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Ice Metal 1: Uninstall [Ver: 1.4.2]

Started by Lunaria, August 21, 2010, 06:40:37 PM

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Narpas Sword

I played this after Hyper Metroid and absolutely loved it.
Probably one of my favorite hacks. The graphical changes are great.
Beat it with only about 60% item collection so I'll definitely go back and play it again.

One of my favorite things in this hack is that...
[spoiler]the end is totally different compared to the original. Which was really unexpected and one of the reasons whey my item collection was so low.[/spoiler]

I didn't like boost ball so much. It's a nice idea actually but I just didn't use it that much.
In some occasion I thought I was stuck in water until I realized that...
[spoiler]it's possible to walljump.[/spoiler]


Actually, while you can walljump underwater, I made certain there there is no place where this is needed sides a "sequence break" or two. (Though I admit, some of those extra passages are a bit hard to find.)

It's always joyful to hear people enjoying the hack though! :3

A Dummy

Question, is this supposed to be easy to sequence break? At least the first time I play a hack I want to try to do it in the intended order, but with this I had a hard time telling if I was in the right spot sometimes. (I ended up accidentally getting the Gravity suit before the Varia suit.)


I'd say it's fairly impossible to sequence break the hack, since, you know, it barely has any sequence at all. :p
(That is to say, how do you break something that does not exist?)

A Dummy

Oh good point. XD  I thought it seemed easy to just run past the closing gate in Norfair before I even had the Varia suit.


Hello I'm a Metroid great fan I have in stock many snes cartridge of Metroid repro like
Metroid Zero Mission
Metroid Phazon
Metroid Icemetal uninstall
Hyper metroid

I never had any problem before I start my Ice metal.
The game start normally but as I press on the controller button several time the game crash. If I start the game and dont press any button, the game entrance to the metroid keep room with people dead on group wont bug by itself... If I start press button I can reach the map of the ship and with some luck see the game begin but if I press 5-6 time the A button or move right or left the game crash every time.

I opened the cartridge to see if I can see any problem on the processor but everything seem ok. Can someone help me with that plz its the only repro who dont want to work propelly. I bought it on EBay with the casing for like 50$ if anyone can help me with the back of the chip to show me what represent the controller so i can try fix it by myself. :whoa:


Quote from: periard on June 07, 2016, 02:30:27 AM
Hello I'm a Metroid great fan I have in stock many snes cartridge of Metroid repro like
Metroid Zero Mission
Metroid Phazon
Metroid Icemetal uninstall
Hyper metroid

I never had any problem before I start my Ice metal.
The game start normally but as I press on the controller button several time the game crash. If I start the game and dont press any button, the game entrance to the metroid keep room with people dead on group wont bug by itself... If I start press button I can reach the map of the ship and with some luck see the game begin but if I press 5-6 time the A button or move right or left the game crash every time.

I opened the cartridge to see if I can see any problem on the processor but everything seem ok. Can someone help me with that plz its the only repro who dont want to work propelly. I bought it on EBay with the casing for like 50$ if anyone can help me with the back of the chip to show me what represent the controller so i can try fix it by myself. :whoa:

The rom file is probably corrupted on the cart itself, mind showing some pics for proof ?
Besides that if it won't load up on a a cart, just play the hack on a emulator like Luna intended ?
Hell you could even grab a dstwo and cheap dsi/dsl/3ds and play the hacks with catsfc.


I'd just like to make it clear that I have no connection with anyone making reproduction carts, if they produce faulty products then that's entirely on them.

And to further clarify: anyone making these cartridges in a commercial sense is doing so without my permission.


Hello, I'm playing this hack and is pretty interesting, although I guess I might have got a different route from the intended one, as I ended with space jump before gravity suit and gravity suit before varia.

I have a couple of problems/questions. The map that I have found on this same thread doesnt completely fit the one of the lastest version, I haven't found all the differences, but at least I can say that the landing site room is different, and I can't find the lower exit of this room:

acording to the map there is a warp there, and in an old gameplay video I saw there is a super missile block in the spikes, however I can't find it, X-ray beam shows nothing aside from the item orb to be a beam-breakable block. Is said warp deleted in the last version?


Don't worry too much about the 'intended' route. This hack was designed to be very open, so there are tonnes of routes for progression.


Quote from: Wrulfang on June 11, 2016, 12:10:40 PM[spoiler][/spoiler]
It was a stupid hidden warp which lead to dummied out content, I removed it to maintain the quality of the game. The only reason I left that warp there was to allow people to have a look at what could have been... but eh, not worth it. If people want to look through the hack then they have other means.


So I finished it with a 99.0% item count.
I had counted in the map 48 missile expansions, and I had 49. I guess I somehow missed one somewhere, as I had all the other items, including the 14 energy tanks, 4 reserve tanks, and 10 super missiles and power bombs


Quote from: Wrulfang on June 12, 2016, 09:30:00 AM
So I finished it with a 99.0% item count.
I had counted in the map 48 missile expansions, and I had 49. I guess I somehow missed one somewhere, as I had all the other items, including the 14 energy tanks, 4 reserve tanks, and 10 super missiles and power bombs

Total missile count is 250, so, yes, you are missing one.

[spoiler=Possible solution]If you're talking about the Mapstation map (Mapstation site is currently missing for some reason, but I have a backup of the Ice Metal map), that map is missing a secret room in Deep Ice where you are likely missing your missile expansion.  In the large room with one of the Wave Beams, there is a Power Bomb in a small area at the top-right corner.  You need to get one of the snails into that area to eat at the ceiling.  There's another expansion up there.[/spoiler]


Quote from: CaRmAgE on June 12, 2016, 05:06:23 PM
Quote from: Wrulfang on June 12, 2016, 09:30:00 AM
So I finished it with a 99.0% item count.
I had counted in the map 48 missile expansions, and I had 49. I guess I somehow missed one somewhere, as I had all the other items, including the 14 energy tanks, 4 reserve tanks, and 10 super missiles and power bombs

Total missile count is 250, so, yes, you are missing one.

[spoiler=Possible solution]If you're talking about the Mapstation map (Mapstation site is currently missing for some reason, but I have a backup of the Ice Metal map), that map is missing a secret room in Deep Ice where you are likely missing your missile expansion.  In the large room with one of the Wave Beams, there is a Power Bomb in a small area at the top-right corner.  You need to get one of the snails into that area to eat at the ceiling.  There's another expansion up there.[/spoiler]

I that area of these room I found the 9th power bomb expansion (there is a missile that is normally accessible and then is the powerbomb that needs to use the crabs to eat the ceiling)
So I guess is not that missile expansion I am missing.

this screenshot is from a previous savestate, but I have another savestate before saving at the point of no-return

However, I noticed the missile expansion before the hidden powerbomb doesn't appear in the map I was using

So since I counted all the missile expansions on that map, 48, and knowing the one I'm talking about is the 49th, I just need a map with the 50 missile expansions to see what one I was missing


Quote from: Wrulfang on June 13, 2016, 07:51:56 AM
So since I counted all the missile expansions on that map, 48, and knowing the one I'm talking about is the 49th, I just need a map with the 50 missile expansions to see what one I was missing

I had to go back through my ZSNES speedrun files to refresh my memory.

[spoiler=Missing missile expansion #2]Remember the area in the upper-left part of Lower Steamfair, where the first Chozo Statue was fake, and the second Chozo Statue holding the missile expansion was also hiding a third Chozo Statue room with a Power Bomb?  Well, that third room actually has another missile expansion in the acid (it's a standalone block you can shoot).[/spoiler]

It's not on any maps I've seen, so it might be the one you're missing.

(I really need to redo that speedrun some day.  I screwed up so many times...)



Recently played the most recent version of this after not playing it for like 5 years.  Very satisfying experience overall.  Love the open-ended feel.  The ending part was cool although I wish the escape route were longer.  I also wish it had the thing in most newer hacks where you resume spinning while falling. 

Never found the ice beam (which made Metroids a bit of a pain) nor did I find Screw Attack.  I found everything else and finished in about 5 hours with 86.3% of items.

Steel Sparkle

Quote from: DonnyDonovan on October 02, 2016, 02:30:18 PM
Recently played the most recent version of this after not playing it for like 5 years.  Very satisfying experience overall.  Love the open-ended feel.  The ending part was cool although I wish the escape route were longer.  I also wish it had the thing in most newer hacks where you resume spinning while falling. 

Never found the ice beam (which made Metroids a bit of a pain) nor did I find Screw Attack.  I found everything else and finished in about 5 hours with 86.3% of items.

[spoiler]Ice beam is where your ship is if i remember correctly. you need speed booster to get it. It's the strongest beam in the game.
Screw attack is next to useless for offence. It should be located in the place you got the games Gravity suit. not the area near it. just somewhere in that place. it also requires speed booster.[/spoiler]


Really liking this one so far. It's big, but not overwhelmingly so, and it's open-ended, but not in a way that's frustrating. The items I'm finding are giving me subtle hints as to where I should start exploring next.

Only one complaint: Beams. For one, they are hard as hell to find. Got Wave/Spazer, still no Ice, still no Charge (though I saw what might have LOOKED like Charge but couldn't get it because I can't find Speed Booster) and it's late game. Is there a reason why all the beams are so obtusely hidden? I can understand hiding Spazer/Plasma well since those are direct firepower upgrades that should be handsomely rewarded to the diligent player who checks places carefully, but Charge/Ice/Wave should be automatic on-the-path items because they're pretty much necessary for progression (unless you are really keen about bomb/wall jumping and finding ways around wrong-side shutters, and power bombing Metroids), and shouldn't be as hidden as they are. I would have stumbled across Spazer eventually, but finding the Wave beam was sheer luck (X-Raying literally every room in Steamfair). Also, Spazer is just...really weak. Doesn't seem to increase my beam damage at all, and I actually have to turn it off to be able to harm some enemies (such as Bombus and Deseegas). Wave/Spazer by itself should more than triple my firepower, but it barely seems to raise it at all.

Where the hell are you, Ice and Charge beams?


Quote from: Foxhound3857 on October 16, 2016, 09:06:43 PM
finding the Wave beam was sheer luck(X-Raying literally every room in Steamfair).

There's actually two places to find Wave Beam.  You found the harder one to find (IMO).

Quote from: Foxhound3857 on October 16, 2016, 09:06:43 PM
Where the hell are you, Ice and Charge beams?

[spoiler=Ice]Next to the landing site, speed boost from your ship to the right. Shinespark up through the suspicious-looking patch of ground.[/spoiler]

Quote from: Foxhound3857 on October 16, 2016, 09:06:43 PM(though I saw what might have LOOKED like Charge but couldn't get it because I can't find Speed Booster)
If you're talking about the thing before a Map Station in Dark Mist, then, yes, that is Charge.  You automatically get it later on if you forget to get that one, though (fyi).[/spoiler]


Quote from: CaRmAgE on October 16, 2016, 09:34:18 PM
Quote from: Foxhound3857 on October 16, 2016, 09:06:43 PM
finding the Wave beam was sheer luck(X-Raying literally every room in Steamfair).

There's actually two places to find Wave Beam.  You found the harder one to find (IMO).

Quote from: Foxhound3857 on October 16, 2016, 09:06:43 PM
Where the hell are you, Ice and Charge beams?

[spoiler=Ice]Next to the landing site, speed boost from your ship to the right. Shinespark up through the suspicious-looking patch of ground.[/spoiler]

Quote from: Foxhound3857 on October 16, 2016, 09:06:43 PM(though I saw what might have LOOKED like Charge but couldn't get it because I can't find Speed Booster)
If you're talking about the thing before a Map Station in Dark Mist, then, yes, that is Charge.  You automatically get it later on if you forget to get that one, though (fyi).[/spoiler]

Thanks for the help. I got them both without needing to look up their locations though (just a hint for the Ice Beam). Took me forever to find Speed Booster though, I got Gravity and Space Jump before I found the damn thing. Only items left are Plasma Beam and Screw Attack, both of which I can do without if I don't find either of them in Lower Steamfair.

Spazer still sucks even with Ice/Wave boosting it. I've had it turned off the whole game, Ice/Wave by itself is performing far better.


Quote from: Foxhound3857 on October 16, 2016, 11:56:32 PM
Only items left are Plasma Beam and Screw Attack, both of which I can do without if I don't find either of them in Lower Steamfair.

Almost no-one ever finds Screw Attack on their first playthrough (look back through this thread if you don't believe me).  You should be able to find Plasma, though (although[spoiler=Hint]it's not in Steamfair at all)[/spoiler].

Quote from: Foxhound3857 on October 16, 2016, 11:56:32 PM
Spazer still sucks even with Ice/Wave boosting it. I've had it turned off the whole game, Ice/Wave by itself is performing far better.

That's because, IIRC, beams in Ice Metal become weaker when combined.  Only equip one beam at a time.

Another benefit to using Spazer by itself is that it shoots rapid fire (although it will get outclassed by Plasma regardless).



Clear time: 4:04
Collection rate: 75% (11 E-Tanks, 3 Reserve, 185 Missiles, 25 Supers, 40 Powers)

Did not find Screw Attack or Plasma. Used Missiles almost exclusively on everything up until Golden Torizo, the only time my Charge Beam got to shine. Might not have been able to win that one without Ice/Wave with the constant life drain.

Fun hack. Didn't like how it handled beams, loved everything else.


Screw attack is fairly well hidden so I'm not surprised you missed it, but the area that hold plasma beam actually looks fairly unique, so I'm surprised you didn't run into it.

If I were to re-make this hack today I would change a fair bit of things that I wasn't happy with how they ended up, but I'm glad you ended up liking it for the most part. :p


I saw three areas in particular that I could not get into. One was a wall in Lower Steamfair that, as far as I could tell, the only way in was through some crumble blocks. The second was a room above a secret elevator in Steamfair that required Ice Beam and Speed Booster to get through. I got through that room, but the one beyond it I couldn't find anything (it had 3 Buyons on the upper ramp and a Ripper below it). The last was an area through an elevator in the upper left of Deep Ice, right around where I found the Speed Booster. I forgot about that room after I got Space Jump and never visited again.

I never found Draygon either.