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Started by interdpth, September 09, 2010, 02:54:08 PM

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The Metconstian convention!
Hack your life by meeting your friends from Metconst.

While it's just an idea, we can make this happen.

Get James and possibly Sadyztik to America.
Use someone's house or something.
Lan Party.
Parties in general involving everyone from here.

How to get to goals.

Setup a funds account or something.

Now, enter discussion.


We need some figures so we can set up some goals. Skree said here/back plane tickets would be about 1000 USD, and then there's transportation for the rest of us, if we got a place to stay at (ie. hotel), etc.

So yeah, some figures would defiantly help, if someone wants to do those. (I'm busy moving today.... or I would)  And like inter said, we'd need an account for us to pool money into overtime.

But yeah, meeting everyone would be sweet.  Even if its only for like one day, it would be a blast. (as long as I don't get raped.... that would suck....)


Naw, a hotel would suck. We need someones house preferably someone who doesn't live with their parents or in a dorm so half of us are out. >_>


I'd have to get past my parents on this one... Why not rent out a small venue?


How about everyone come to Sweden or the UK instead? :awesome:

It's time for Americans to leave borders too for shit! :D


it really just depends on whats cheapest I assume.  Plane tickets for 4-5 people is better the plane tickets for 10 people.  I know you were half joking when you said it, but I figured I point that out anyways. ;D


As long as you all pay for it, I'm cool with it! ;)


Quote from: squishy_ichigo on September 09, 2010, 02:58:02 PM
(as long as I don't get raped.... that would suck....)
Wait, so rape won't be allowed?

I'm not sure where the buckets of money are going to come from, but it sounds like fun.


Its a pretty long term goal, as its gonna take awhile to obtain the funds.


I'd say we should shoot for next summer at least.


I don't mind as long as us ladies have a room of our own for the sleepover.  Because I am a girl...  And stuff... :neutral:


Whoa? Really? Well I'd assume we' have a room for the girls! lol


I've actually been thinking of having something like this for MetConst for a while, similar to M2K2/SDA's MagFest, but figured I wouldn't bring it up because of its unlikeliness of happening.  But I would absolutely come if it did happen.


I got 2k, I'd take a plane to any organized metconst convention/meet up. I'd love to meet you chaps.
Nevermind the handshakes, its gonna be hugs and pats on the back. Because that's how happy I'd be.

Silver Skree

Quote from: Parabox on September 10, 2010, 01:34:26 AM
I'm poor. Don't expect me.

Well, the idea is that the funds would pay passage, food and anything else needed for people that couldn't afford it themselves. That's the main thing; we'd have to raise enough money for plane tickets for James, Crys, Sadi... etc.


Just do one of those online streams of speed runs and say its to raise money for an [insert donation fund here] organization.

Silver Skree

That actually isn't too bad of an idea. Maybe put those some ~400 12-year-olds that are subscribed to me and think I'm the best thing since sliced bread and their parents' money to good(?) use.

Actually, we could all skype together and hold like, a 168-hour donation streamathon where we all switch out shifts. I know that'd get some attention, and probably a few hundred (maybe even a thousand) bucks. I know things like that generally do. We'd just have to be sure to get the news about it out to plenty of places.



And we stream us playing hacks... or making hacks...

sounds like a fun idea to do too! :D

Silver Skree

Well, we'd stream whatever the donors would want us to. Maybe have a few streams going at once with multiple people to cover more requests, even. Basically just whore ourselves out to play anything for donations.


I Would help out with the stream. if that's ok.  :grin:


I really don't know what all I could do to help...But I am definitely behind this idea entirely.


Excuse me for being late to the party (I don't explore the Off-topic section), but I'm completely behind this idea, just not sure what I can do to help out.

Quote from: Quietus on September 09, 2010, 06:05:38 PM
Because I am a girl...  And stuff... :neutral:
Realy?? I never knew that!  :lol:


Um, yeah.  :O_o:  It's the, err, umm, truth, and, umm, I, err, should sleep in with the girls because of that.  Ahem...


A female on the internet?! WHAT?!?!? lol. I think you've mentioned as such in another topic Quietus?