;------------Wider Message Box-------------------- ;---------------OmegaDragnet9--------------------- ;Basically copies vanilla code (comments by P.JBoy) ;Inspired by Hyper Metroid and Snowglobe. lorom !Freespace = $85BF40 ;Take last 4 digits of space and put this in the "Border Code" under "Graphics" and "Data" inside SMART's Message Box Editor. org !Freespace LDY #$0000 LDX #$0000 LOOP1: LDA.w TABLE,x STA $7E3200,x ;[$7E:3200];| INX ;} $7E:3200..3F = [$8000..3F] (large message box top border) INX ;| CPX #$0040 ;| BNE LOOP1 JSR $82B8 ;[$85:82B8] ; Write message tilemap (sets X to bottom border tilemap index) LDA #$0020 ;\ STA $16 ;$7E:0016] ;| LDY #$0000 ;| LOOP2: LDA.w TABLE,y STA $7E3200,x ;[$7E:3340];| INY ;} Copy 40h bytes from $8000 to $7E:3200 + [X] (large message box bottom border) INY ;| INX ;| INX ;| DEC $16 ;[$7E:0016] ;| BNE LOOP2 RTS TABLE: ;Table modified to just have all black tiles instead of transparent tiles on the far left and right sides of the screen. DW $284E,$284E,$284E,$284E,$284E,$284E,$284E,$284E,$284E,$280F,$280F,$280F,$280F,$280F,$280F,$280F,$280F,$280F,$280F,$280F,$280F,$280F,$280F,$280F,$280F,$280F,$280F,$280F,$280F,$284E,$284E,$284E ;Vanilla Table for reference: ;dw $000E,$000E,$000E,$284E,$284E,$284E,$284E,$284E,$284E,$280F,$280F,$280F,$280F,$280F,$280F,$280F,$280F,$280F,$280F,$280F,$280F,$280F,$280F,$280F,$280F,$280F,$280F,$284E,$284E,$000E,$000E,$000E