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Winter solstice contest submissions

Started by Quote58, February 17, 2014, 06:30:25 PM

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You all know what this is for, so get submitting. Or wait until the last day like I will, either day this is the place to do so.

  • Title
  • Summary
  • If desired, longer summary
  • Central items (contest focusing on 3 items remember)
  • Credits (including ASM, Hex changes, play testers, hack creator/s) <--- (or readme.txt if prefered)
  • Percentage (if the hack ending does not include the correct percentage, please include a list of all items, or the percent the ending will give for all items collected)
  • Anything else? (any other important information the player should know)


Please keep comments to the other thread to keep this thread un-cluttered
Here is a Countingdown timer for how long you have untill the deadline.

Also, Here are the rules again just to confirm and make sure your hack follows the criteria.

Please also limit the Version's of the Hack you upload. If you do update your version due to perma-stuck or design error,
please note it and the changes made.

[Required rules]
- Hack must be based solely around 2 OR 3 "special" items
- Missiles, Morph Ball, Bombs, Super Missiles, Power Bombs and Beams (any of them) do NOT count as special items. Suits are also an exception ONLY if the difficulty is high (pls make a separate .ips if this is the case) OR There is a Boss that is considered tough by a Vanilla Player.
- More than 5 rooms (excludes saves, refill rooms [bug refill rooms included] and landing site) With no Limit on Max rooms
- Minimum of 1 HEX and/or ASM tweak to any 1 of the following: physics, Samus (abilities, beam, etc.) or enemies (post tweak(s) upon submission)

[Optional but encouraged]
- Room detail be winter/cold related.
- Vanilla GFX are allowed but NOT encouraged (get creative)
- anything Custom, including GFX, Items and Level Design



For lazy peeps (I think I got it right). :^_^:

[I'm also not sure if it counts down terribly smoothly.  Please feel free to remove it if it starts caning the forum. :O_o:]


It refreshes every 3 seconds, which I think is probably fine


I guess I'll be the one starting this.

Title: SMCompetition
Summary: The dude who looks a lot like Samus in a power suit a lot like Samus' is on another adventure! After abandoning that ship he stole after the nuclear incident elsewhere he finds himself on some strange, icy, demonic planet. Can he figure out the mystery and escape the horror that is the world within the planet?
Central items: Grapple Beam, Speed Booster and Morph Ball/Bomb (combined item)
Credits (let's give some extensive credits here):

  • SMILEuser96 - hack creator
  • Grime - boss hex edits
  • DSO, Rakki - Speed Booster hex edits
  • JAM - physics hex edits, more message boxes patch
  • Scyzer, Kejardon, squishy - ASM and music related docs
  • MetroidMst - making me finish this on time, even if he didn't know he did so
  • Possibly a bunch of others - some stuff I've forgotten
Percentage: 7% (lol)
Anything else?: Probably the smallest entry. Again. Also worst hack 2014 by default.

E: Added ez version with a savestation. Mst's stream is to thank for that.


Title: So Little Items
Summary: The sequel to So Little Room. Samus is running from the Shaktool Police and trying to escape their homeworld. (All this is explained in the included readme.)
Central Items:

  • Grapple Beam
  • Ice Beam
  • Boost Ball

  • MetroidMst - Hack Author
  • DSO - Music
  • Person701 - Roomstate ASM
  • Mon732 - Beta testing
  • Multikillz - Tileset
  • A lot of different people - Random hex edits
  • Dad - Pointing out an obvious mistake
Percent: Total item completion is 100%
Other: Welcome to the hack you never knew you needed to experience. Also, totally beats out SMContest for worst hack 2014.


Title: Ice Returns - Epysbane (Ver 0.9 Contest build)
Made by: Crys and Metaquarius
Summary: I was actually going to make this more in-depth and have a funky plot, which is something I will work towards for the non-contest release. As it stands it's pretty much fun with grappling beam in a water wonderland! *wink*

You'll be done with the hack after reaching a certain room and then back-tracking to the ship, the room in question may not be immediately obvious but aim for 100% item collection and you're sure to pass it!

Central items: Grappling Beam, Gravity suit.

  • James: Fusion graphics rip
  • Crys/Lunaria: Level design, creative lead
  • Jam: Start with items patch.
  • Manaqua: Support last minute patching help.
  • Metaquarius: Head coder, various amazing pieces of ASM.
  • Metconst: Hex changes resource database. (Handy!)
  • Sleep: This is where I would put my sleep, IF I HAD ANY!! :fukken:

Percentage: fuck if I know! #nobetatesting #swagyolo360 (I'll update when I know!) I think it's 19% though.
Other: You thought So Little Items was bad enough for worst 2014? Wait until you play this fucker, guaranteed to be the worst hack of the bunch by far, 75% of all the level design was done in a sleep deprived state a few hours before the deadline.

Vismund Cygnus

Hey hey hey, Quote and I made this, there's a readme! (Also UNHEADERED)

Summary: Much samus, Very winter, Such reef. Wow.
Percentage: F***ED IF I KNOW!
Anything else?: We wasted 3 whole weeks!
So here's how the hud works:
Hold select to freeze samus' motion and animation, then pressing right will cycle through weapons. When morphed, the weapons are different. To switch visors hold item cancel. uh, that's it.

Some of the rooms aren't aligned on the map properly
Some items might not work
The secret room breaks things. Don't go there
There's a permastuck. Where the giant row of grapple blocks is, don't move to the side
There'll be an update on this eventually, just as soon as Quote and I stop hating each other.

Vismund Cygnus

Sorry for the double post, but I wanted this to be separate.
(Also it wouldn't be a contest if not for patches within 24 hours of the first submission!)
[spoiler=An Explanation.]I've made a 1.1 version of the patch. It fixes all of the bugs that I know of to the best of my ability.
Technically I don't think this version should be judged, because it's past the submission deadline, plus the bugs I fixed are ones I wouldn't have known about had I not been told they existed (Thanks Scyzer  :lol:). However I guess that it will be up to everyone else to decide whether or not that's the case.[/spoiler]
Anyway, turns out the item percentage is like, 25%. Enjoy this version more than the other one.

EDIT: Oh look, Quote fixed a thing. Isn't that nice.
So ya, saving works now, including achievements and the enemy door. So although it's still pretty unfinished, as we were finishing it at the last second, it should be stable now.
And I didn't put the save room back in, cause I don't really think difficulty is an issue here. However you can save at your ship if you feel so inclined, and your progress will be safe.