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Ice Metal 2: Oh hey look this topic again!

Started by Lunaria, August 28, 2010, 01:00:49 PM

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I'd be happy to give you a hand with that Crys. ^^  But if not, it's all good.


Your Friend is here :D

(IDK Just Going with Mom)


I'd be rejected for the sole fact that he enjoys watching me wander around his hacks, lost.


I would be up for this. My weakest point is IRC, but I check the fourms several times every day for updates and patience is no problem.

Edit: I play Minecraft. Alot.


Quote from: Eppy37 on October 07, 2010, 12:36:41 AM
I'd be rejected for the sole fact that he enjoys watching me wander around his hacks, lost.
I actually find it more fun when you make progress! :D!:

Also, I prefer watching your let's plays though, and I don't want to take your time away from that! =)
But regardless, if you're really interested then I can think over it.


Like mentioned before, this is mostly feedback work, game testing is not until much later on when mostly everything is finished.

For the rest of ya: I will just wait a while longer and see if anyone else is interested. Afterwards I will get back to some people... hopefully....


i live in the EU timezone :D

but i think that's about it.

i'm not on the IRC at all.
i'm not DMan.
ok,i know the basics of Super Metroid hacking.
i'm not afraid of telling my oppinion.
have no problem with telling my ideas.
i think you probably don't know me.

meh...  :<_<:


Looking at where the others in the team are and how far I have made it, I have estimated that we have reached 20% at this point in time.

Which on it's own is a good reason to celebrate!

But before people go out and speculated when this will be done, one should note that a lot of work was already done "before" I actually started it, as stuff will be reused. :P

Anyhow, I just wanted to give the good news and update my avy, that's all. :P


Not to mention that the last 5% of any hack seems to take a lot longer than other stuff.


That's due to the heavy play testing and such starting at such point, which in turn usually results in a lot more stuff that needs to be fixed and be made. :huzzah:


Quote from: Quietus on October 24, 2010, 09:48:28 AM
Not to mention that the last 5% of any hack seems to take a lot longer than other stuff.
Did you hear about 90/90 law? It says, first 90% takes 10% of time and last 10% takes 90% of time. I should admit, it's true in most cases, not only in hacks. If talking just about hacks, in last 10% there are testing, bugfixing, improving existing rooms, adding some details, polishing stuff etc. etc. etc. And also, when the hack is almost finished sometimes you have new ideas what to add/imporve.


Hiroshi Mishima

I'm sorry I'm not around as often as you'd like me to be. That's definitely my fault and I apologize. Between IRL issues and computer issues, I just have not been as active lately, even in Minecraft. But I need to try and get on IRC more often so I can be around when you need feedback and such.

I'm actually very glad that the decision was made to revert the palette back to a more organic feel, but I'll say nothing else about it as I don't think it's supposed to be discussed. Only mentioning it because a few people seemed to have issues with it.


Going out with some new information as I see it to be in my favor.

You know that tileset I made that everyone seam to love? Oh yeah, I'm talking about crystal cavern. It's going to be reused in Ice Metal 2 after some minor updates and such.

As most of you should already know, I tagged the background from SMW2: YI. And for this hack I want something else. The catch is, I'm just terrible at drawing backgrounds! :P

So if you happen to find a background that matches the tiles in regards and it's rocky, have crystals and maybe some grass/vines growing on it, then do tell me. Keep in mind that I have color limitations though!

Also, I put a poll up for the topic, we all knew in advance that I was going to make fuck tons of trailers for this, so let's just get right down to it and tell me which one your interested in seeing first. :P


Quote from: Crys on November 02, 2010, 08:07:43 PM
Going out with some new information as I see it to be in my favor.

You know that tileset I made that everyone seam to love? Oh yeah, I'm talking about crystal cavern. It's going to be reused in Ice Metal 2 after some minor updates and such.

As most of you should already know, I tagged the background from SMW2: YI. And for this hack I want something else. The catch is, I'm just terrible at drawing backgrounds! :P

So if you happen to find a background that matches the tiles in regards and it's rocky, have crystals and maybe some grass/vines growing on it, then do tell me. Keep in mind that I have color limitations though!

Also, I put a poll up for the topic, we all knew in advance that I was going to make fuck tons of trailers for this, so let's just get right down to it and tell me which one your interested in seeing first. :P

You might try and find graphics from Mega Man X (Chameleon's or Armadillo's stage) or Mega Man X2 (Crystal Snail stage). From what you explain, you might find something you like from those games. Good luck!


Don't know if this'll help or not, but here's a background rip from Fusion (not done by me btw).   :wink:


Hiroshi Mishima

In case I forgot to tell you, that poll doesn't seem to work.

Insofar as backgrounds go.. hmm... SM_Fan mentions ones I would have, already. Some other suggestions might be Demon's Crest. I recall there being some nice rocky/crystaly areas in a few locations. VGmaps has some good stuff on them and is a resource you should check out if you haven't before.

I seem to recall E.V.O. having some good backgrounds, but they don't have the later levels on the site. I should look and see if I can find some...


The 3 snes megaman X games always provide a lot of cool graphics, as long as you are comfortable with drawing your own sloped versions of the original (megaman is more about jumping than running)


Some of you may have seen my avatar and signature, I did not really want to share it now, but it kinda just started as a joke, looking back at how many times I canned the first ice metal.

Anyhow, I'm just going out now to say that I'm sick and fucking tired of all the bullshit going around hack production these days.

Some people seams to refuse to get it in their fucking heads that this is my hack and I decides what's in it and how it's going to be like.

I started this hack, and I started designing the main area of the game. The first thing I decided to do was giving a more real spin on layering, that is putting more use of the layers to depth. Which is something I'm a very big novice at as I have not really use it anywhere in any of my hacks before.

Yet the feedback I keep getting is that it ugly and that I should have more layering depth, what kind of signals do you think that fucking sends out to me?

I'm all for giving it a honest try, but it seams my skill in it is not enough, not to mention doing layering makes it take a whole lot longer to make each room, something that makes it boring and not fun for me to make them in the first place.

So you know what? Fuck you guys, I'm sick and tired of it, this is my hack, I design it the way I would want it to be! I don't care if you're not going to play, it's just a plus if you do. This is my image of my hack, and looking at the past, people seam to love it, so I don't get what the fuse is all about! Sure the graphical style in Ice metal was not for everyone, but I know many who give me high praise for it, something which even I think it does not deserve. I know there's TONS (read: a few) of hackers out there who have the patience to spend forever tweaking on a room to get it to look perfect and have something unique compared to the rest of the rooms in the area, well, I'm not one of them.

You know what? If you really expect me to make rooms like that, do you know how fucking long it would take me to get a full hack done at the size of Ice Metal? Some of you that are only on the receiving end or only stick to a project shortly before dumping it seam to have NO FUCKING CLUE how much works goes into making a full hack. If you can't even TRY to have any insight on it then you have to fucking right to neither demand or expect a certain content or quality on the content.

You know what else I'm sick and tired off? Little shits that sits and dis my work and all the time I have spent on it, implying that it's just not good enough for them. Yet in the topic next to it you see them bend their fucking ass over for X work that may not even get done, ever. Do you have ANY idea of how discouraging it is when people just dis your content straight over without even TRYING to look into it, when on the same time just fly word of praise to Y user maker of X work? I'm not jealous, it's not about that. I can agree that maybe Y's work look a whole lot better then mine. But do you know what?  Constantly taking that shit discourages you to such extent where it's not even funny anymore. No matter how much content I fling at people the only ones that try to think up something to say are truly dedicated people that may not even agree to my works in the first place.

You know what I think? I thin Eris looks fucking ugly, but that should be no news to anyone who pay attention to the forums. But guess what? I still tried to comment towards a way for it to look better from my own perspective. And you know what, DMan would still be the first person that I go to when I ask for critique on my work. Why? He does the same to my work. Sure, he does not dislike my hack unlike where I greatly dislike his, but that is all very irrelevant. In fact, if I would point out a person on this place which I trust and like the most it would have to be just DMan.

So you know what? Fuck you. I'm going to make my hack, my way without a whole lot of layering bullshit or anything else you fuckers may demand. If the hack is not "good enough" for you then fine, you don't have to play it, so GTFO my works. I have my own plans on how to make my hack awesome and if you don't like it then go somewhere else and whine!

From now on I'm going to this my way, and my way alone. Me and my friends don't need you to get this done, and guess what, we don't want you either.

PS: Crashtour99, I think I'm going to use that background, I don't remember seeing it in fusion, are you sure it's from there? Regardless I need to know it's exact origins even if it is from fusion so I have an easier time to rip it. :p


Nice post. Spoilers: The people who tell you that they want your hack their way are not significant. In fact, I don't even know why you'd listen to them in the first place when the whole point is to create something that's fun to you, something you appreciate the style/workings of. If people don't like your hack, they can find another one or make their own. I believe the saying goes "Haters gon' hate"?

As for people complaining when they've never made a fullhack of their own, that's just human behavior. It's really stupid, but people are also stupid.


itt Green-kirby decides he is fed up with people who complain about his hacks much like he does to everyone else shortly after he became really angry because no one banned zozo from #metconst quick enough.



Hey look it's bloodsonic! Go back to playing with your new colours! :awesome:


I never said your stuff was ugly! :awesome:

Hiroshi Mishima

Layering, for me, is one of those neat extras that some really talented (read: people who aren't me) are capable of pulling off that give a room a little more "oomph", so to speak. However, I've never condemned a hack/room because of a lack of layering, as I myself am not very good at it either. Insofar as I'm concerned, if you wanna use laying then go ahead and do what you're capable of and who knows, you may learn/pick up new tricks and techniques a long the way. That's how it works most of the time for real (ie: people who aren't all talk) hackers that actually do try to make these things, and non-hack related projects as well can apply to this.

I myself have never actually finished a Small Hack or even a Half-Hack, though not because I can't. It's mostly due to the fact that I get distracted or I just get bored of what I'm working on at the time. So for those who have a hard time and still manage to actually pull off a hack, especially one that's as good as Ice Metal 1 was, then I say all the more power to you for getting it done! It certainly does wonders for the confidence of someone like myself in knowing that just cause I keep putting off my own hack doesn't mean it won't be finished someday.

So take your time, do what you can, and get it looking good the way you want it to look.


Quote from: Crys on November 13, 2010, 07:38:17 PM
PS: Crashtour99, I think I'm going to use that background, I don't remember seeing it in fusion, are you sure it's from there? Regardless I need to know it's exact origins even if it is from fusion so I have an easier time to rip it. :p
I can't remember where, but I found a .zip containing bitmaps and .pngs of all the tilesets and backgrounds from Fusion and ZM.  Though I don't remember seeing it in-game, that is actually a copy of one of the files from the Fusion background folder (had tons of em in there).
IIRC that particular file is a .png, so what I did was use Paint to convert it to a 24 color bitmap and then imported it into TLP (usually this devastates the image you're trying to import, but on this particular one it worked really well), reworked the palette, then got rid of all the extra copies of tiles used to make that pic.  Can't remember what I did with the .gfx and palette file though, so I may have lost/deleted it by accident.