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Ice Metal 1: Uninstall [Ver: 1.4.2]

Started by Lunaria, August 21, 2010, 06:40:37 PM

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Quote from: Crys on September 04, 2011, 04:47:29 AM
The speed fall (as I call it) is a rather hard trick to learn (though I'd say learning to mockball is harder.)
What you need to do is morph while in mid air of a speed boost, than unmorph while still holding the d-pad forward, at this point you can shift from forward on the d-pad to upwards. If you face backwards you will lose the speed charge, and by unmorphing you lose all momentum forward so you just let yourself fall downwards with the charge.
Actually, there is an easier way to do a speed fall. When running with a speed booster, just press down at the right moment (right before running off the ledge or breakable floor)

Video attached. Watch using defalut ROM

Phazos: True Phazon deity

Hey guys New here but anyways. I have been playing Ice Metal and I have found a few bugs... one of the bugs has to deal with the Boost Ball or Mega Ball as it is called... I have done this three or four times already anyways. Charge up the boost ball and boost through a door, if done right you'll her the sound effect of the speed booster while the game is performing the screen transfer. the other bug...

well it in the area labeled SURFACE... when you go to the spot where the map data is at for the surface across from there are three shot blocks HOWEVER when using the scan visor on them it show's Spike (Bottom) Fall block (Middle) and Shot block (top). I'll see abut posting a screen shot of this later.

EDIT: Below is the screen shot... hope it's not too big...


^ That's a cool tree.
I've been playing this some more and I think half of the boost/mega ball pickup icon animation is broken.
This hack is so fun.


Hmmm, I have known about both of those two from before. The first is a sound glitch, which I don't know how to fix, nor do I think it needs to be fixed. The other is a tiletable error that I never got around fixing, or rather, I never found a good way to fix it. :/

Thanks for tuning in though!

And yes Daltone, the mega ball pickup icon is broken in animation, it will be fixed in the next bug fix release. (As I have already fixed it but I have not released it.)

Phazos: True Phazon deity

ok I am slightly lost at the moment... and needing help...

[spoiler]I am in an area called The Core my items are as follow: 6 Energy tanks, 3 reserve tanks, 130 missiles, 15 super missiles, 35 power bombs, X ray visor, wave beam, SPazer, Varia suit, Gravity Suit, Morph ball, Bomb, Mega Ball, and hi-jump boots....

Am I supposed to be there yet or not???[/spoiler]


Unless you sequence break you need speed booster to get in there. You have everything you need to go there, but I do recommend finding a few more energy tanks before doing so.

[spoiler]It's after all, the final area of the game. Therefore, it should be the last place you go to. I should also note that there is a point of no return in there at one point.[/spoiler]

Also, while I'm at it:
Quote from: Phazos: True Phazon deity on September 09, 2011, 07:38:51 PM
Ok I have one question for you regarding the hack... why did you make the beam fusion perpetually useless??? I have wave and spazer beams and when I have tehm both equipped certain enemies are unaffected by it, also the beam fusion seems to make the beam weaker in power...
so why did you do that?
To answer your PM (Though I think it was explained in the read-me.) most beam stacking combinations are bad for damage, but you also get more function. If you stack wave and plasma for example, you get two functions, passing walls and penetrating enemies. In order to balance it I made the damage lower, therefore, most beam combos (or solo beams) are equal good, though do different things.

There are, of course, some combinations that are better than others, experimentation is key.

Phazos: True Phazon deity

Well Crys... I managed to get to the door before Ridley's room with no problem and also I have this Gaming ability where I am able to tell if I am not supposed to be in an area or not. Anyways I have not found the speed booster yet but I think that I have found the near where abouts of it... [spoiler]there is a four square room with power bomb blocks that are covered as being spiked plant like terrain blocks... a room to the right is a long room but the door is metal unfortunately... I do not know how to get in to it.[/spoiler]

Might I say one other thing... DEEP ICE is the huge and confusing... like a maze. Ok where do I go from here... Oh let's go left... keep going keep going... blast back where I started and coming in from the right no less... CONFUSING!!! but I like it.


Well, there IS a mapstation in there. <_<;

Phazos: True Phazon deity

Yeah I managed to find it... btw did you disable all the glitches in the game??? I kinda figured that the Murder Beam glitch was a program in the original game but was disabled due to the makers not having any idea of what to set as the sprite for the beam. There was still away to equip all beams due to that glitch and we all know how to do that...

the one glitch I am wondering if you removed was the Blue Suit glitch... Cause in draygon's room in deep ice I am able to pull off the Crystal Flash (and get grabbed shortly afterwards which through some issue charges up a shine spark but does not show it.) There for you have a Shine Spark to hit Draygon that last time with. I'm just wondering if you removed that little glitch...

Can anyone tell me where Screw Attack is??? I've been all over the area's and have not found it anywhere... and also MUDER BEAM!!! killed Ridley with that...


Quote from: JAM on September 07, 2011, 12:35:46 AM
Quote from: Crys on September 04, 2011, 04:47:29 AM
The speed fall (as I call it) is a rather hard trick to learn (though I'd say learning to mockball is harder.)
What you need to do is morph while in mid air of a speed boost, than unmorph while still holding the d-pad forward, at this point you can shift from forward on the d-pad to upwards. If you face backwards you will lose the speed charge, and by unmorphing you lose all momentum forward so you just let yourself fall downwards with the charge.
Actually, there is an easier way to do a speed fall. When running with a speed booster, just press down at the right moment (right before running off the ledge or breakable floor)

Video attached. Watch using defalut ROM

- Thanks for the explanation.  Took a bit but i got it.  in the vid looking again i see the morph now.  Happens so quickly i didn't notice, bu seems so obvious now.

- Thanks for the suggestion.  i actually got your idea to work on the first try.  Substantially easier, but would have never thought of that.


hi, you know what, i liked this game back then when i play it, but never picked it up again for one reason ; yo get charge too late... :/


Just came in to say that I am blown away by how amazing and fun this hack is.

I first played through SM: Remake, which was awesome, but just downright annoying sometimes.  I never felt the need to use savestates for any game until SM:RM, and I think that its just ridiculous how it was essentially required at various parts (I was able to complete the Hell Run after a dozen or so attempts, but I had to configure savestates at the part where you obtain the Grappling Beam). The bombs limitation drove me insane as well, and I was never able to IBJ.

I've now been playing Ice Metal for an hour or two, and I'm enjoying this hack much, much more. I like that I haven't had to run around for an hour or more just to find one specific key item to continue, and that its challenging but not "Savestate" hard (at least not thus far).

The graphics are phenomenal, and the Varia Suit looks really cool.  Keep up the good work!! :)  Thank you for making this!



Always good to see people enjoying my (and the whole teams) hard work!


I'm a bit late to the party here, but I figured I'd stop by to say that I really enjoyed this hack.  One of the best I've played. It's obvious a lot of thought went into the design, and it works really well.

[spoiler]I somehow managed to finish the game without fighting Crocomire or Draygon.  Also never found Speed Booster, Space Jump, Screw Attack, or any beams besides Wave and Charge.[/spoiler]


It's good to hear yet someone else enjoying the effort I put into this! =)

And yeah, most of the game is optional so it's no wonder you did not pick up everything.
[spoiler]I am a bit surprised you went and beat the game without speed booster or space jump, without some fancy jumping skills it's hard to get up into ridlys area. :P[/spoiler]

Prime Hunter

Decided to play this one again and downloaded what looks to be the newest build, v1.30, from the original post. (I applied the re-palette patch that came with it as well, nothing extra.) Things were progressing just like I remembered until I got to a room in Steamfair that has stumped me each time I've played. (A75D) Each time I've played the game before there has been nothing there, but this time when using X-Ray I noticed there was a super missile block in the lava beneath me, which for all I know has always been there and I hadn't noticed it until now. I shot it and dropped down into a door transition, which plopped me in the long hallway that's normally right before the Speed Booster in the original game, but it looks half finished and it's not on the map. The right door to where SB normally is throws me back into the room with the Hi-Jump Boots. The left door goes into the 1x2 room that's normally there in Super, which then exits into the southeastern portion of Steamfair to the east of the lower elevator. (ACB3)

I'm guessing there was a plan for those rooms that you never followed up on, but I'm pretty sure this shortcut is in no way intentional.


Someone did not read the Read-Me!

Though I suppose it was pretty dumb idea to add it in. :p
Yes, I added that path to show off several connected beta rooms for players who wanted to see them. But yeah, that room is pretty darn pointless before. :3

Prime Hunter

Heh, whoops. I probably read it back when I first played the game over a year ago but I didn't go through the whole thing this time around. Guess that should teach me to read those with each new version of a game, huh?

Oh well. Seeing as that was the only real issue I found when playing the game this time I'd say that's a good thing. Anything else, such as heading to Ridley far earlier than I should have and being forced to take him down by using every last PB I had due to no charge beam and low ammo, was my own fault. But that's half the fun of Ice Metal, doing stupid crazy things like that and getting them to work somehow.


Crys et al

Thanks for this hack I had lots of fun playing this even if I did things in a really weird order (I basically had almost all non-beam items before I got my first beam upgrade!).  The final battle against gold Torizo was real tough for me until I figured out the best way to beat him

My top tip for this battle is to... [spoiler]Cower in the leftmost corner of the room near the missile re-charge, deselect all beams except plasma and charge, select power bombs (you'll need to have around 12), then charge up the beam and watch the 4 green energy balls hit Torizo whilst you take zero damage from him and only gradually lose health from the environment  :grin: [/spoiler]



Hey Crys, great job with Ice Metal. Loved it, from start to finish, especially second half of the game. I have a question about the story setting though. If Ice Metal takes place after Fusion, are Samus's suits supposed to be the suits from Fusion?


The suit you start with is supposed to be the suit you end with in metroid fusion. All the other suit upgrades in IM are sorta unnamed since they simply fill the same function as Varia and Gravity does in the original.  :P


I thought so! Very cool. Thanks for replying.


yay bump!

Due to my own recent let's play playthrough of the whole hack. (You can find that on my [noembed]livestream[/noembed]) I noticed that 100% was not possible. (Due to the lacking of a single missile tank.) I may be wrong in this regard, maybe, but I had some other people proof count for me as well.

Therefore, I finally got my hands out of my ass to get out an updated 1.4 version with bug fixes. This is the change log so far, and unless I run into any more things that needs fixing, expect this to be out quite soon.  :D!:

- Rotated the morphball maze in the mountains.
- Fixed a few odd looking tiles in deep ice (Tile laying, not graphic editing)
- Placed the missile tank in the deep ice turtle room again due to me thinking the hack lacks a single missile tank. (Confirmation would be nice.)
- Shamelessly changed the varia suit and space jump graphics to look more like prime series.
- Fixed the messed up mega ball pick up graphics.
- Changed the X-ray room again placing the harder puzzle on getting the X-ray rather then the secret passage.
- Removed the passage to beta rooms from steamfair, it was fucking stupid anyway. <_<;
- Fixed the hatch and door in kraids room not having the graphics the rest of the doors in the game used.
- Removed the fog in hi-jumps room.
- Fixed the surface map to reflect that there is a square you can't actually get to in landing site room.
- Nerfed the Zeela to do less damage. (It was planned (originally) to be used in deep ice, rather than dark dust.)
- Made the grappling points in one room of Poison Point more obvious.
- Made the confusing power bomb able barrels in the same room none-bombable to remove confusion.
- Removed a powerbomb block from Dark Dust that was not used for anything.

If you know any other bugs or odd things that should be fixed, do bring them up now!


Quote from: Crys on August 11, 2012, 06:14:12 AM
- Removed the passage to beta rooms from steamfair, it was fucking stupid anyway. <_<;
Thankfully, this will also remove a possible bug in Ice Metal 1.30 that was already pointed out by metalsubstance last year.
MetroidMst/ShyGuyExpress has also faced it during its Let's Play of Ice Metal on Youtube.

Indeed, the Energy Tank located in the west part of lower Steamfair (in "the room of Death" :lol:) has the same ID than the Missile hidden in the beta Speedbooster Hallway (which wasn't accessible in 1.24) Getting that missile expansion prevents you from getting that Energy Tank later which is relatively bad, considering the extremely hazardous room you have to cross to get it.

Anyway, I can just echo what most people have already said, this hack is great, can't wait for the sequel. Big thanks to Crys and the team.  :cheers:


Yeah I saw that when I watched metroidmst's let's play and figured it was the missile tank in the beta room that fucked that up. :P