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HUD/Ammo assembly for graphics/artwork/concept

Started by RealRed, July 27, 2014, 01:23:46 AM

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I've asked around a bit already, but I haven't actually heard back from anyone so I figured I'd make a topic...
I'm looking for a modification to make sure all of samus's ammunition is valuable end-game. Basically, Missiles, Supers, and Powerbombs all consume different amounts of ammo from the same cache.

enemy drops and item pickups would have to reflect this, incrementing the same ammo type.
an assembly file or documentation to allow the user to decide how much missiles supers and PBs would consume would also be fantastic. (by default though, I'm planning for missiles to consume 1, supers to consume 10, and PBs to consume 20.)
I won't die if I don't have this but it sure would be hella cool. public release it, while you're at it. The community would be likely to appreciate it.

In return I am more than capable of satisfying any art-related needs that doesn't involve shipping or furry porn. I can provide a portfolio of works for anyone who may be interested.


First and foremost, I should note that unless I'm obligated to finish something, I have a rough time sticking with said task. That said, I'm am rather interested in the idea behind this system and would be willing to try my hand at it seeing how I happen to have related documents/disassembly laying around and having dabbled into custom HUDs a bit as well. A few questions though for myself or whoever decides to do this:

  • Would each pickup of missiles/supers/powers continue adding to this ammo value? Say you already have missiles with 5 in ammo and you pick up more missiles. Would that then add 5 making a total of 10 or would there be separate tanks to collect to do that?
  • On the subject, what about getting missiles and then getting supers for the first time? Do the supers add an additional amount or is ammo only given the first time you pick up any of the three?
Again, I'll probably attempt to make this, but I really ask that you don't hold it to me or get your hopes up. :\


You mean like this?
My HUD has since changed a bit more, with other upgrades and abilities being tied into it, so it's not exactly the same system/setup anymore.  It's based on Prime2, with beams (other than spazer and the power beam) using one ammo for a regular shot and 5 for a charged shot.  Bombs consume 1 while charged bombs (charge blast upgrade) consume 5, and powerbombs (shockwave upgrade) consume 30.  Missiles consume 1 while supers (charged missiles upgrade) consume 5, and the charge combos (3 in all combine a beam with the super missile) consume 30.  Still have yet to finish the PLMs for all these items because of getting sidetracked with other projects, but each base item (missiles, bombs, and each beam) would increase your base ammo by 10 with munition tanks being very similar to energy/reserve tanks, having probably 499 ammo in total.
Also modified the item drop routine and the item drops themselves in favor of 2 more simplified ammo drops (small and large that give 5 and 10 respectively).

I really should make a new video of all the changes...  Gotta finish a few other projects first though.


Just in relation to your ammo consumption: Are you actively looking to change how each ammo type is used in-game?  I ask because you have Power Bombs using the most ammo, which would imply they're the most valuable, yet in usual circumstances they're rarely used, and Supers are much more valuable, both in terms of offence and time saving.


Person:  I'm looking to make the different expansions be larger more valuable pickups... a little bit like how redesign had missiles give 2, missiles in an item ball give 5, and missiles hidden in blocks give 10.
On first pickup, missiles, supers, and PBs would give you the actual item on first pickup, but any item pickups you would obtain afterwards would give you a permanent increase to your ammo cache. This would allow for multiple spots where you can pick up any of these three weapons, but still have a reason for the player to pick them up multiple times, akin to the original game.

Crashtour: Well... yes. But I'm looking for something much simpler. I'm really just going for the same feel as Super Metroid, I just don't want picking up more than like 10 missiles feeling like a waste of time because they'll make you more powerful even if you don't fire missiles (especially since they're a whopping 46% of the game's items). I'm not really hoping for a massive overhaul/revision of the whole HUD and weapon system.

Quietus: Well, powerbombs are quite useful for demolishing regular enemies around you and searching for any unseen bomb blocks. The issue I find in every 2D metroid game with powerbombs is that there's an astounding amount of powerbomb pickups (fusion is the worst: 78 powerbombs; most of which you'll never need because you can only pick them up after getting screw attack), but the player will probably never use more than 10 before getting another item drop. If the player has 500 ammo endgame, 25 powerbombs for any need is plenty more than enough.
I might look into making them valuable offensive weapons, but I'm not quite at the point of rebalancing the damage done by samus's weapons yet.
Also, notice that supers cost 10x the ammo of a missile... I'll probably make a single super missile much weaker than 10 missiles (leave them at 300 damage?) so the player can decide whether or not their ammo is worth saved time or overall damage.


Well this is awkward.....
this is kind of part of something I'm already making for someone else lol


Well then, it sounds to me like you've got the opportunity to redeem free labor if all you have to do is upload/send something you've already written.