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Top Hacks 2010 Discussion

Started by MetroidMst, September 14, 2010, 10:09:36 AM

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Just something I thought up for the hack awards.

Why isn't there a category for best exploration or best item hunting? Metroid is based heavily in these two areas, so why not judge hacks accordingly? Just a thought.


Quote from: MetroidMst on September 14, 2010, 10:09:36 AM
Just something I thought up for the hack awards.

Why isn't there a category for best exploration or best item hunting? Metroid is based heavily in these two areas, so why not judge hacks accordingly? Just a thought.
^This post very much!


Because we ALL know who'd win for that category this year...


Maybe, but Phazon was also paticularly good exploration wise. It really depends on which one the player liked better. Phazon I don't think was quite as open ended as Ice Metal, and some people may prefer that.


Not to mention this will be used for future years and not just this year! ;)


Quote from: MetroidMst on September 14, 2010, 03:17:22 PM
Maybe, but Phazon was also paticularly good exploration wise. It really depends on which one the player liked better. Phazon I don't think was quite as open ended as Ice Metal, and some people may prefer that.

There is something to be said for having to find the items so that you don't get stuck in an advanced area with no way through or out, lol. Also, you get an entirely new world to explore, not just a remade Zebes. The warp area, and just so many things make it feel like a brand new game. The powerplant is probably my favorite area of any Metroid game (!!!). Phazon is still my favorite hack so far, even with its bugginess ... but don't get me wrong; Ice Metal is still very good indeed.

It would be interesting discussion, because IM does have its own advantages. Both are great, really. :)


(Edited for clarity)


I'm thinking of 2 more categories:
•Best public patch
•Best helping guide

They aren't hacks technically, but they are helping people of making hacks. Even Oscar have category "best cartoon" but cartoon is not a movie


Quote from: JAM on September 15, 2010, 11:14:39 PMbut cartoon is not a movie

I would make a witty response about how stupid this is, but I'm tired, and frankly, no one finds my jokes funny anyway.


I'm thinking of one more category "Best Metroid Game Remake", but for the next year. Currently we have these WIPs: 3 Metroid 1 remakes, at least 1 Metroid 2 remake, at least 1 Zero Mission remake, at least 1 Fusion remake, Metroid Prime remake, several Prime 2 remakes and even Other M remake. After 1 year many of these will be finished, I hope


Quote from: JAM on September 19, 2010, 05:03:52 PM
I'm thinking of one more category "Best Metroid Game Remake", but for the next year. Currently we have these WIPs: 3 Metroid 1 remakes, at least 1 Metroid 2 remake, at least 1 Zero Mission remake, at least 1 Fusion remake, Metroid Prime remake, several Prime 2 remakes and even Other M remake. After 1 year many of these will be finished, I hope
Don't count on it... =\ I'm taking time for my own hack right now.

Edit for actual content: I do agree with the 'exploring' for a category. As for best helping guide, how would that be determined?


I would imagine that a best guide category would be decided by vote, as with every other category.


By what I say, I mean will it be decided as best written guide? Best person to consult for help? And at that, what kind of guide are we talking? A tutorial or a video walk through? Though, I suppose all of these are valid for such a category.


Speaking of vids, I was wondering whether it'd be worth setting up a YouTube account for MetroidConstruction, and posting vids as and when they're created.  I know we already have links to some videos, but it'd be more organised.  It'd depend on who has the correct gear, I guess.


that sounds like a good idea, if you want I could get it set up, I have allot of spare time so it would be no problem.
also, with this idea, I assume the user-name/ password  would be public? or will only mods/ admins have access to it?


It would be better for one person to have access, and all of the material directed to them for processing.  Vid production is going to be the big hurdle, because whoever was creating them would ideally have to have detailed knowledge of the topic for each video. The basics would be fine for anybody to do, but it'd be great to have like a list of starter vids that we could just direct new hackers to, instead of chucking text at them.  I know I often found it easier learning from vids, as you could see, click for click, what was happening.  Anyway, my idea is out there.  Ooooooooh!


"Best exploration" sounds like a great addition for the top hacks in my opinion. As for the MetConst Youtube account, are you talking about using it for videos of hacks, or LPs, or tutorial videos? For the first two I would say that they would be more suited on our individual accounts, while the later is a great idea that will help many new hackers (and probably some of us as well.)


The latter, certainly.  I'm talking about getting a whole collection together, ranging from things like tile placement, BTS usage, layers, PLMs, through to things like repointing stuff, adding rooms / doors, and the like.  It'd be great to also cover stuff outside of SMILE, so basic tile editing via TLP, hex changes / tweaks through HxD, and compiling with xkas.  So many of these things would be easily covered with a video.

Silver Skree

Just putting this out there, but I could totally handle the video production side of a Metroid Construction Youtube account.


Quote from: person701 on September 19, 2010, 10:49:52 PM
By what I say, I mean will it be decided as best written guide? Best person to consult for help? And at that, what kind of guide are we talking? A tutorial or a video walk through? Though, I suppose all of these are valid for such a category.
I was thinking of tutorial that helps to do things you can't do before. Not the hack itself, but a tutorial. I forget about video walks. Maybe, separate category for tutorials and for video walks and 1 more for best person to consult. Don't sure.

Also, what do you think of "best vanilla hack"? Hack with default map layuot that can impress you. Most of beginners are already doing this, but look at Project Base or Vanilla Plus.

EDIT: One more category "best new item". For hacks with new abilities


Best vanilla hack is a GREAT idea. Especially for the beginners as it gives them a great chance in the competition. Best new item sounds like a 'meh' IMO. Also, i say we have a "Best Storyline" category.


Story... Meh. It would be great for Mario RPG hacks, Zelda, and maybe some others. But Metroid is always based singularly on gameplay elements rather than story. No one thought Super was great because the story kept them entranced.

1: Go to planet and explore
2: Blow up stuff and pick up upgrades
3: Escape before time bomb goes off

Pretty much the story for every Metroid game, and while some hacks do have different stories, it is still relatively the same thing as above despite maybe changed circumstances or a different timeline. At least to date. Things may change in the future as hacks get more creative and elaborate, but for now I don't think it is a worthy category for the current hacks.


Quote from: MetroidMst on September 22, 2010, 10:12:49 PM
Story... Meh. It would be great for Mario RPG hacks, Zelda, and maybe some others. But Metroid is always based singularly on gameplay elements rather than story. No one thought Super was great because the story kept them entranced.

1: Go to planet and explore
2: Blow up stuff and pick up upgrades
3: Escape before time bomb goes off

Pretty much the story for every Metroid game, and while some hacks do have different stories, it is still relatively the same thing as above despite maybe changed circumstances or a different timeline. At least to date. Things may change in the future as hacks get more creative and elaborate, but for now I don't think it is a worthy category for the current hacks.

i will have to argue with that, take Ice Metal for example, if you take the time to find all of the stations there is a fair bit or story in that hack and for me it really adds depth to the game.

Hiroshi Mishima

Ice Metal made fairly good use of Story to a limited degree, and going further back, Eris had a pretty good story, as well.

To say that Metroid doesn't need a story is like saying that Star Fox doesn't need the Barrel Roll. Sure you could probably still have a good game without them, but if they're not there, it'll certainly feel like something is missing. For me, a good storyline is imperative to most games. Older games can get away with it, more modern games can not. And even then, a lot of older games did have pretty interesting stories, even if the majority of it was in the manual or the interpretation of events.


One could make a really deep story without forcing it on the player or take away from the loneliness factor. You just need to try harder and actually come up with new and creative ways to present it to the player rather then just simply having monologue or people talking. :/


Quote from: Crys on September 23, 2010, 02:29:42 PM
One could make a really deep story without forcing it on the player or take away from the loneliness factor.

Pretty much like any instruction manual that has come with 2D Metroid games. :eyeroll: Well, except for Fusion but that is for another day...

Quote from: Crys on September 23, 2010, 02:29:42 PM
You just need to try harder and actually come up with new and creative ways to present it to the player rather then just simply having monologue or people talking. :/

Is this a challenge? My hack actually has a story no one knows about because it is quite complex and evolving along with another hack currently being made, but I was planning for another one of those instruction manual type deals. But I just hit upon an idea that might change how stories are told... Excuse me, I must go and see DSO about something now.

PS: I still don't find Story a worthy entry this year when less than half of the hacks up for awards have one other than the "normal" stuff.