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Super fraking awesome thread! (AKA murder zeke with a donate button day)

Started by GF_Kennon, February 26, 2011, 11:54:29 AM

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Ok, now that I've got your attention...

After much begging (and threats of murder) from ZeroOne, I have decided to try and see if I can get anywhere with this idea.

The idea is simple, I have been without a tablet for nearly 4 months now and I really miss it. Being a digital artist, it helped me tons and I did a lot of my sprite work with it (working on a touchpad is difficult for me) and I really really want a new one, however I cant really afford to spend any money on anything but the bare essentials to life and rent (don't worry, MetConst is safe).

However, if enough people got together and could stick a little money into a pile, it quickly adds up and I could replace the tablet. For example, 30 people could put £2 into the pile each and I could get the tablet I need.

Yeah this is a bit of a beggary thread, but damn, I used it to do a lot of hacking and such, and I'm finding it difficult to draw sprites and GFX with my touchpad and finger. Also my bday is in a few days, and this hands down would probably be the best bday gift ever :3

I figured Paypal would be the best way to gather the money up.

List of awesome people (aka people who donated)

# ZeroOne: £9.46/$15.23 : Received :D
# interdpth: $1.62 : Received :D
# Zhs2: $15.08 : Received :D
# Daltone: $9.31 : Received :D
# metroidmst: $28.22 : Received :D
# snarf: $18:92 : Received :D

Its about £60/$100 for the tablet, extra will be put towards an extended warranty to make sure it lasts, and then MetConst itself.

Total so far: $88.38

And as a wise man put it: Donate or BANHAMMER OF DEATH

tl;dr my bday in a few days and you should all work together to get me the best prezzy ever.



As I have mentioned before on irc, I have not internet money, and no way to convert my paper money to it.

As such I have drawn you what I deam a suitable replacement for said request.


Yes, I tried to give this to you before, but you would not except it.

Hopefully the time from between then and now has shown you the errors of your ways and you will humbly accept my gift.

Your welcome.

Zero One

Gave you £10 instead :P I feel like being generous.

Now donate to me, I'm getting low D:


so yeah I would, but I'm even worse off than squishy here: i have no paper money to convert to internet money.


Well, I'd donate if I could, but I don't have an online money account at this point.