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Small - interface design/requests

Started by DFPercush, August 11, 2010, 06:53:12 PM

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Anyone who's been hanging out on IRC knows about small, but for those who aren't in the loop, here's a brief explanation:

Small stands for Super Metroid Allocator, and it is a memory management tool. It will allow you to repoint data, insert new states into rooms, add doors, delete/remove/clean things in the rom, consolidate free space ("defragment"), and more. It is not a level editor, and it doesn't care what data you put in your rom. Small only deals with location, size, and type of various kinds of data. If you want to move something to a different location, small knows how to update all pointers to reflect the move. It can generate lists of things which point to a certain piece of data, as well as what that data points to. It also has a smart delete function: when you delete a piece of data, all pointers which point there are reset to 0, the data is cleared with $FF and marked as free space, and any other data referenced from that block is deleted, provided that nothing else is using it. If more than one room uses a certain piece of data, like bg, it will keep it until the last room is deleted.

So, having read that, the topic of this post is interface design. Some of the core functions of small are complete, but I haven't taken the time to make a really nice interface yet. Small is actually a test bed for a custom GUI system I've been working on for a long time. Eventually I plan to support Mac OSX and Linux/Xlib. It looks much like early versions of windows right now. You have your basic buttons, text boxes, scroll bars etc. I'd like to know your opinions about how it should look and behave. Not all requests will be honored, but I'm open to suggestions. I do have some ideas of how to improve it, like a list to the side rather than just status text. Anyway, tell me what you think.


I don't like that some of the colors are so close to each other.

[spoiler]#FFFFFF - white
#CCCCCC - grey
#333333 - dark grey

#FF0000 - red
#0000FF - blue
#FFFF00 - yellow

#00FF00 - green
#FF6600 - orange
#FF00FF - purple

#00FFFF - Cyan[/spoiler]
that seems like a pretty well rounded setup, without colors being to close to each other. (except greyscale, but thats got a wide enough gap)

just my two cents


If the colors are that much of an issue, what about an option to change the colors to whatever you want?


There are several more types not listed in the window there. I had trouble coming up with enough colors to go around. I'll probably go with Grime's suggestion.


someone that used this tool? and can tell if its good?



Let's be serious for a moment: in the time you've waited to get a response, you could've tried Small out for yourself. Also, asking "is it good," at least to me, implies you aren't fully understanding what it does or how one would go about utilizing it.
Also, necro-bump. :>

Silver Skree

Whatever you think of it, it's about to get a whole lot better.  :colonrightv:


really the guy who made it  has not been around here so much.  :heheh: