldn't completely dismiss it but I also wouldn't go stockpiling MREs, 9mm, and 5.56 over it  :heheh:.


ISIS wannabes in Texas? No way right?....

Apparently these two zealots where planning on shooting up a bunch of people at an event in Garland Texas near Dallas.  What they weren't counting on is the event getting out late and more importantly the Garland SWAT team waiting for them....

Texas 2, ISIS wannabes 0

I don't care how offended they were about the theme of the event, they were 100% unjustified in attempting mass murder.  They got what they deserved.....

(This location is about 30 minutes down the road from me)

I hope the rest of these SOBs are taking notes....


i can't help but feel that talking about it in gamey "so and so 1 so and so 0" terms is kinda gross
people died and even the death of evil people is not really something to be celebrated, regardless of whether someone deserves it or not
just another sign of how divisive the world is right now (not that it's ever been any better)

i don't really like the draw muhammad events because frankly they're rather childish in tone; they claim to be "anti-extremist" but considering that in general mainstream islam doesn't really like depictions of the prophet either it's be kinda like "everyone burn a cross day" or something in that it's more likely to be inflammatory towards muslims in general
not to mention the people responsible for said event are the ones who spend their free time calling them all horrible people in very general terms (check out their propaganda posters sometime)
i would not be surprised if some ranch owner's song got angry and shot up an "everyone burn a cross/mock jesus" event, someone like larry steven mcquilliams from last year

either way, both sides of this topic are kinda unpleasant. i'm not crying tears over the attempted mass murderers because obviously they were horrible people to even consider such a thing, but i'm not really into boasting over it either
in regards to its relation to the topic, it's definitely possible there is an isis camp in mexico, but im not really sure what we can do about that
i mean, it's not like we have jurisdiction there


I hate hearing all of these stories about Muhammed cartoon contests on the radio.


I considered not posting this due to the nature of the topic but I think it needs to be said:

Sorry NARFNra but I stand by my comment.  These basturds came with the intent to murder innocent lives which is 100% unjustified.  It's the same old song and dance, people killing for their messed up ISIS/Islamist ideology.  Those men are nothing more than cockroaches to me.  They deserve exactly what they got and it was dished out swiftly by one of our fine officers who happened to be at the right place at the right time with the right skills.  I feel no sympathy for them and yes I laugh in the face of ISIS and all of their wannabes because civilized society (at least those that are actually paying attention) are sick and tired of their atrocities.  I'll tell you what's "gross", how about these sick ISIS fucks going into villages in the middle east and taking all of the non- Muslims and sawing their heads off, WOMEN and CHILDREN!!!  Cutting their fucking heads off, dude that's some fucked up shit!!!  These two men aligned themselves with those people, anyone who aligns themselves with savage murders deserves the same fate!  Don't think for a second that they wouldn't love to round up a bunch of Americans in an American town and do the same thing.  So to that I say Texas 2 ISIS wannabes 0!  If they think they're going to start up with their jihad BS in Texas they'll find themselves being put down quick either by law enforcement or an armed civilian.

I don't celebrate the death in this event NARF, I celebrate the life that was spared and the removal of this threat to our society, I celebrate the "0".  2 threats removed and 0 innocent lives taken.  No one likes to hear of other humans having to die but we accept their deaths as a necessary reality given the circumstances.

The event held in Garland was a free speech event, you may not like the subject but they came there to make a statement that free speech doesn't end with Islam.  I both agree and disagree with their methods.  It's true that Islam is being coddled by the main stream media (and others) for reasons unknown to most.

Regarding the hypothetical ranchers son shooting up a group for insulting the cross it's abserd.  Christianity is mocked and made fun of on a regular basis.  Hell one guy even got a federal "art" grant to produce a piece depicting a cross in a pool of urine AND IT WAS DISPLAYED IN A MUSEUM!  No one got shot there right?  Look it up!

Anyway, none of this is meant to be taken personal NARF, I'm strongly opinionated and you somewhat forced my hand.  No hard feelings.  If you wish to continue this conversation feel free to PM me.

On a final note yes I feel nothing for the two men who died but I do feel for their families and what their poor choices have ultimately put them through.  They are the true victims in this "event".