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Metroid Mission Rescue, First official announcement

Started by Mettyk25jigsaw, October 05, 2012, 03:09:36 AM

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Hi Folks,

I haven't done anything here on discussing my game for yonks, so I thought I would officially start now...I have been working on a hack for about 14 months now, The game will be a full hack and hoping it to be very large in area. I am planning to make the planet
exploring area bigger to that of redesign, that is my goal (in area, I don't know about quality)...
   However don't be fooled with the pictures attached on the lack of decoration as I am doing most of the decorating when I finish the whole game itself, probably 98% of it will be done at the end...The game will consist of all original Super metroid items with a couple additions and will have 200 items, (currently it will be, it may end up being a little more). However don't think you are going to get 500+ Missiles, because I am being tough on how many there are in each pickup...
   Another goal is to have every single pick up except 1 and only 1 (Reserve Tanks) to be all required items. You can probably call Energy tanks a required item, because you wouldn't survive without 'X' amount, some of you may have thought of a couple of items or so thinking, How do you make those a required item? Well, they are all included in the the description  and there is a method of making these items required, keeping in note that the Xray Scope WON'T be required by just going through all possible to explore rooms, to see where there are hidden passages on which you would have to Xray everywhere since there would have to be hidden passages in rediculous places, it is NOT going to be done that way, I am going to leave the mystery open for all to wonder...
   There are other conceptions/ideas I have placed in the game by my own accord, that I haven't seen in any other hacks to date but am placing in mine on which will remain a secret---although a hint is there in the attachments, if you've worked it out, don't worry, it's only going to occupy a small amount of the game/planet, I feel if you have this everywhere, people won't like it as apposed to a little bit on which I find people would like it...
   Credits will be going to many people for this hack when finished due to a large amount of great patches you can find for the game...


1. You could possibly use a image file type that isn't some 20 megabytes for these images. I would recommend .png.
2. Hotlinking images here from a dropbox or other image host is very much advised. Not a lot of people are going to download a zip file just to see three images.
3. Hopefully you're going to do a lot of decorating later on because two of the three images you've got so far aren't a whole lot to look at despite being really large rooms. The third, I'm wondering what tiles you turned into that nasty brown...


People usually use a external site, like photobucket, for images. I already had a account, so I did it for you.

Image 1:

Image 2:

Image 3:


Thanks for your input guys, I'll take them onboard, don't worry about the decoration bit, it will be done...As for the statement about what blocks turning into brown or whatever it was...I suspect you're talking about the 5 x 10 (Height/Width) room (in the middle room there), where graphics completely change, those doors that are placed in the middle part of the whole picture act like  door transitions, so it's just like walking into a new room, also thanks Fulloffail/success? for those pictures you did for me despite a couple of them only half showing---but that might only be my computer doing this, I don't know, disregard that last message if it is only my computer...Thanks once again...


Quote from: Mettyk25jigsaw on October 05, 2012, 03:55:11 AM
for those pictures you did for me despite a couple of them only half showing

I think you're talking about the scrolling. At the bottom of the pic you can move it left or right. It looks like it's all there to me.


Quote from: Mettyk25jigsaw on October 05, 2012, 03:09:36 AM
I am planning to make the planet exploring area bigger to that of redesign, that is my goal
*dies*  :railgun:


I would suggest that you spend a while doing decoration for a few rooms, and use those for your topic's OP.  Essentially, people click your topic, look at the pics, and assess its worth.  Even though you've said you'll tart them up later, you'll garner more interest by doing some preparatory work now.

Good luck with the project. :^_^:


Thanks Quietus, that's sounds like a very good idea, I'll do that from now on, also 'FOF' You're right about the scrolling, if I didn't have yellow scrolls patch though I would need more then twice the amount of scroll plms maybe 3 times, this is the room where I found out that using too many scroll plm's in one room will eventually lead to doors not opening and other problems as well, but luckily this patch significiantally decreased the amount of Sc. PLMs needed and made it work exactly the same way...


All this talk about Scroll PLMS and I haven't used even one in my hack.  Everything seems to work fine to me.


If you're talking about the yellow scroll patch and still having to use sc. plm's (in my case) and in your case, everything works fine, well, what happens with me is, if you jump through the door and a scroll above the door or below the door is green or blue, it works but the screen jumps way up or down (depending if it's below or above the door [the blue or green scrolls) and then jumps back into position noting that that's ennoying to the player I would imagine. I found the only way to avoid this is through sc. plms
because if the scrolls below or above the door are red with value of '00' it is fine, however in my case if it is red as a value of '03' or  '04' similar problems occur and well you don't want to use '05' or '06' either cause they will act like a door transition, besides, I 've I tried it, still doesn't work for me. I know I did everything correct, however might be due to another patch I've used that makes it do this, or maybe you haven't tried jumping through the door yet?
     If I've misinterpreted what you have said then I don't know what the case would be.
     Note that if you just left the red scrolls ('00') 'as is' then you wouldn't need them, but if you want Samus to go through these
red scrolls, then you would need scroll PLM's and in the case for me, quite a few places in my game have this requirement...This might be more likely the one that hits the nail on the head...


Your level design/tiling/palette looks good so far, I can agree some things may need improvement but not a bad start at all, my only concern is the "Bigger than Redesign" comment, This raises my attention, for one do you know Hex already? Because that's a crucial key to making up new Doors and Rooms, secondly Redesign if I remember what I heard on Youtube (MetroidMst said this so he'll know exactly but I believe he said something like  "Super Metroid Had about 1,700 Screens, Phazon had about 1,900, Redesign had about 2,000something" It's not exact but I believe it's on a comment on one of his Phazon 0.3 playthroughs. Not to discourage that in any way because if you are willing to invest that amount of time and learn all there is to learn about SMILE I by far encourage you, I just want you to be aware of what you'll be getting yourself into (I mean you're going to be adding like an extra 1,000 rooms to the ROM Which means expanding the banks a lot and getting all the Hex right, plus checking in advance your ROM will support Hex editing (Because adding extra PLM's to some rooms will cause Hex errors, wouldn't effect too much of the gameplay but would cause problems, I know personally from my BETA hacks) but if you think you can handle it and are up to the challenge check out the FAQ if you already haven't, there is the instructions and Hex for adding new Doors/Rooms.
Good luck!


Thanks Metroidz, however I am aware of everything you said and know hex very very well, I have in the past spent a few weeks completely rearranging bank '8F', not one room ID is the same as originally comes in the original game (unless one just happened to match), there are no PLM data in Bank '8F' at all, I have repointed them to bank 'EO'.  I have about 2350 to 2400 doors available or somewhere round there, plus I don't need door scrolls for the inner doors that you see in my pictures, there is only one picture though with that example (the 5 x 10 room [height/width]), however the doors still act like door transitions but without the room gfx fading, it still gives you that feeling of going into another room though the way I've set it up. The doors on the edge of screen all have door scrolls. Most door pointers have 50 doors available, however  rooms have the same door out pointer as some others but are using different door scroll values, so you are not using the same data in another room and not using all the door scrolls either in one room.  Scroll data is set up differently too. Thanks for wishing me luck...Please tell me if there is anything wrong with the way I'm doing my door ptrs with 50 doors available.


Wonderful, because in SM Hacking Hex and ASM is king; Master it and the game is your infinite canvas. "Without the GFX fading" Like you walk straight through without the whole room goes dark then the next room loads up sorta like the Prime Series and Other M does? Cause if that was the case that would be very cool :D As far as Hex goes there are far more people who could give a more clear answer but from what I know I believe (Again don't quote me on this xD) games like Redesign generally put the room data and PLM's and doors and such in an expanded bank like that so not to overwrite data (I mean all the PLM's and Doors are being pointed to so it makes sense) Again people way more qualified but I strongly believe so far you're doing good!


Thanks for your kind input, I thought i'd mention a couple more things on this topic Metroidz, I think you've got the message right about the inner doors and it's scrolling just as long as you understand that (in my game) when you are touching the door, you can't see the next room, however when you go through the very middle of the door, it scrolls and you can see the next room and shortly after you can't see the previous room, and then when you go back, it does the reverse, all with the gfx showing...I gather that you can put door scrolls here too and it would do it normally but would take more door data space up in bank 83, however when I am finished the whole thing I am going back and using the left over door data for door scrolls in bank 83 that I have left over and making them as many as possible be used with these doors I am talking about, I am sure though that they will not all be that way. This way I can guarentee all the door data can be used up easily. Plus with scroll ptrs, I am sharing ptrs in different rooms as some rooms will have the same scroll pointer as other rooms, meaning that I have to use the scroll data that's already there for the 2nd, 3rd etc. rooms as I have for the first room with that pointer otherwise you would know exactly what would happen wouldn't you? This will give me more rooms with custom scrolling, cause I can also put scroll Plms in use here at times keeping in mind you can't use too many in one room.. also you can have the rooms set up differently and there can still be rooms sectioned off...However I am doing exactly the same thing with Enemy pop and set ptrs, I am using rooms with the same ptrs, it's the same scenario here obviously, here I have to take note (also with scrolls) of there exact positions in the room from a hex editor as I have to build level data around these enemies (the rooms can still be completely different in look-the enemies will be in the same position and will be the same enemies too) noting that the enemies will get in the way sometimes and you have to move them, this is the biggest reason why you have to take note of there exact positions...It's all complex, but hey in the past I've designed my own family only version of Monopoly that's 1'000 times more complex then the original, just for family use though, many many additions to it too...


If you can get that to work in the final hack you'll probably have a groundbreaking hack, for one of all the Hacks on this site I never seen a Door Scroll like that, plus if you really do beat out Redesign you got the record. It sounds sincerely like you know what you're doing which is awesome! Puts a lot of my confidence in you (And probably a lot of other people on this site) My biggest suggestion: Make this hack as big as you can get but have the most stunning GFX to complement it. :P


Will be doing that, but might (probably) take me atleast 5 more years, oh well better be patient...


Don't worry, MetroidMst's been working on his hack "Super Metroid: Fear" for 3 years and he still says he's nowhere near completion but if you see what he does have done it is stunning so I'm sure we can expect the same. :P