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my untitled wip hack

Started by auronlives69, September 13, 2011, 12:36:01 AM

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hey there metroid constructionist, really wanted to post up a vid but my computers too slow to record a decent one so screen shots! basicaly it started out as a mini hack i wanted to do bossrush style one thing lead to another i learned a little more and decided to go full hack, gonna take my time on this one so expect it to come out sometime next year, lemme know what you guys think of the eyecandy


The ship and the suit look awful, but the rest looks pretty good.  Keep 'em coming! :^_^:

Also, if you supply me with your .ips and the .smv(s) of what you want to show, I'll create a quick vid for you.  PM me if you're interested.


the red suit/ship were actualy my favorite :P was thinking of redoing the blue one to something a little less babyblueish though

yeah the video thing sounds like a good idea i'll pm you when i get everything together  :^_^:


I agree with Quietus, the suit is hideous. The ship however may not look so bad if the windscreen wasn't such a bright color, it kind of looks like a cloaked ship except for the glaring yellow.


I'm going to be honest with you here.

This hack looks like shit.
I know you're a nooblet, and it may seem harsh, but it's my honest opinion.
I have my reasoning, though.

  • Suit Palettes: Looks like my eyes are going to bleed from these. The icy one is not that bad, but the red one. Bright green and dark red DO NOT WORK TOGETHER UNLESS YOU'RE REALLY GOOD WITH PALETTES.
  • First Picture: Terrible block choice. No variation, just squares. The statues do not fit at all, they look like they're floating.
  • Second: Not that bad, except that the spikes don't blend well and lack of detail.
  • Third: Oh my, this is where it gets bad. You used the wrong filler tile and that isn't how you use slopes. Please notice the original game and try again. plzkthx.
  • Forth: Like the second, not bad. Don't know what that green thing is, the ground needs some varied tiles, and the ceiling is kinda dull. Strange egg use, too. I'm okay with the last example, though.
  • Fifth: Horrid palette choices. Ship is okay, dim it a bit and remove of bright yellow. Try again on the suit. Study Grime's work and get a good feel.

I do hope you take this comment into consideration, because I'm not trying to be rude. I'm trying to help you become better at this.
Just keep trying at it, you'll get better. Great hackers aren't born in a day.


really no one likes the red suit :?: i tought it came out pretty sick looks better in motion, the golden room looks awesome aswell didnt really make it to look believable just wanted to give the illution that you were someplace really "golden"
i've always felt detail doesnt make a good game, the overall gameplay is where its at  :cool: does anyone remember how detailed the original metroid was

Zero One

While I agree that detail does not make a game good, I'm not going to touch a game that has graphics that make me want to gouge out my eyes. I must echo what has already been said. The suit palette looks horrible. There is little to no variation in your tile usage. The ground should not all be one tile; you need a variety. If you're using Vanilla tiles, then all the variety is there. Experiment a little; find what makes the ground less... blah. Also, try and use colours that work well together. As an example, the dark green of the suit and the bright red will never work together. If you look at Nintendo's original Samus palettes, all the colours compliment each other, and they don't throw in a completely different colour like you have. If you want to keep the red suit, use shades of red, not red and green.

I will say this for you; that second picture looks really good. Of course, it still needs more variety, and you've got some very noticable tile errors in there, but it is certainly one of your better rooms.

Don't be afraid to ask for advice!


Quote from: auronlives69 on September 14, 2011, 04:32:21 AM
i've always felt detail doesnt make a good game, the overall gameplay is where its at  :cool: does anyone remember how detailed the original metroid was

Don't expect to get far in this community with that logic. Detail doesn't make a good game, yes. But when your tiling looks flat out awful, I simply will not play it. Your gold room is flat out dull and the BG is everywhere. Your crateria room has all the wrong choices for tilings. Your palettes stick out like a sore thumb. The brinstar room is boring and unattractive. Not having so much detail is one thing, having terrible tile choices/palettes is another.

Try again. You'll get better. Everyone (usually) does.


Alrighty. Since you're getting hit with some pretty hard criticism, I tone it down just a notch and give some suggestions, tips, and pointers.

First up, that suit...

  • First, your palettes. Normally, my eyes have a hard time distinguishing between red and green located close to each other, but in this case it stuck out like a sore thumb. Good color combinations compliment each other. There is a slight art to doing this and that is by knowing monochromatic, complementary, analogous, and triad color relationships. Check this out to understand what I'm talking about. May want to grab yourself an image of a color wheel while you're at it.
  • Going off of the above, when you tint a color (other wise known as hue which makes a color either more vibrant or more dull (not to be confused with brightness of a color)) you may find that the human eye finds a color that is more vibrant better on a more dull and occuring surface. Your suit palettes are the opposite (or at least the red). There is more vibrant red than there is dull green. I bet that if you toned down the red, brought the little green out a little more, and possibly added small hints of blue, it would look better (MAYBE add the blue...).
Now onto my room critique...

  • What I don't like about you're first room is that what looks like the background, kraid and his belly, look like they are coming from behind the tubes in the background. Problem here is that you have a bright and dark background. Unless you transition these, it doesn't look too appealing. Foreground doesn't look to horrible though. I'd at least suggest that you vary what tiles are used instead of using the same one over and over.
  • Second pic: this palette is in the vanilla rom, and it's one of the better ones IMO. Things that stick out here are tiling errors located all along the top and in the bottom right. Try to make it look as if there is a floor/wall/ceiling that all the spikes and plants are hanging off of. If you're going for the 'growing out of the wall' look, try making everything look like it's coming from deeper within the wall.
  • [spoiler]OH GOD MY EYES! THEY BLEED![/spoiler] Really man, sorry for being harsh on this one, but it really is bad. Wrong tile used to fill everything behind the walls, slopes could use much more variation, and you even used the wrong tiles for the floor/wall. Take a look at the original Crateria in a vanilla rom and use the tiles they used to fill the floor/wall/ceiling. In addition, use the faded ones too. Take some notes on how Crateria does it's slopes as well. They roll up and down very softly and not so steep. Add some grass to the top of the tiles the pirate's on and that'll look better. As for the mossy stuff behind the pirate, when that is used in the right places, it really adds some nice detail.
  • Okay, this is kind a bland pic/room. I wouldn't really consider this eyecandy. All I can suggest is to add some of Brinstar's plants to make the room look more lively.
  • I do like the ship palette and don't mind the yellow. I will say though it is a tad to bright, but it works well. Except for the already picked on suit palette, this is actually a very good screeny in my eyes.

Remember though, these are only suggestions and you shouldn't take them too heavily unless it's something big (red suit). It's is your hack and what we give as responses are mainly our thoughts (and hopefully improvement). It's your hack, do what you want. But we are here to help you point out things that could look better or give you some tasty ideas to play with.

[spoiler]Who am I to say what looks good and what doesn't? No one really. It's just I spent 2 years in school studying web design and my dad works for a major printing company. That's all. :^_^:[/spoiler]


I won't add to what has been said already, other than to concur with everyone else,  but PLEASE put spoiler tags around that stuff next time!


thanks for the tips person never knew there was a whole theory on color complementing out there, i'll tone down the green to a black/dark dark grey since everyone thinks it looks hideously pukeish as for the tiles in criteria they stay as is, yes i know thats not the right tile filler, yes i know thats not how there ment to be arranged but honestly i dont think it looks half bad




I liked the idea of the gold room. Golden enemies for that was a good idea.

The potential is there, but the execution is a bit sloppy.

Black Falcon

The way you made the ship's palette doesn't actually look that bad.
Just some minor changes and then it'd look like it'd hover above glowing lava in a dark cave or something.

Just got bored yesterday, so I messed around with it a bit.
Nothing that special, really. I just wanted to show what I mean with minor changes:
I know it looks kinda odd, but it's just an idea.
(also bottom redraw is missing)

However Samus suit looks ugly with inverted palette.


QuoteDont use red crateria
:palm to the face: and thats exactly what i did 2 weeks back, the beauty with those rooms is that its only a click away from reverting it to blue

QuoteBackup everything
yeah i learned that the hard way

QuoteI liked the idea of the gold room. Golden enemies for that was a good idea.
The potential is there, but the execution is a bit sloppy.

glad to hear you think it has potential squishy, mabe one day when i can find the patience to work with tlp and painstakingly design golden slopes/floors/statues/walls/valleys i'll come up with really nice shiny rooms till then im just gonna have to halfass it and work with what i have for this first hack

i like that hovering over lava glow concept falcon, i might just rig something like that inside a volcano/lavacave or something, did you draw in the bright/dark spots or was it all pallet magic