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Maridia / Norfair

Started by Lunaria, April 24, 2010, 07:35:03 PM

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Thanks to Altzan I finally got my hands on a hack I made a long time ago. (I thought it was lost in time.)

So I made a few bug fixes and such and I'm now going to release it... but what type of hack is this?

Well back in the SCU days someone once said this:
QuoteThis may be totally out-there and absurd, but I always had a big 'what if' in my mind.

What if, when you blow up the glass tunnel to get into the lower parts of Maridia... you somehow cause all the water to come crashing through the door and down the elevator shaft in the next room, flooding Norfair in the process. Then you'd have Norfair filled with water, and Maridia drained but hot-as-hell from all the steam rushing up out of Norfair. This would probably kill everything in each area. Hell, it would probably ruin Samus' day too, as she'd be sucked into Norfair by an unbelievably crushing torrent of water.

So I said, I'm going to make a hack that does that... and so I did.

So the main thing is maridia is hot, while norfair is flooded. This greatly change the gameplay. You now have to go up and into the WS the way you normally go to maridia. You can't get into WS early the front way (at least as far as I know) as the speed booster is in the flooded norfair.

Honestly I don't know the best item routes and such, but it's a nice way to twist things up... enjoy!

[spoiler=And of course, there are screen shots!]


The patch is for headered ROMs, hope you enjoy! :3



That's a pretty good idea Crys. Especially since the tube doesnt even have bubble doors to stop the water. It'd at least drain into the side rooms.

I've always thought the wrecked ship should've been underwater too, like in somewhere in Maridia, rather than the surface. I'm assuming it's a spaceship and not a sea ship though, but still.


Perma-stuck: Norfair elevator, take the top right room. (No gravity/spring ball)

Where do I go next? Looks like i need speed booster grapple or wave beam to go anywhere, and all of those are inaccessible.


Is there any way to pass the big room in Maridia other than IBJ'ing?  Because, if so, I'm done as I've just never been able to do it with any consistency.  Interesting idea though.  Without grapple, ice or speedbooster I can't think of any other way to reach the top-right door.


Uh, why would you want to go there anyway?

The path up is through the pipe in the middle of the falling sand rooms. :/


Added patch for unheadered ROMs. Enjoy!


Oh of course.  Without water I can get there now.  Duh.


You can still do a continuous walljump for early wrecked ship.  My first time through I fell down in the open maridia tube and died, so the second time I went wrecked ship early and sort of ruined this hacks experience. 


Steam in Maridia is looking good. And a few enemies have a very nice palette (blue Nova, for example)

Quote from: Tyjet66 on April 25, 2010, 08:29:51 PM
Perma-stuck: Norfair elevator, take the top right room. (No gravity/spring ball)
Yeah, I've stuck at there too. I can't break through and I can't go back

Prime Hunter

This was an interesting twist to the core game, but I would've liked to see more in the end. I expected going in that I'd have to tackle all of Maridia before heading down into Norfair at all, but instead the only real change is that we go through Maridia to get to the Wrecked Ship rather than heading into Norfair, back up through Brinstar, and getting there the normal way. Once we get the Gravity Suit and then the Speed Booster, the changes are pretty much over and the game proceeds as normal. It would've been cool to have to take on Draygon either much earlier than expected (before Phantoon and the Gravity Suit?) or else jump down into Norfair and fight Ridley in order to progress into Maridia. I don't know - something that changed up the flow more than simply heading through Maridia to get to the Gravity Suit.

In any case, I still enjoyed the change and I even got stuck for a second because I too was trying to get to the surface by following the path towards Draygon and forgot about the pipe that connects North and South Maridia until I saw it mentioned here. Other than a few graphical errors (enemies that didn't shift their palettes, lava in Norfair where there shouldn't have been any, the mess that was Draygon's room, and the blinding lights of North Maridia) and that one perma-stuck area in the early Norfair room, things felt good and the palette changes for both enemies and areas looked great as well.

This one was a refreshing change of pace from the core experience I've loved for years, so I guess it accomplished that goal in the end because it left me wanting more.


Help! How do I get the speedbooster and/or the ice beam in his game? Do i need to do any tricks like mock-balling? 

Thanks for any help


It was ages since I made this. I am pretty certain all items are where they originally where though. This means you need gravity suit for speedbooster I'd think and gravity and speedbooster to reach ice beam. :V


I beat the game. [spoiler]The trick is to go into Maridia after you get Varia. You jump up the lava filled room and after that the rest of Maridia is dry, meaning you can go straight up into Wrecked ship from the back way and continue like you would and get Gravity. Then Norfair is free explore everywhere. ;)[/spoiler]
Hope this helps. :)


Thanks for clarifying that for me. I guess it's off to the wrecked ship for me  :cool:


Quote from: Crys on August 19, 2012, 11:46:57 AM
This means you need gravity suit for speedbooster I'd think and gravity and speedbooster to reach ice beam. :V
actually if you're good enough then you won't need speedbooster for ice beam.  :wink:

i actually liked this hack though.  :^_^:


 Well, I really enjoyed this hack.  A great new dynamic to the game through a very simple idea.  Well done Crys :nod:



Nice to see people trying out this old half hack!