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Scrolling Sky issue

Started by Metroidz, October 25, 2012, 10:33:44 AM

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Ok so I found the instructions for removing it, problem is it works in all the scrolling sky rooms EXCEPT the Landing Site, I have no clue why but I can't have it there because of my palette changes requiring overwriting it. I tried this in a couple brand new ROMS to and the same problem occurred, if anybody has any suggestions you can't hurt it any. Thanks.


Did you do it for all room states? Remember that the Landing site has about four of them.


How do you do that? I only have one set of Pointers...


When you select your room ID (791F8), there's another box next to it, which says 'E5E6 = STANDARD 1' by default.  This is the landing site's opening state when you land.  Cycling through these will display the different states, such as Zebes being awake after you come back through a grey door after Morph and Missiles.

Also, are you testing through Quickmet?  If you are, that can leave vomit over the background.  Try loading your hack directly in your emulator, and see if it's the same.


My apologies, for some reason I assumed you knew how to change the room states.
Have you ever noticed that after you get the powerbombs the rain in the landing site stops? That's the room state changing.


That makes more sense, I was looking in the State Properties. xD They probably should add that info to the Common Questions thing though, make it a bit easier. By the way I keep having this issue where the background keeps overlaying over Samus instead of being...well a Background...Any explanation for that?


The backgrounds are classed as layer 2.  Tiles in either layer 1 or 2 can be set to appear in front of Samus or behind her.  This can lead to some neat effects, since even though your brain says layer 2 should be under layer 1, you can reverse these.

Anyway, to 'fix' it, click on Tools > Graphics Editor.  Now, you see the Tile Table Editor in the middle, with the numbers in the corners?  That's what you need to tinker with.  As an example, click on the grey platform tile just below the right-hand Power Bomb in the CRE.  You'll note that in the centre all four of the 8x8 tiles look normal, with nothing in front of them.  Click on the next one to the left, and you'll see it's the same.  However, click on the next one along (under the Super Missile), and you'll see that the left-hand half has some red in the centre.  The next tile along has the red in all four corners.  The red indicates that Samus will appear in front of those tiles.  No red means that Samus will appear behind.  You can just click to toggle in front or behind.

In our examples above, Samus would appear:
Tile 1 - Behind
Tile 2 - Behind
Tile 3 - Behind the right side, but in front of the left
Tile 4 - In Front

Remember to save. :^_^:


Wow thanks! Part of the issues are I imported a Chozodia GFX set into a large palette for an SR388 effect but it blackened a lot of the BG the other half is the BG file I created for the SRX from MF rooms I imported, which is where that issue came from, helps a LOT. xD